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Fake...they make this movies only for advertising like theEnd Say The Earth Will Survive..and nostradamus can say we will die in 2010 we will be still alive,i don't believe in that prophecies,i belive only in god.

yea but ... look here.. why god dont help this pll???..


so we are in 3rd dimension... and universe is 4rd dimension, so if this really happen the earth will get alot of changes oO


Im confused xD

me too xD

Hm... what i know is that they say that the sun will send some fire on earth... xD, if you see "Knowing" film you see in the end what means.

But you wanna know what is interested? Its that NASA says that should happen! but without coincidences to us. OMG im scared now o_O


My msn message "Ice is melting water level is raising yes dude i really care about that but, can you get me a beer please!?"


Guys relax, this is just one of the 7 prophecies (lol i dunno how to say in english)

check this site http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=pt-PT&ie=UTF-8&u=http://www.evoluindo.org/previsoes/os-maias-apontam-2012-como-o-fim-de-um-ciclo-na-terra&sl=pt&tl=en&history_state0=pt|en|


It tells all story have fun, now about 3D & 4D i never hurd xD



My message "Beer? are you kind of baby? vodka owns :p"


so we are in 3rd dimension... and universe is 4rd dimension, so if this really happen the earth will get alot of changes oO


Im confused xD


As I have done many researches , Finaly I have dicided that it is fake !


Because they want to people before die to spent their money and some companies be rich etc....

2nd: There powers out of earth that protect us... Sch as the sun... before 20 year a meteor was comming to warth... but when it was near the sun... somehow the sun did some chemical reaction and the metoer was destroed also before 100 years another meteor was comming and it would destroy the earth...somehow it is destroyed... bedore 50 days they found that a UFO has impact with meteor and it was destroyed.....

3rd: Mayas discovered that in 2012 , we will go to the 4rth dimension(diastasi)..... As Einstein said , we are in the 3rd simension of earth....

4rth : Also Logical... Humans are in the earth from 20000 b.c. Christ came after 20008 years.... and the world will desteoyed after 2000 years only??

5th . It is The End

6th: We are still alive!!!


και ο νοστραδαμος ειχε πει με την εκλογη μαυρου προεδρου στις ΗΠΑ ο κοσμος θα ερθει στο τελος του...


να τα μας ομως...


guys its really that a lot of pple say that we will die at 2012 a planet will crash us !!

mayas saying that 2. there are 1 million + websites that saying that tv says that also a movie created caled 2012.


here we start.


if that thing will happent in real then,1 planet named: nibiru will come close to earth and he will hide the sun

This planet will not CRASH into earth but he only will hide the SUN so another ICE AGE will come to earth.

some pple also they have BUY !!! lands into moon and underground of earth to save their selves.they was saying for millenium 2000 will be the end of the world but..nopez im still here and post at maxcheaters.com xD





wish if you die at 2012 (if its really true) pray to god when you die dont Hurt....



As I have done many researches , Finaly I have dicided that it is fake !


Because they want to people before die to spent their money and some companies be rich etc....

2nd: There powers out of earth that protect us... Sch as the sun... before 20 year a meteor was comming to warth... but when it was near the sun... somehow the sun did some chemical reaction and the metoer was destroed also before 100 years another meteor was comming and it would destroy the earth...somehow it is destroyed... bedore 50 days they found that a UFO has impact with meteor and it was destroyed.....

3rd: Mayas discovered that in 2012 , we will go to the 4rth dimension(diastasi)..... As Einstein said , we are in the 3rd simension of earth....

4rth : Also Logical... Humans are in the earth from 20000 b.c. Christ came after 20008 years.... and the world will desteoyed after 2000 years only??

5th . It is The End

6th: We are still alive!!!

i am for this one. all others tell boshits. and this dear TheEind happens cuz the sun has a bigger magnetic field then the earth. cuz the earth can hold only the moon and the sun holds all the planets near it. i know that in 2xxx year the sun will die. i will stop to give us sunshines and it will get real cold and real dark and we all will die. anyway the ppl will kill themselfs before the earth will die. anyway from here only TheEnd is right all others are talking boshits and btw its impossible to come aliens to the earth. cuz the sun shines travel years to come TO THE EARTH, i dont talk how long it takes to go to the last planet but no one is so fast as the sunshines, so dont worry aliens wont come to the earth and destroy us, or they must travel a lot of time in to the nothing and come here by misstake. so gf all. that was all for me . i will watch what stupid things you are answering here and pls stop with that stupid videos cuz i cant take breath from laughing (how can there be a hot lava in to the open space when there is -65535 temperature and lava by earth temperature gets hard after some H ..... get real dudes and get a life ) xD


και ο νοστραδαμος ειχε πει με την εκλογη μαυρου προεδρου στις ΗΠΑ ο κοσμος θα ερθει στο τελος του...


να τα μας ομως...

Auto einai aplos ratsismos imo.
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