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Have you moved on from L2? And if yes what are you playing?

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As the title says, im wondering, since everyone is so cynical towards L2 in this forum the last few years.

To answer my own question i am mostly playing single player stuff after building a decent gaming rig a few years back and i occasionally help the L2JServer team with testing things.

Edited by Vision
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I played L2 mostly on C3/IL private servers (Dragon Network x5, Dragonians L2OFF), then on retail when GoD was released (around lvl 86) and except few hours on L2OvC (released by my laboratory monkey Sahar), I never played again on a server.


I play TESO, some Satisfactory and I was on the Dark and Darker playtest (unfortunately it was only one week of game and I played for 3 days) those days.


Most of my MMO experience is on non-Steam games : Warhammer online (where the private server state is way worst than L2J btw - mob don't use any skill), Rift, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Star Trek Online, Aion (private server), Fallen Earth, Black Desert Online, Lord of the Rings online (was collecting the Turbine Points to unlock multiple zones), Vindictus, APB Reloaded, Defiance, Planetside 2, Perfect Online,... I got probably multiple thousands hours of games on all those MMOs, played more than 15 for sure with heavy hours spent on.



Edited by Tryskell
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I started L2 on L2Pandora C3, it was low-rate can't even remember the exact rates. I played for like 1-2 weeks there until some friends started on a C4 mid-rate server, L2Revenge. I played for about 6 months L2Revenge, until I made the worst decision and started on PvP servers (L2Immortal C5 was the first, then L2InfoGate Interlude etc). I stopped playing PvP servers 4-5 years ago and started actually learning the game on some low-rates and mid-rates.


I've played A LOT of league of legends (I'd say more than 4k hours, considering I reached 1k hours in PUBG in just under 1 year and I've been playing league of legends since season 3), multiple single player games (mainly the assassin's creed series and old Total War games) and a few MMOs here and there (MU online, Black Desert, New World which I'm currently still playing etc).


I never blamed private servers for the horrible state of the game nowadays. In my opinion, NCSoft ruined the game completely. They actually brought up a very nice game that people loved and managed to turn it into the worst retail experience I've seen in a game. Private servers got more and more fame, because of NCSoft's stupid actions, and with fame comes money. People stopped caring about providing a nice experience for the players and focused on the same shit as NCSoft -> how to extract as much money as possible from the remaining players.


They made the private server scene a complete joke, with russian ddosers asking 1k euros from admins just to let them have an opening, up to clueless idiots spamming high rate interludes just to get 50 euro so they can spend it on McDonalds.

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I started with C4 on dexternet, then higher rates like elite pvp and clones of it on interlude. Later made my own servers and stopped playing after that. Then when Aion was available as private servers I started playing it, stopped, played a lil bit of wow on private and stopped again after a few months. When I didn't play L2 or an mmo, I would play games like elder scrolls oblivion & Skyrim (got like thousands of hours in that game) replayed games a lot like mass effect and assassin's creed. Right now its mostly cyberpunk 2077 and try out different builds.


My first mmo was mu online, quite popular in Romania. And our main internet provider Digi, actually hosts or hosted the largest mu online server, linkmania.


Im thinking of picking up guild wars 2.


Regret not playing archage at launch


L2 is mostly dead to me, i liked it till C5, then it turned in this weirdo korean fantasy game.

Edited by Setekh
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2 hours ago, Setekh said:

Im thinking of picking up guild wars 2.


Try New World, their ability and gear system is very nice and unique (from what I know at least). Leveling doesn't feel tiring, at least so far (I'm lvl 30). I'm basically waiting for Throne and Liberty (aka Lineage 3) this spring and Ashes of Creation around 2024-2025.


Also I'm pretty hyped about the new Assassin's Creed Mirage.

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It's better to change games instead of playing same game everyday... it's annoying to do same stuff in lineage 2 whilst the passion of this game came to its end.... there are plenty of games that everyone could try out tho, steam is the best choice right now to play games.... recently i'm playing from GTArcade the game "League of Angels Heaven's Fury" it has got lots of stuff to do...

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39 minutes ago, An4rchy said:


Try New World, their ability and gear system is very nice and unique (from what I know at least). Leveling doesn't feel tiring, at least so far (I'm lvl 30). I'm basically waiting for Throne and Liberty (aka Lineage 3) this spring and Ashes of Creation around 2024-2025.


Also I'm pretty hyped about the new Assassin's Creed Mirage.

Thanks, I forgot about New World, after the buggy launch scandal. I heard they fixed it up and planning an content update.


And yeah I'm also waiting for ashes, hope it's gonna actually launch. Keeping up to date on it fr Narc's YouTube channel.

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I heard a lot about Ashes, if you manage to make a MxC guild I would eventually join when it's up (I'm support, generally healer, btw).


Hopefully, we don't wait for nothing. Those days, games are launched while they're not even ready. 😄

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I started on a random c3 server - it was a low rate one; but not for too long anyway. My internet cafe and I quickly moved to c4. I remember l2pvpx, l2dex, l2max, l2brazuca, l2forever; too many to remember. L2Gold was probably the first custom server I tried, back when having a weapon with SA and Noblesse was the big thing. After that, I think L2AePvP (rechristened L2Pride) became a big thing in our internet cafe. Even though most of us had a computer and internet at home - 100mbps fiber (in the building) in early 2000, in our city.


I regret not playing WoW. Only a few nerds played this game when I was a little kid.


I was playing a lot of DotA and other custom maps on Warcraft 3 - mostly on Garena.

CS 1.6 was a game I dominated the most in terms of performance; late elementary school/early high school.


I rarely play L2 and CS:GO these days.

Mostly DotA 2 - my biggest performance was probably in 2016 or so. Now I'm a noob. Mostly playing occasionally with other noobish friends.


So all my life I've been a Counter Strike, DotA, Lineage 2 player.

I tried other games, but not for too long, I got bored very quickly.
I guess competitive gaming is for me. But as you get older, you don't have the same reflexes or time for it. The change will be made sooner or later.

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This is a good topic! I like seeing what other L2 enthusiasts play these days.


I haven't been playing L2 for a long time, since I've been focused on developing stuff for L2 instead (ironic, I know), but it's a lot of fun.


Favorite game for me is Diablo 2, so I've been playing the remaster every season. I'll play this Friday too.

I've also spent a lot of time playing Path of Exile over the years.


I like randomized loot a lot. That's also why I'm working on a D2 mod for L2. I call it Linctuary. It's going well, I'm excited to get it playable. It's been challenging though, but a lot of good people have helped me out. It would probably be easier to do if I used L2j instead, but I prefer the real deal 🙂

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3 hours ago, Bumble said:

I like randomized loot a lot. That's also why I'm working on a D2 mod for L2. I call it Linctuary. It's going well, I'm excited to get it playable. It's been challenging though, but a lot of good people have helped me out. It would probably be easier to do if I used L2j instead, but I prefer the real deal 🙂


I see you created a reddit about it 2y ago but nothing inside.


"A D2 mod for L2" -> how does it even work ? Just curious. 😄

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1 hour ago, Tryskell said:


I see you created a reddit about it 2y ago but nothing inside.


"A D2 mod for L2" -> how does it even work ? Just curious. 😄


Haha yeah, it's been a long time coming. I don't have enough time to finish the project quickly, but I've been working on it steadily whenever there's time. It's built using Emca's H5 extender,


It would take a lot of time listing out the different features, so I'll paste some info from discord. I don't mean to hijack this thread, but since you asked, here it is:



Using quote so it's collapsed for people who don't give a damn 🙂image.thumb.png.93dc042b5f82847c9065cacb130e8793.png


image.pngCWomoUO.pngPGfyDzs.pngtortyKs.pngYmB0H9B.pngLots of drops

v2b9onf.pngValues are not this high, this was just for testing.

UN25gim.png In-game map kinda working too, but nothing's final


I'll get around to finishing it. Someday.





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41 minutes ago, Tryskell said:

Well, you're kinda heroic to edit all those data to match your own needs.


I wouldn't get the same patience :D.


It's a lot of work for sure, but I'm generating a lot of content through L2Homage, so it's not so bad. It just takes time 🙂

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