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L2Homage; Making L2 Modding Accessible





I'm making this post to test the waters. If what I'm about to show you doesn't interest you, I'll take it as a sign to stop spending time on it. I've been hoping that the old adage "If you build it, they will come" holds true, but I think it's time to straight up ask for feedback. I've contacted a few people for possible collaboration, but none have shown much interest (which is completely fair).


I've been working on L2Homage in my spare time. It's not a quick project, and it will take a long time to complete. It will be done modularly, so it will be usable in stages. The first one is already functional, but I'm still doing tests.


What is L2Homage?

L2Homage is a modding tool meant to make modding L2 OFF files easier. It doesn't do anything you can't do on your own, by editing a handful files.

L2H is an extensive editing tool for both client and server files for Lineage 2 Epilogue. While still in development, the intention of this project is to provide users with a tool that’s capable of repurposing most of existing ingame content. This will allow users to rethink and reshape the world of Lineage 2, providing the hordes of burnt out players with new, exciting content, without having to spend hours learning how to manipulate the data structure. The hope is to see a bunch of unique, new game worlds appear, instead of relaunches of the same L2 experience we’ve all been through too many times to count.


How much will it cost?

L2H will be free, and eventually completely open source. This is not a project created for monetary gain, it’s solely meant to revitalize the stagnating server scene.


Which L2 version does it use and why?

L2H is meant to be free, so the server files should be as well. The most complete, freely available L2OFF files are the Gracia Final/epilogues files, and with Eressea’s extender, it feels nearly bug free. It’s a very strong, free base to build this project on. This tool would likely follow Eressea's extender. If she decides to upgrade L2 version, L2H would most likely follow.


When will it be done?

This is a side project with a single developer attached. It won’t be completed fast, but each milestone will be made available to the public, once tested and functional. The development will be modular, with each version providing new options. If you're interested in helping out, let me know.


Why are you making this post now?

L2H is meant to help users customize the world of Lineage 2. Every user has a different vision, and as such it’s valuable to gather not only critique, but feature requests and suggestions from anyone interested in the project. The development direction is not set in stone, and is open to change. It's also a test to see if such a tool is even desired. If people tell me this is a waste of time, I'll throw in the towel. There's no reason to continue working on something unwanted.


Which language is L2H developed in?



How do I use L2H?

Install the L2OFF gracia epilogue server files and Eressea’s extender, then open L2H. There are 3 folders in the L2H directory; client, server and data. Copy the required server script files into the server folder and the decrypted client .txt files into the client folder. There is a .txt file in each folder, informing you of what goes where. Don’t touch the data folder, as it only keeps track of the work you’ve done so far. When you’ve placed the data files in the correct folders, open the application and go to the load/save tab. Click “Load All” and wait. When done, the other tabs have been populated with data, which you can edit freely. When you’re done editing, click “Save All”. If you don’t click save, your data isn’t exported. Now copy the modified files back where they came from. Client files need to be encrypted with an encryption tool again.


What does it look like?

Here are a few screenshots of the application in action. It’s still very barebone, but that will change in the future. Loading functionality:



Weapons editing:



Armors editing:



Etc editing:



Sets editing:



How does L2H work?

Decrypted Lineage 2 client files and server script files are structured in a very specific way, one that can be parsed and edited. When developers add or remove content to the L2OFF platform, they do this by hand. This often requires editing more files to add a single item. For instance, if you were to add a single weapon, you would have to edit weapongrp (client), itemname-e(client), itemdata(server) and item_pch(server). L2H does this for you with one input. There are a LOT of variables for items, most of which aren't relevant to the modder, and it's easy to mess it up. One wrong space, and your server won't run, or your item won't work. Instead of adding new items from scratch, modders choose a weapon to use as a template. L2H copies all relevant information, and exposes variables that are interesting to edit in an easily accessible grid view. When you're done editing, click export all to get the correctly formatted files. You can copy those directly into the server and client (client files need to be encrypted again).


Can I add custom models and animations?

If you want to add custom models, you will have to do that the old fashioned way. There is a lot more to adding new models to the game, compared to repurposing it. Completely new content like that, however cool it may be, is not the goal of L2H. That being said, once you’ve added the new content, you can use L2H to edit or copy it.


Why are you not planning to develop X?

If you have a feature request or suggestion, feel free to message me or comment in this post. The planned features are those that are absolutely possible to deliver. The limits of L2H is well known, and there won’t be an attempt to include features beyond those. If your suggestion falls within the possibilities of L2H, it will most likely get added to the list.


When will the next version be available?

When it’s ready. This is an ongoing project, and while updates may be far apart, it’ll be finished one day. The project uses no copyrighted info. It's all relying on reverse engineering the data structure. It only reads the data you feed it. Development will continue until all values available for change have been exposed. If I'm doing anything I shouldn't, please let me know. I have no intention of breaking the law.


Will you be running a server?

No. That's not my motivation.


Will it work for other versions of Lineage 2?

That’s not the focus of this project, so that’s not a compatibility that will be added. It will work with any version of Lineage 2 that uses the exact same data structure as Epilogue. Should a newer version of L2OFF be made available, there’s a slim chance L2H will be updated to fit that data structure.


Will it mess up my files?

Remember to keep backups. There can be bugs.


Can I delete items?

You can only delete items you’ve created yourself. If you start removing data from the client and the server, you’ll most likely run into issues. If you delete an item that exists in the game world, you might run into issues as well. It’s better to disable these from being acquired, and then remove them from players’ inventories.



What's in the current version?

Check the roadmap and version description below.


Version 1.0 - Items - Done

Adding, modifying or deleting weapons

Adding, modifying or deleting armors

Adding, modifying or deleting etc items

Adding, modifying or deleting sets


Version 2.0 - NPCs

Adding, modifying or deleting NPCs

Adding, modifying, deleting or assigning spawn points

Adding, modifying, deleting or assigning drop lists

Adding, modifying, deleting or assigning multisell shop lists

Adding, modifying, deleting or assigning specific AI


Version 3.0 - Items Continued

Adding, modifying or deleting recipes

Modifying item enchant success rate

Cell input options lists, to see which options you have per cell

Adding, modifying or deleting tattoos


Version 4.0 - World

Adding, modifying or deleting hunting zones (Won’t appear on map)

Adding, modifying or deleting zone names (Won’t appear on map)


Version 5.0 - Quests

Adding, modifying or deleting quests

Adding, modifying or deleting rewards


Version 6.0 - Raids

Adding, modifying or deleting Raid Bosses

Creating custom NPC behavior through interface


Version 7.0 - Core

Modifying the base attributes, hp, mp, regen etc of each class and race per level

Modifying the XP requirement per level

Modifying race and occupation description

Adding, modifying or deleting loading help tips

Adding, modifying or deleting system messages (“You carefully nock an arrow”)

Modifying server name


Version 8.0 - Pets

Modifying pet stats and attributes


Version 9.0 - Skills

Adding, modifying or deleting Skills

Modifying when and if classes learn different skills


Version 10.0 - Ingame Systems

Adding, modifying or deleting manor items

Adding, modifying or deleting fishing items



Let me know what you think,




Edit: I'll leave this up for a few weeks and gauge the interest before deciding the future of the project. Thanks for your interest.


Edit2: It seems people are interested, so I'll continue developing this. I started a Discord for anyone interested: https://discord.gg/97yAsCA


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Thanks, that works! It also encrypts the l2encdec.exe and the dlls though, any way to prevent that?


EDIT: Nvm, I got it. This works:


for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b "%~dp0\*.txt"`) do l2encdec -e413 %%f "%~dp0enc\%%f"


Thanks for the help

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That sounds good sepultribe, thanks. The file extensions L2H will be handling are .dat and .ini, at least for a long time. I don't see other file extensions being relevant for now, but let me know if I'm wrong.



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for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b /a:-d "%~dp0"`) do (
set "_ext="
if /I %%~xf == .dat set _ext=1
if /I %%~xf == .ini set _ext=1
if defined _ext l2encdec -e413 %%f "%~dp0enc\%%f"

yeah most probably, this is the version that accepts only DATs and INIs, u can expand it to more extensions simpy by adding more ifs

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Progress Update:

- Massively improved feedback from log panel

- Implemented loading numbers for spawns, both original and custom

- With help from @sepultribe, I implemented automatic client encryption and decryption of files.

- With the same approach as used for encryption/decryption, L2H now calls an assembler. This turns the decrypted files into editable txt files. The dissasembling and assembling is also automated and executed when user clicks export.

- Reworked directory structure. Now there's a Data and an Export folder.

- Data contains 4 folders:

  • Decrypted client files
    • Encrypted files are automatically decrypted, disassembled and placed here for L2H to access.
  • Encrypted client files
    • User places .dat files here, untouched. They will only be used the first time L2H is run, to cache a data baseline.
  • L2H
    • Contains all custom data the modder inputs, as well as pointers to droplists, npcs, spawns etc.
  • Server
    • Contains all the relevant .txt files from the server Script folder

- Implemented confirmation boxes so you don't end up exporting when you don't want to.

- Changed NPC Name ID Generation from reusing the number ID, to a more tangible name ID based on the clone source.

- L2H now requires the .dat files to be available in the "Data/encrypted client files" folder, instead of the .txt files.

- Any changes made without exporting, will still be saved in the txt format.



Below is a screenshot of the completed loading process and export process:



I'm happy with the progress! I can now copy in the .dat files and the server script files, click Load All and start modding right away. I still need to implement some delete and remove functionality, but everything else seems to be working so far.


If you're curious, it takes about 2 minutes and 45 seconds to load everything. It takes 5 seconds to save, a bit more when you have to encrypt data. L2H uses a little less than 800mb RAM right now. Everything "heavy" is now parsed, except for AI (which is an entirely different beast). 


When delete/remove is implemented and I have access to a server to test some exported script files on, where I can confirm they work, I'll share a test version for people to break. I'll start work on parsing smaller .dat, .ini and server script files after that. It's kinda silly that I still haven't added l2.ini.


EDIT: I had a little extra spare time left. Removing spawn areas and npcs now seems to work. All that's left now is to test exports on a server, and provide some input proofing.



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I've finished adding some initial input proofing. I'm sure there's some issues to be found still, but if the modder just knows where to enter text and where to enter numbers, it'll be fine. I'll fix it as it comes.


I'm moving on to testing as soon as I can. When tests are successful, I'll share the current version. Again, if anyone has a test-server I can access, that would be very helpful.





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Progress Update:

I've mostly been sharing updates on the Discord channel and privately with Weedy, but it may be a good time to share some news here again.


L2H is coming along nicely. Weedy has been very helpful with testing, and together we've eliminated a lot of crashes and bugs.


There has been a lot of updates since my last post here, too many to keep track of. From what we can tell, everything seems to work completely, except for two things:

  • Set description text
    • Custom items that are part of a set, aren't showing up correctly when reading the chest armor item description text.
    • Set bonuses seem to activate regardless of amount of set items equip.
  • Fixed positions for npc spawns.
    • NPCs seem to not spawn at the fixed position, even though exported files indicate that that should be the case.

We're currently trying to fix those two issues. When they're fixed, the first test version will be shared. I expect to share later this week.


We're able to create custom copies of any weapons, armors, misc items, sets, npcs, spawn areas and droplists with a single click of a button, and everything loads into the client and server files crash-free.


There's also a few new features that I haven't mentioned here before:

  • L2H now reads L2.ini for easy server address IP editing.
  • A toggle to choose to only export custom spawn areas. Create your own empty world canvas with one click.


Here's a few screenshots from testing, courtesy of the always helpful Weedy:







I think I talk for both Weedy and I, when I say we're excited to see what people will make with this tool.

There's still a lot of ways L2H could crash or bug out, but with more testers, we can find the issues faster.


Stay tuned,



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Quick update:

Sets seem to be fixed now:



We still need to test if fixed npc positions work. After that works, first version of L2H will be made available.

It may not be today, but it's very soon.



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Heya guys!


Some more screenshots from the tests with L2Homage capabilities :)


Bumble just added a feature within L2Homage to add default attribute stats to items, here's a quick example:




It is extremely easy and fast to add those parameters to the item, as well as change things like name, description, stats, etc. (and actually multiple defensive attributes can be added at the same time to one, just no visual support in UI. You can see the stats change on the left with only 1 attributed item equipped). 


Some other things that can be done:


Populating spawns, for example changing orcs and goblins to unicorns right under Elven Village:




In spawning tab, there is even a drop-down menu with selection of which npcs you wish to add to the spawn, so it goes fast and simple.


Quickly adding an NPC to the starting zone (within existing spawn with Nerupa and Newbie Helper):




One more mini-video from testing custom sets:




So it's quite convenient and user-friendly, and I am personally enjoying using and playing around with it. TBH, @Bumble is a freakin genius, and that tool is one hell of a thing for modding :P Super excited for more things to come and very happy to be able to help with testing!


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5 hours ago, Gansallo said:

Super cool software!


Thanks, I've put quite a lot of effort into this, it's nice to know it's appreciated :)


I'm currently working out a system for editing AI. I was planning on doing skill editing first, but some of that stuff seems to be hardcoded into the server (mainly skill effects). I'll add skill power/level/mp cost/etc editing, and classes/level requirements soon(ish), but I'm super into the AI structure for now. Also have a lot to do in real life.


I'd appreciate it if we moved to the release thread instead though, so if anyone wants to chime in, please do so in the release thread.



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go over grp files...


i have issue with weapon sample range


converted high five weapon dagger for c4 client and did by mistake sword range 


it is kinda of a hell of numbers and a small wrong space leads to no encrypt


i wont pay for itemname modifier xD  neither npc


but i could be interested if you reach over  armorgrp weapongrp etc

anyway... well done 

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2 hours ago, etherian said:

go over grp files...


i have issue with weapon sample range


converted high five weapon dagger for c4 client and did by mistake sword range 


it is kinda of a hell of numbers and a small wrong space leads to no encrypt


i wont pay for itemname modifier xD  neither npc


but i could be interested if you reach over  armorgrp weapongrp etc

anyway... well done 


Hey there, thanks for testing it out.

L2H is only intended to work for Epilogue at the moment. If you try to load high five or C4 data, you'll get incompatible data.


Small wrong space leads to no encrypt, yes. I've tried to protect the input to prevent user errors like that, but it's possible I've missed some of them. If you let me know where it happens, I can correct it.


You won't ever have to pay for L2H, it'll always be free.


Did you download the newest version, 3.1?

Also, it'd be best to take these suggestions to the release thread, now that it's finally available.

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    • After 12 years after our first launch of Frintezza, we are not the young men and women anymore, a lot of us have jobs, family, kids, or something else that doesn't allow us to play this game the amount of time that we used to have, but we still want to play this wonderful game once again. In this order of ideas, this is why we have thought of a battery of customizations to the OFF files in order to bring you a great quality of game and at the same time, make it more enjoyable at the time of sitting down to play it. These quality of life improvements contain: Frintezza II x1 - Game Features  General Server Settings  Frintezza Core  Founder Membership  Premium Accounts  Server Phases  General Settings  Starter Packs (ingame Gifts)  Improved Mana Regeneration system  Buff system through Agathions  Vitamin Pets (Hunting Partners)  Class rebalance (skills modifications & new skills)  Gatekeepers improvement  Black Wyvern Rider  UI improvements  Enchantment system improvements  Quality of Life changes Re: Frintezza x1 - Server Settings & General information  TUE MAR 12, 2024 5:38 PM  XP & SP: x1  Adena: x1.5  Drop: x1  Spoil: x2  Quest Drop: x2  Quest Reward: x2  High-End Server and Network: Our platform boasts an enterprise-class server equipped with dual physical processors, featuring 144 threads, and employs Enterprise SuperFast NVME U2 storage to ensure a seamless gaming experience without lag. Our network is fortified against DDOS attacks and includes multiple DDOS-protected Accelerator links through AWS, OVH, and Hetzner.  L2OFF PTS: We prioritize game stability and authentic retail features. To achieve this, we offer the finest Files, Scripts, and Geodata available. We extend an invitation for you to join our exclusive Founder Membership. As a member, you will enjoy lifetime weekly rewards across all current and future servers. Don't miss this opportunity to continuously earn rewards across all our platforms. Founder Member Benefits Weekly Rewards: Lifetime rewards on any current and future servers. Anniversary Rewards: Lifetime rewards on any current and future servers. Stay Informed: Be the first to receive email notifications about the launch of new servers. Participate in Polls: Have a say in the selection of upcoming server chronicles and styles. Exclusive Beta Access: Be among the first to be informed about and invited to closed beta tests. Preferred Nickname Selection: Founder members receive priority in choosing their nicknames. Preferred Clan name Selection: Founder members receive priority in choosing their clan names. FrintezzaL2 Community Upcoming Servers: A variety of server rates including low, mid, and high, across different Chronicles (C4, Interlude, H5, Classic, Essence). Upcoming Styles: A selection of gameplay styles such as Vanilla L2OFF, Stacksub, Craft, PVP, GVE, and more. Your Opinion Matters: Our community is built on the feedback of our members. We strive to create a welcoming environment and are committed to using your recommendations and opinions to enhance the gaming experience. We encourage you to share your thoughts in our Discord and Forum. Your input is valuable and will contribute to making a meaningful difference. Be a Founder Member today, HERE!  XP & SP: +50%  Adena: +50%  Drop: +50%  Spoil: +25% Premium Features Auto-Hunt usage Blacksmith of Mammon through the Premium Manager Merchant of Mammon through the Premium Manager Weekly Consumables Rewards through the Premium Manager Premium Cost  15 days - 150 Frintezza Coins   Dawnfall Dominion marks the beginning of your journey in the world of Lineage 2. In this phase, players start as fledgling adventurers, exploring the lands, honing their skills, and facing the challenges of the early game. They can progress up to level 70, forming alliances, battling monsters, and laying the foundation for their adventures to come. Game-related context: Players begin their journey in the lower level zones, encountering basic quests, monsters, and dungeons suitable for beginners. Focus is on leveling up, acquiring gear, learning the game mechanics and being part of Epic battles fighting the Ant Queen, Core and Orfen. Rates: 1-70: x1 Key points Phase duration: 1 month Equipment goal: A-Grade Raid bosses: Ant Queen, Orfen and Core. First respawn will be previusly announced. Midgard's Ascendancy represents a significant advancement in your journey. As players reach this stage, they have already proven themselves as formidable warriors, capable of facing greater challenges. With the level cap raised to 80, players delve deeper into the world's lore, engage in epic battles, and unlock new abilities with 3rd class changes, subclass and olympiads. Game-related context: In this phase, players explore more advanced zones, encounter tougher monsters, and participate in more complex quests and events. They may also engage in PvP battles, begin to focus on endgame content and battle the fierce Baium. Rates: 1-70: x3 70-80: x1 Key points Phase duration: 1 month Equipment goal: Icarus & Moirai Raid bosses: Baium & Zaken. First respawn will be previusly announced, also Ant Queen, Orfen and Core will have their levels raised and drops altered. Start of Olympiads Twilight's Apex marks the pinnacle of power and achievement in your Lineage 2 journey. As players reach level 85, they stand among the mightiest heroes of the realm, wielding incredible strength and skill. In this phase, players undertake legendary quests, conquer formidable foes, and vie for supremacy in epic battles that shape the fate of the world. Game-related context: At this stage, players tackle the most challenging content the game has to offer, including high-level raids, Epic bosses, and PvP battles. They may also focus on maximizing their character's abilities through advanced gear, skills, and strategic gameplay as they reach level 85. Rates: 1-70: x7 70-80: x3 81+: x1 Key points Equipment goal: Vesper & Vorpal Raid bosses: Frintezza, Freya, Beleth, Antharas & Valakas.  Chronicle: High-Five  Premium Buff system: Agathions basic buff time 4 hs, dances/songs/prophecies 20 minutes.  Community Board: Yes  Equipment: Retail like, up to Top-C in the normal shops, including common & shadow equipment.  Monsters: Original monsters. Quantity of monsters in initial areas has been increased and also reduced the respawn time to avoid traffic jam.  Vitality: Retail-Like  Dual box: Allowed 2 windows per PC 1st & 2nd Class changes: 1st change 50k adena, 2nd change 1kk adena (Reward Agathion: Griffin) or 200 coins (Reward Agathion: Griffin + 5kk Adena) or else, quests.  Skills: Auto-learn  Noblesse: 300 coins Noblesse (+1sub) or else, quest chain.  Offline shop: Available  Auto-loot: Available Catacombs/Necropolises: Retail-like  Manor: Available  Herbs: Available  In-game store: Available. More details in another topic  In-game Starter Kits: Yes - New characters will receive NG & D-Grade starter kits.  Luxury Shop: Up to A-Grade, including top A items (values have been increased)  Cloaks: Yes - We have unlocked all sets bonuses to have the posibility to wear a Cloak Players will receive the following rewards: No-Grade Beginner's Adventurer Pack: Shadow No-Grade Weapon/Armor, Fruit Cocktail, Soulshots, Blessed Spiritshots and Agathion Monkey. D-Grade Fighter/Mage Support Pack: Common D-Grade Weapon/Armor. Beginner's Adventurer Reinforcement Pack: Afro Hair (7 days) and Rune of EXP 30% (7 days). Introducing an exciting enhancement to gameplay: MP recovery now happens even faster! As a part of our ongoing Quality of Life (QoL) updates, all "Buffer Agathions" will now come equipped with a new buff: Mana Blessing. This buff significantly boosts passive MP regeneration by 10/25, providing a substantial increase in mana recovery speed. Additionally, the Mana Blessing buff effectively reduces incoming Mana Recharge by 70%. This enhancement benefits all players, ensuring a smoother and more efficient gameplay experience for solo players by alleviating concerns about mana management. However, it's essential to note that casting players won't gain a double advantage from this buff due to the Mana Recharge penalty. Experience the convenience and improved gameplay flow with our latest update, designed to enhance your gaming journey like never before!   To enhance your gameplay experience without interrupting your leveling progress, we've replaced NPC buffers in towns with adorable pets that not only serve as cosmetic companions but also provide essential buffs. Players will receive two charming agathions at different stages of the game. First Stage: Upon character creation, players will receive the Agathion - Monkey, granting the following buffs for 4 hours: Wind Walk, Shield, Might, Acumen, Focus, Concentration, Berserker Spirit, and Mana Blessing. Second Stage: Upon reaching level 40 and completing the 2nd class change, players will receive the Agathion - Griffin, providing an array of buffs for 4 hours, including Wind Walk, Shield, Magic Barrier, Might, Focus, Death Whisper, Guidance, Haste, Vampiric Rage, Clarity, Acumen, Empower, Berserker Spirit, Decrease Weight, Mental Shield, Bless Shield, and Mana Blessing. *Note: Read the "Improved Mana Regeneration" section for more information. We're thrilled to introduce the enhanced vitamin pets, designed to be your trusted companions throughout your journey. Each pet boasts a unique set of skills tailored to complement various classes. Key Features: Our premium pets retain a retail-like experience, with optimized buffs for enhanced gameplay. They no longer consume %EXP from their master, ensuring uninterrupted progression. These exclusive pets will be readily available in the in-game store, providing easy access for all players. Buffs:  Weapon Maintenance: Increases your attack dmg.  Armor Maintenance: Increases your defense.  Blessing of Queen: Increase of 25% P. Critical Rage. Buffs:  Wild Magic: Increases your Magic Critical rate.  Armor Maintenance: Increases your defense.  Gift of Seraphim: Reuse delay decreased by 30%. Stats & Skills retail-like, great companions for enchanters/supports.    [New lv. 55] Knight Fury: Increases party members' P.Def by 5%, M.Def by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and Speed by 5. Effects are applied instantly depending on strike probability. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Seed of Revenge: Increased activation chance of each level to 35%.  [New lv. 52/64/70] Defense Aura: Increases party member's P.Def by 3%/4%/5% and M.Def by 3%/4%/5%. Effect does not stack with Combat Aura.  [New lv. 55] Knight Fury: Increases party members' P.Def by 5%, M.Def by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and Speed by 5. Effects are applied instantly depending on strike probability. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Angelic Icon: Angelic Icon buff has been changed as follows - For 1 minute, increases Resistance to debuff attacks by 40%, P. Def. by 50%, M. Def. by 50%, Accuracy by 6, Speed by 5/10/15, Atk. Spd. by 5%/10%/15%, Critical Rate by 17/30/50, Critical Damage by 17%/33%/50% and Resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%. Decreases the effect of recovery magic by 80%. Available when HP is 30% or lower.  Summon Phoenix: The Phoenix has been adjusted to ensure its parity with the other 3rd class summons.  Spirit of Phoenix: Increased activation chance of each level to 35%  [New lv. 52/64/70] Defense Aura: Increases party member's P.Def by 3%/4%/5% and M.Def by 3%/4%/5%. Effect does not stack with Combat Aura.  [New lv. 55] Knight Fury: Increases party members' P.Def by 5%, M.Def by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and Speed by 5. Effects are applied instantly depending on strike probability. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Pain of Shilen: Increased activation chance of each level to 35%.  [New lv. 52/64/70] Defense Aura: Increases party member's P.Def by 3%/4%/5% and M.Def by 3%/4%/5%. Effect does not stack with Combat Aura.  [New lv. 80] Massive Lightning Strike: A lightning strike deals damage to the target and surrounding enemies with 1082 Power, immobilizes them for 15 seconds and then paralyzes for 10 seconds.  [New lv. 55] Knight Fury: Increases party members' P.Def by 5%, M.Def by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and Speed by 5. Effects are applied instantly depending on strike probability. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Eva's Will: Increased activation chance of each level to 35%.  [New lv. 52/64/70] Defense Aura: Increases party member's P.Def by 3%/4%/5% and M.Def by 3%/4%/5%. Effect does not stack with Combat Aura.  [New lv. 80] Eva's Defense: Increases party member's P.Def by 15% and M.Def by 10% and Speed by 4 for 5 minutes.  [New from lv. 40+] Dual Weapon Mastery: Increases P. Atk. when using a dualsword.  [New 44/56/68] Mana Drain: Has a chance to recover MP when striking.  [New from lv. 40+] Dual Weapon Mastery: Increases P. Atk. when using a dualsword.  [New 44/56/68] Mana Drain: Has a chance to recover MP when striking.  [New 44/58] Chant of Improved Combat (Self-buff): Increases Atk. Spd. by 15%/33% and bestows the ability to recover as HP 9% of the standard melee damage inflicted on the enemy.  [New from lv. 40+] Dual Weapon Mastery: Increases P. Atk. when using a dualsword.  [New from lv. 40+] Revenge Strike: Attacks the enemy with 738 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a sword, dual-sword or blunt weapon. Does not work in olympiad matches.  [New 44/58] Blood Awakening (Self-buff): Increases Atk. Spd. by 15%/33% and bestows the ability to recover as HP 9% of the standard melee damage inflicted on the enemy.  [New lv. 40] Rush: Charges toward the enemy.  [New from lv. 40+] Sword Crush: Attacks the enemy with 487 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 7 seconds. Requires a sword or dual-sword weapon. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Dances: Increased time duration of dances to 20 minutes (+Time enchant extends time duration to be 47 minutes).  [New lv. 40] Rush: Charges toward the enemy.  [New from lv. 40+] Sword Crush: Attacks the enemy with 487 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 7 seconds. Requires a sword or dual-sword weapon. Does not work in olympiad matches.  Songs: Increased time duration of songs to 20 minutes (+Time enchant extends time duration up to 47 minutes)  [New from lv. 40+] Mechanical Smash: Swings a spear to attack nearby enemies with 421 Power added to P. Atk. and causes Stun for 9 seconds. Requires a polearm to be equipped.  [New from lv. 40+] Provoke (ONLY WARSMITH): Provokes enemies within a wide range and decreases Resistance to spear weapons by 10 for 10 seconds.  Chain Heal: Adjusted the learning level to level 80.  [Shilien Saint NEW lv. 80] Lord of Vampires: For 30 seconds, gives all party members the ability to recover as HP 80% of the damage inflicted on the enemy.  Healers' Skills Transfer: Increased the Holy Pomander amount for Eva's Saint & Cardinals to 2.  Dagger Mastery [Trigger]: Increased the Dagger Mastery trigger duration to 15 seconds and increases Speed by +4.  [NEW] Bow Mastery [Trigger]: Bow Mastery will now trigger an active buff for 15 seconds that will increase Bow/Crossbow range by 20, Accuracy by 3 and Speed by 4.  Premium Buffs (Agathions Buffs): Increased time duration to be 4 hours.  Chant of Victory & Proof of Fire/Wind/Water: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes (+Time enchant extends time duration up to 40 minutes).  [NEW] Frintezza Welcome Skill(all classes): Increased weight limit by 4 and opens 24 inventory slots.  Warcry: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Battle Roar: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Thrill Fight: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Fell Swoop: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Majesty: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Hawkeye: Eliminated the -10% P.def penalty and increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Focus chance: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Focus power: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Focus Death: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Mortal Strike: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Seed of Fire/Water/Wind: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Warrior Servitor: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Wizard Servitor: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Assassin Servitor: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Final Servitor: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Rage: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Dark Form: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Bear: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Wolf: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Ogre: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Puma: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Bison: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Rabbit: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Totem of Hawk: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Battle Cry: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Blood Pact: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Furious Soul: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Feline Queen Buffs: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes.  Seraphim the Unicorn Buffs: Increased time duration to be 20 minutes. Frintezza II Creator https://frintezzal2.com Join our Discord channel
    • We are introducing a Loyalty Program for streamers who show the in-game world situation. As a L2Metawars streamer you will get the gift listed below every week:    🔹Premium Account - 7 days   Conditions for streamers:   Your stream must contain L2MetaWars in its title and L2MetaWars banner or logo in its window. All the streamed materials have to be saved! 20 hours of transmission per week grants a gift. Gifts given every Monday. First gift u can get on June 3 and you will need only 10h+ of streaming. You must put link on you stream in special streaming channel on discord when you start broadcasting.   Special role on discord for streamers you will have to message  @MetaMan on Discord with a link to your streaming channel and ask for the reward. Gift given each Monday.
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