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Abusive Mod


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I declared my opinion about his abusive behaviour and I get this



Well, first of all learn English when you represent a forum.



"Disrepsecting Staff for multiple times"

It should be "Disrespecting Staff multiple times"


"Talking and behaving not very polite."

It should be "Violate forum's code of contract"


"Next time, it will be a chat ban for a week"

It should be "Acording to the forum rules, a penalty of one week chat ban will be applied"


I suggest @Maxtor to make his staff be more polite to the community of the forum especially veterans who contribute with precious knowledge this forum.


This guy is not suitted to be a Moderator, not to mention a Global Moderator as he acts personally and vengenfully abusing his power in a way that it reflects his extremely low self esteem, the forum is already dead and you need to take actions to revive it, Moderators like this little guy here contribute to a worse forum.


Also regarding my warning, I would like to see the rules I violated of which result as a warning for a 1 week chat ban.



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You just declared your opinion? No you said the followings:


1. First time you said that "I'm a clown" you are provoking me without a reason just to say your opinion which I don't really care.




2. I didn't warned you in the first time my bad I was too soft and then, you call me again clown in a second post like I didn't hear you. So you are clearly don't respect me at all. I didn't even answer you I just warned you for the second time and if it will be third time you will be chat-banned guess what is the next punishment after chat-ban.






So, you report me after you disrespected me two times and you expect an answer from @Maxtor

Good luck with that.



Edited by Vision
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clown is a flame ? it seems to make you kinda butthurt but its excactly my opinion about you when you threat forum users in an abusive manner.


I've called you a clown because you indeed made me laugh with the stupidity of such behaviour , is our opinion supressed in this forum ?

31 minutes ago, Vision said:


So you are clearly don't respect me at all 


Why the hell should I respect you even a little bit ? what excactly did you do to earn your respect and reputation? All I've seen is a new random - irrelevant blue guy threating members for personal reasons.


31 minutes ago, Vision said:

I didn't even answer you I just warned you for the second time and if it will be third time you will be chat-banned guess what is the next punishment after chat-ban.



Warn me all you can if that makes you feel strong little guy, I was banned before many times in this forum but my name still stands, I earn my reputation based on hard work and skills that nobody has in the forums and I am an active contributor for everyone that slides in my DMs. You need to work your ass off for many years to earn the respect of guys like me.

You are going to be a nobody once the administration finds no use on you and dumps you in the trashcan, you will remember my words when the day comes. So don't get this as disrespect, take it as a challange for self improvement because till now trust me you are the irrelevant here.

33 minutes ago, Vision said:




This photo you post right here should be a reason for a shameful instant demote on all forums in the world. Yet you bring it as a proof ? like come on dude how blind can you be?


You said "on me" and "to me" 2 times in just two small lines, how butthurt did this guy make you and why are you using your Mod powers as a vengeful attack for personal reasons ?



PS: There will not be a third time. One was enough to finish you off, you are completely irrelevant I am not going to waste another second of my precious time for irrelevants like you.

Cheers mate

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surprised topic isn't closed yet like all previous reports, just in case some other would want to add their thoughts

power tripping janitors are last thing needed by forum with 200 daily users :D

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43 minutes ago, AlmostGood said:

surprised topic isn't closed yet like all previous reports, just in case some other would want to add their thoughts

power tripping janitors are last thing needed by forum with 200 daily users 😄


From where did you pull out that "janitor" card?


If you take away daily dramas/flexes between sexually frustrated manchilds who visit this forum then u will have just server ads spam/scammers spam/  shares copypasted from l2jbrasil/ru forums. Thats it.


Visit russian communities, you will not see such shit happening. 

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