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Selection of L2 Server platform

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It's been so many years since I've tried install and create a L2 server.. for what I've tried to catch up, there are a couple of platforms with which one can create a L2 server. As far as I've learned, we have L2J, L2 Off and others (?). Can you guys help me with some cons and pro's about the options available for taking this first step in creating my server?

Thanks a lot in advanced for your concern in this subject.

p.s. I've tried to look out at the forum search and did not found such a subject (or just didn't know how to make the proper search)

Edited by Aaron_Shinta
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L2OFF all the way, people dont use it because they dont even know how to install it.


everything runs smooth

after you understand how everything works the logic is always better

consoles can crash and restart

hard to add customs

hard to make/find/create website
language C++ no people available even if you pay them gold to help you write this language if you dont know it by your self.

hard to edit extender

hard to find components that dated in 2005-2008

L2Java (Emulator of L2OFF Files)

can do anything write it as bad as you like and will still work

easy to find/create website

easy to edit and use latest technologies

alot of people write bad java language

consoles crash while you sleep

emulate is still try to imitate the l2off behavior without much of success for 10 or more years

bad behavior

unexpected crashes




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1 hour ago, Nightw0lf said:

L2OFF all the way, people dont use it because they dont even know how to install it.


everything runs smooth

after you understand how everything works the logic is always better

consoles can crash and restart

hard to add customs

hard to make/find/create website
language C++ no people available even if you pay them gold to help you write this language if you dont know it by your self.

hard to edit extender

hard to find components that dated in 2005-2008

L2Java (Emulator of L2OFF Files)

can do anything write it as bad as you like and will still work

easy to find/create website

easy to edit and use latest technologies

alot of people write bad java language

consoles crash while you sleep

emulate is still try to imitate the l2off behavior without much of success for 10 or more years

bad behavior

unexpected crashes




I agree with everything you say about java but not with the crashing. Unless the pack is completely shit, filled with memory leaks, and unclosed connections, crashes are rare if non existent on a clean source. 

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Hello everyone.. thanks a lot for your honest and detailed replies. This is the best community of L2 server developing I've found on the net... I know that this sentence is "cliché", yet, on most places you find either: a dead community (years without posting), members are too jealous (or lazy?), to reply or help, or they "keep the knowledge for themselves".


Thanks again to everyone that let their time to read and comment 🙂


Edited by Aaron_Shinta
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8 hours ago, Porthos said:

I agree with everything you say about java but not with the crashing. Unless the pack is completely shit, filled with memory leaks, and unclosed connections, crashes are rare if non existent on a clean source. 

well still an unexpected crash while you sleep is 100% damage and reason for your server to die from every perspective, and most codes shared have coded on jdk 6-7 without proper try with resources, people code something and if it works they dont care to go deeper and check for NPE's or empty arrays and you find your self with pants down, personally i dont know any pack that have no memory leaks in java or no crashes, l2off on the other hand if a console crash, you can restore it automatically with "res(surect)" program (i would choose l2off even if its harder to work)

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Indeed L2J needs to be rewritten from the bones. But I can say out of experience those "L2OFF" platforms and extenders that claim to be PTS leak also have bugs and you won't be able to find a source other than decompiled, making it a lot harder to work with, on top of all they are heavier on resources.
The true benefit of "OFF" platform would be if you run highly populated low rate server with minimum custom features.
While JAVA platform is suitable for customizing game-play to unlimited extend (maybe client).

Edited by Cherish
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