webhack Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 MaxCheaters is full of kids. Go check RaGEZONE or PostPasific. No crappy shits. Clean development.
MelodicDancer Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 MaxCheaters is full of kids. Go check RaGEZONE or PostPasific. No crappy shits. Clean development. +1kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Intrepid Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 MaxCheaters is full of kids. Go check RaGEZONE or PostPasific. No crappy shits. Clean development. +1kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk than why in the blue hell both of you here? if the only thing you can do is go offtopic than ok but do it somewhere else...
webhack Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 than why in the blue hell both of you here? if the only thing you can do is go offtopic than ok but do it somewhere else... GF :) Im visiting this forum for laugh only.
LauQ Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 I actually barely can remember how I started, dunno if anyone would care thou ^^. I suppose I first used l2jfree alot; just l2jfree, no pre-pack or w/e. I learned quick about the .xml, sql things, but I never had the guts to suddenly start a server, I somehow knew I would fail and go down... I just messed around a bit: made a little buffer and shared it here, tested some new things, some other packs (Emu, L2J, etc.). Later on I heard from the Java things; learned how to compile, and learned how to add some thingies and still learning; and that's where I am now; still thinking of making a server for real sometime... btw I just heard it comeby: What's wrong with guides? I learned alot from guides, ofcourse not everything; but how to make a server, how to compile etc. (unfortunatly not how to think lol) I would also like to clarify the main point of this discussion: There are way to much servers coming each day and going tomorrow; which causes players that actually tried these server become real pissed and eventually will tend to other mmo's. And the possible cause of this are the pre-configured packs (3-clicks-n-go), the possibilty to make a free website everywhere and people advertising their 'server' here; having their little 'server' go flying around with Wyvern, giving their 'pals' +25 stuff, and so ruining the overall Lineage II gameplay feeling, giving players wrong experience... But I would like to give an argument as well: Learning about making a server for the first time and doing things within a server, you can also learn from normal server packs. Pre-conf packs bring nothing extra, except that people DONT learn how to make their own custom npc's and custom items, and that people get the feeling they can have a great server with 3-clicks. Well, I see it like this: Rain is annoying, and it is a serious problem at some places; but you can't make it go away or make it less. It's not like the people are going to read this 5 page discussion and gonna think; "Heh, perhaps I should learn a bit more before I go throw up my piece of junk server." It's sad but unevitable... In My Humble Opinion
webhack Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 omG i found Intrepid in Redtube ax0a0xa0xa0xe he masturbates with L2JAVA SOURCE!!
TєђGëØrge Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 yeah? where? we are fully of topic anyone to move it somewhere?
LauQ Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 yeah? where? we are fully of topic anyone to move it somewhere?No, unless you missed my post of 8 min ago... It's sad to see a topic with good potential to become a real well-argued discussion getting ruined by a couple of misplaced words and later on by a couple of kids that think they're funny -.-
Zeronimo Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 TєђGëØrge, since when is it difficult to download java, mysql server, ant, grab the source code, and compile it ? You are born with a brain right ? If so, use it, each website (java.sun.com, mysql.com, ant.apache.com) do have detailed information's on how to install each and everyone of those tools. I'm all for banning pre-made package servers.
Kràtos Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 Well .... MxC Developing section .... is for helping starter "Developers" from something they need to start.... I hate that ppl make a pre packs online.... niewbie should know that pre packs are to learn how a server works... If one person want to make something serius must search in every team (L2Java) in every hole of google to learn all basic programs language etc... No one born smart.... And yeah there exist many "crapy server" but my friends if you have the ballz make a server and grow it up with ppl buy a dedicated server and so on.... So before flaming that servers .... ask your selfs if you can do something better than those servers... and all will be better and better... p.s: Sticked .... newbie shoulds see this convertation.... AND PLIZ KEEP IT CLEAN FROM SPAM + FLAME!!
pa40 Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 im totaly agree with you dude. there are a lot of stupid servers and when some guy played on a stupid server on the newest version he decided that the vercion is stupid cuz the gm make it with 1000% lethal chance.
BloodyWarrior Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 omG i found Intrepid in Redtube ax0a0xa0xa0xe he masturbates with L2JAVA SOURCE!! ye? ok take -1 for flaming other ppl and mxc forum go masturbate yourself now. -_- btw I just heard it comeby: What's wrong with guides? I learned alot from guides, ofcourse not everything; but how to make a server, how to compile etc. i dont remember when i started to learn about L2 Develop+Compile etc.But i saw one guide and it helped me a lot, i cant understand what u mean anyway my first pack was not pre-made pack.
nomz Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 omG i found Intrepid in Redtube ax0a0xa0xa0xe he masturbates with L2JAVA SOURCE!! ok, i lol'ed at that. :D
WizZy™ Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 I guess this should be cleaned + better explained why preconf packs are bad.Okay so i`ma start it up now :D 1) Preconf / Premade packs are bad cuz it will be NEVER stable. 2) They are also bad cuz they are full of customs.PEOPLE!Lineage 2 isn't created to be a epic game.. Neither l2j is. 3) If you're about to start a server , better get a root server first.if you use your home PC there will be something like OMIGAD SO MACH LAG! 4) Preconfigurated packs are made to learn from them ,not using them as a public server. Yes i learned from a preconf pack too ,but i guess it was a bad pack afterall 5) The code WILL be messed up. 6) From the customs there are the server becomes more vurable to bugs/exploits etc. 7) You will cry that you have 0 or less online. 8) If you are thinking to giving up some gears to "some friends" , better shift+del on your l2j.. 9) If you have no fucking idea how to edit skills power ,better shift+del on your l2j again. 10) A final tip from me : If you're going to run a server on a home pc , make sure its good and you wont play from it ,also put donations and get money for buying a root host after some donations. So 9 reasons .. I think its enough?
Frank Posted July 15, 2009 Posted July 15, 2009 Who the -_- stickied this topic? /unstickied About topic's subject, every man in the world want to test new things. Some people may are not Developers, or they don't know a shit about developing, but they want to open a private server. Is it bad? Let me give you an example, Do you remember my first servers? L2GreekGodz? La2GS? L2Kapsimo? L2CursedWorld? ... As you can see I started as a total noob (FdLp. can tell you more ;)) My first servers was a total failure, too many bugs, lags, exploits, I remember that I used Killer's_007 pack! Oh God! Haha :D Anyway, what I am trying to say is that I started those noobs servers because I wanted to see what is an Administrator and a GameMaster...Then I tested many things, I learnt some too and finally I opened L2DeathWhisper which was in top10 l2 servers (Hopzone) for 2 months, which had 552 players online (2009-03-21). So, please don't critise new servers (noob servers) because you don't know what is going to happen...If you don't like a server with a ucoz site, or a server with full bugs, just leave and let them learn, if they don't then it is their problem and not yours. Sorry, If I was boring but I tried to explain you my thoughts.
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