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[Report] Threads That Need To Be Locked


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information missing about his problem, i think it needs to be locked :P



according to NeverMore's rule, should be junked because of [Help] tag in wrong section

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information missing about his problem, i think it needs to be locked :P

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close this --> http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=269925.0  or i will keep reporting noobs that pm me in order to scamm and get rich with 10 euro....I had a conversation with Noble and Matthew that told me underworld tf never came out in skin code cards..So close the topic or delete it.. Every days kids pm me offering the skin with 10 euro and ball sh1ts I alrdy reported 3 of them..1 is alrdy banned the other 2 are on the way  :happyforever:

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