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[Share] Advanced Hitman (Global Daily Event)


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that was the coolest share i ever saw...you're a braniak...it would be nice if some1 could adapt it for epilogue cause i tried this code and i got some errors :/

ill update it, next week to be exact.

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hey guys anyone can help me how to add this hitman system ? i dont know where to add files


and if someone can make this system and for l2jserver  .. for that i have to change just  import location  from net.sf.l2j.gameserver

into com.l2jserver.gameserver

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Amazing!!!!! I will use it for sure.. downloading.. :D .. Those are good mods.. xaxaxa(i am thinking about all players, if anyone hate me ,he can give 100000000000)..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Grats and thanks for the event.

Just test this event on my epilogue server and i fund that when the killer is kill the target is getting Karma.

Any idea why that happened even if on my config files i have HitmansTakekarma = False ?



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please anyone can explain me how to add this  Event i really want !!!


hitman.diff added succefully  "using apply patch"

PlayerToAssasinate  i dont get any error at this file  "i added  by copy/paste"


but i cannot add  hitman.java  and L2HitmanInstance.java "i added manualy by copy paste" i tryied by "import from Eclipse" i tryed "Apply Patch "  but it sayd "Patch File does not contain a valid patch"


i'm using l2jserver 


:'( :'( :'(

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