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Let me introduce you to a scammer


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6 hours ago, Baygus said:


Ah man 😄 Both of you are trash developer as well. So mind your own business . You are a "developers" with negative IQ. So shut up and go trick your poor customers. You don't even know how to simply  change simple opcode: 0xF1 to make your server work properly with AAC. Your customers are coming and asking for help. So stop acting cool here:) You better learn C++ and how to work with Vanganth source 😄


I haven't heard anyone mention that you've fixed a bug here. Does anyone have information about this person?

This person thinks that by changing 'ilext' to 'bayext,' they've made their own extender 🙂 Hahaha.




At least we're not scammers like you.

When someone comes to me for bug fixes...





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2 hours ago, SkyLord said:

I haven't heard anyone mention that you've fixed a bug here. Does anyone have information about this person?

This person thinks that by changing 'ilext' to 'bayext,' they've made their own extender 🙂 Hahaha.




At least we're not scammers like you.

When someone comes to me for bug fixes...





Even showing this PP transactions proves my words. You are nothing and nobody. You can think whatever you want about me but this doesnt change the fact that you are just a noob leaker.

6 hours ago, Cressendia said:

baygus tried to scam me aswell and calls skylord a scammer pha.. skylord/uknown and so on are ok guys i dont know why u call them scammers, u buy from them and your work wont get deleted


i have chat logs from you trying to scam me, you are natzugen we know you so.. yeah

Hmmm come here with your main profile.

3 hours ago, Nightw0lf said:


I absolutely dont know you and never tried to attack you. Dont get me wrong. I really asked you to stay out of this and let the moderators do their job. Because its useless dialogue doing this here. Also USROA did call me yesterday and we had a talk and we are discussing this between us. I dont think that this gonna continue in this forum anymore. So I respect you as person and never tried to curse you. If you thought different way then I am sorry.

@SkyLord @UnknownSoldier You do not know me. But I know you and your work very well. Especially when I speak to people who is coming to me as your victims. So I believe that these PP transactions was Friend and Family. If it was Eligible with Seller protection so most of this transactions would be cancelled by that people. Maybe someone gonna believe your dumb screenshots but not me for sure. You can feed some people with this but not me )))

7 hours ago, MrTitanas said:

Booom Hello , Raptor guy please fuck off  stop earn ++ for nothing. Second user name usroa or wtf just if u wanna invest buy Skylord or  Trance files theres guys was in bussiness a Loooong time 🙂 By Do Way I am Back M...kers 🙂 

Stop advertising a shit please.

Edited by Baygus
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You always can  buy decent files from SkyLord and be happy + extra mods from  CD team and be  cool  🙂 Lately Celestine had good feautures for sell 🙂 really nice CL dev  🙂 iF SOMEONE FAIL YOU DONT STOP MAKING YOUR DREAM COME TRUE 🙂 sorry caps 🙂

50 minutes ago, Baygus said:

Even showing this PP transactions proves my words. You are nothing and nobody. You can think whatever you want about me but this doesnt change the fact that you are just a noob leaker.

Hmmm come here with your main profile.

I absolutely dont know you and never tried to attack you. Dont get me wrong. I really asked you to stay out of this and let the moderators do their job. Because its useless dialogue doing this here. Also USROA did call me yesterday and we had a talk and we are discussing this between us. I dont think that this gonna continue in this forum anymore. So I respect you as person and never tried to curse you. If you thought different way then I am sorry.

@SkyLord @UnknownSoldier You do not know me. But I know you and your work very well. Especially when I speak to people who is coming to me as your victims. So I believe that these PP transactions was Friend and Family. If it was Eligible with Seller protection so most of this transactions would be cancelled by that people. Maybe someone gonna believe your dumb screenshots but not me for sure. You can feed some people with this but not me )))

Stop advertising a shit please.

Baygus I think you pick wrong person I not advertise this retard, so you kind a own me a appologise >Bro...

Edited by MrTitanas
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40 minutes ago, Trance said:

Let's stay on the topic at hand. I haven't seen any screenshots regarding the payments and their refunds yet.

Tell them ! 🙂  Tryskell? 🙂


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A month ago, I figured out what kind of person you are, and now I'm sure.

You joined mxc in 2023 without any details or proof of your work as a developer.

It's clear who knows about packets and who doesn't.

You're just an average developer trying to trick people into working together on a project and taking their money without doing much.



I would be heppy to see your face and find out who you really are? 

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7 hours ago, MrTitanas said:

You always can  buy decent files from SkyLord and be happy + extra mods from  CD team and be  cool  🙂 Lately Celestine had good feautures for sell 🙂 really nice CL dev  🙂 iF SOMEONE FAIL YOU DONT STOP MAKING YOUR DREAM COME TRUE 🙂 sorry caps 🙂

Baygus I think you pick wrong person I not advertise this retard, so you kind a own me a appologise >Bro...

My apologies then sir!

1 hour ago, SkyLord said:

A month ago, I figured out what kind of person you are, and now I'm sure.

You joined mxc in 2023 without any details or proof of your work as a developer.

It's clear who knows about packets and who doesn't.

You're just an average developer trying to trick people into working together on a project and taking their money without doing much.



I would be heppy to see your face and find out who you really are? 

Well, month ago your question was this.


You was so naive and noob that once I said that I've coded my own extender and just added some few features from Vanganth. You couldn't even understand and believe that Extender can be coded standalone and no need be based on Vang or on different extenders. I understand this too because you didn't see anything beside Vanganth 😄.

Also asking about AdvExt was really funny. I understand this too you just wanted to show me that you know names of these extenders 😄 Thanks for that😄


Ah let me to post here full conversation.


It also was a nice question: Hi there! Which core does the extender use? Vanganth?




After this conversation you figured out what kind of person am I ? What kind of stupidity level is this?

Accept my respects please:)

Edited by Baygus
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53 minutes ago, Baygus said:



You are dodging the question of who you really are? Stop pretending you are not even close to being a developer. You have a chance to show what you've really accomplished.


I'll just give you some friendly advice. Don't try to swim with the big fish.

Edited by SkyLord
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I have a chance? Who gave me this chance? You ?

Who am I? Believe me that we don't know each other. Do you want a date with me or what? Why do you care that much who am I? I can tell you that I am a person who know what's his doing and know nature of wannabe developers as you.

I don't feel a bit to prove myself to unexperienced being in development. It's my hobby and I am not living for L2 Income. That's why I am not selling myself to anybody. Am I  Dodging? I am straight and giving you direct answers. In fact you are the one who is dodging and playing with tons of useless words. I have no more interest in talking to you. Move yourself away from me and I will give you a non-friendly advice. Learn basics of L2OFF development or even game development maybe. It will bring you more satisfying experience. I can feel that how are you burning there inside but that's fine. It's a nature of wannabe developers. I wish that we won't talk anymore and continue this shit. I love you!

3 hours ago, SkyLord said:


You are dodging the question of who you really are? Stop pretending you are not even close to being a developer. You have a chance to show what you've really accomplished.


I'll just give you some friendly advice. Don't try to swim with the big fish.

I have a chance? Who gave me this chance? You ?

Who am I? Believe me that we don't know each other. Do you want a date with me or what? Why do you care that much who am I? I can tell you that I am a person who know what's his doing and know nature of wannabe developers as you.

I don't feel a bit to prove myself to unexperienced being in development. It's my hobby and I am not living for L2 Income. That's why I am not selling myself to anybody. Am I  Dodging? I am straight and giving you direct answers. In fact you are the one who is dodging and playing with tons of useless words. I have no more interest in talking to you. Move yourself away from me and I will give you a non-friendly advice. Learn basics of L2OFF development or even game development maybe. It will bring you more satisfying experience. I can feel that how are you burning there inside but that's fine. It's a nature of wannabe developers. I wish that we won't talk anymore and continue this shit. I love you!

Oups double post. Sorry 🙂

P.S If you think that you are a big fish then I am Muhammad Ali.

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16 minutes ago, Baygus said:

I have a chance? Who gave me this chance? You ?

Who am I? Believe me that we don't know each other. Do you want a date with me or what? Why do you care that much who am I? I can tell you that I am a person who know what's his doing and know nature of wannabe developers as you.

I don't feel a bit to prove myself to unexperienced being in development. It's my hobby and I am not living for L2 Income. That's why I am not selling myself to anybody. Am I  Dodging? I am straight and giving you direct answers. In fact you are the one who is dodging and playing with tons of useless words. I have no more interest in talking to you. Move yourself away from me and I will give you a non-friendly advice. Learn basics of L2OFF development or even game development maybe. It will bring you more satisfying experience. I can feel that how are you burning there inside but that's fine. It's a nature of wannabe developers. I wish that we won't talk anymore and continue this shit. I love you!

I have a chance? Who gave me this chance? You ?

Who am I? Believe me that we don't know each other. Do you want a date with me or what? Why do you care that much who am I? I can tell you that I am a person who know what's his doing and know nature of wannabe developers as you.

I don't feel a bit to prove myself to unexperienced being in development. It's my hobby and I am not living for L2 Income. That's why I am not selling myself to anybody. Am I  Dodging? I am straight and giving you direct answers. In fact you are the one who is dodging and playing with tons of useless words. I have no more interest in talking to you. Move yourself away from me and I will give you a non-friendly advice. Learn basics of L2OFF development or even game development maybe. It will bring you more satisfying experience. I can feel that how are you burning there inside but that's fine. It's a nature of wannabe developers. I wish that we won't talk anymore and continue this shit. I love you!

Oups double post. Sorry 🙂

P.S If you think that you are a big fish then I am Muhammad Ali.


You're the one who started it. It seems like it bothers you when people tell you the truth.


i still feel the same way ❤️

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1 hour ago, Baygus said:

@Celestine @Trance Hello! Could you please remove or close this topic? Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,


Good. Topic locked.

The topic won't be deleted right away because we want more people to know that the problem has been fixed.

Edited by Trance
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