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Is LineageII dead?

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Well the real fact is that l2 is slowly dying I believe,if the NC Soft can't do something more interesting then the most players will leave for sure.In the European Forums of Official I see many dissapointed players about the development of l2.

Of course in South Korea l2 is doing well,but I think that in Western Countries which the competition is much higher they just don't choose LineageII to play as a mmorpg.


the development is another thing the korean servers have good developers but the others...

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Well guys what do you think about L2 nowdays?


I believe the game doesn't worth it nowdays.


1)Bad graphics


2)Unbalanced classes(Dwarfs and Kamaels are useless,Elfs and Dark Elfs are not so strong as Human and Orcs).


3)Latest updates are totally useless.(From T1 to Gracia Epilogue,we saw nothing interesting)


4)The gameplay remains still boring(Kill monsters to get adenas,kill to get weapons,kill to gain levels,kill...all the time)


5)Lag problems


Seems that NC Soft just don't care about it anymore.


Furthermore the private servers are almost all laggy,with bad GM's and corrupted.Nothing like the big good old servers like L2 Elite,Noobwars,The game and there were also some good high xp servers.All these make the players to avoid L2.


A true fan of L2...


What is your opinion about L2 nowdays?


no man...you say all these due to the private shit servers...

in official you will never get bored...in order to become the best

you will play all the time and you will find something to do!

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in official you will never get bored...
The reason I quit Retail actually...

you will play all the time and you will find something to do!
Like grinding your way to the next level... fun


Anyway, L2 is still a great game to me, with pwning graphics, BEST MUSIC EVER, and good gameplay, apart from the slow leveling. Perhaps I go try retail again with Freya (CT2.5)

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Lineage II doesnt have the same ppl before Aion release.Aion pwnt all MMO :P


Aion in my opinion is not a such a good game like l2,and actualy and in 10 years aion wil not have a big succes like l2..


About l2 is gonna to die but was amazing.

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l2 will die with the world's end(not -beep-ing 2012,is a shit-.--)..is the best mmorpg atm even if someone can tell that WOW is better,but wow's graphic sucks even with a good pc

WoW have cartoon graphics

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How can anyone ever say that AION is BETTER? OMAGAD!


I play Aion, I like Aion. But stopped to play Lineage 2 because of the all things u mentioned up there and on the previous pages, but I WOULD NEVER SAY that Aion is better, Aion is big slimy crap considered to Lineage 2. PvP in Aion is stupid, everyone praised it for its PvP system, no it sucks. If you compare mass pvp in Aion and mass pvp in Lineage 2, then Lineage 2 is a win. I think that the real reason, as I mentioned before, was creating other packs that server could run on, that way every kid at the age of 11 could create his own server. And this is really stupid.

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