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Hi all, i have just a question. It is possible to restrict all items (armor,weapons,etc etc) and leave just 1 type or armor to access in zone? I mean for VoiceCommand teleport?


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17 minutes ago, InFocus said:

Hi all, i have just a question. It is possible to restrict all items (armor,weapons,etc etc) and leave just 1 type or armor to access in zone? I mean for VoiceCommand teleport?


Can you explain it? you need restrictions for the .command or the zone? or both?

  • 0
2 minutes ago, InFocus said:

I want restrictions for command

all items and for exemple for s grade don't ( S grade means armors and weapons)

So , a player with atleast 1 S-Grade item equiped is not be able to use the command right?

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package handlers.voicedcommandhandlers;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.Say2;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.CreatureSay;

 * @author L2Amyra
public class FarmZone implements IVoicedCommandHandler
	private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS =
	private static final long delay = 5000; // Millisecounds
	private static Map<Integer, Long> _reuse = new HashMap<>();
	public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target)
		if (_reuse.containsKey(activeChar.getObjectId()))
			if (_reuse.get(activeChar.getObjectId()) > System.currentTimeMillis())
				activeChar.sendMessage("Sorry, you can not use this command. You can use it within " + ((_reuse.get(activeChar.getObjectId()) - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000) + " sec's");
				return false;
			if (activeChar.isDead())
				activeChar.sendMessage("You can't teleport while you are dead!");
				return false;
			else if (activeChar.isInOlympiadMode())
				activeChar.sendMessage("You can't use this command durring olympiad!");
				return false;
			else if (activeChar.isInDuel())
				activeChar.sendMessage("You can't use this command when you are in duel!");
				return false;
			else if (activeChar.isInCombat())
				activeChar.sendMessage("You can't use this command when you are in combat!");
				return false;
			else if (activeChar.getPvpFlag() > 0)
				CreatureSay i = new CreatureSay(activeChar.getObjectId(), Say2.PARTY, "admin", "You can't use this command when you are flagged. Try again...!");
				return false;
			else if (activeChar.isJailed())
				activeChar.sendMessage("You can't use this command when you are in jail");
				return false;
			else if (activeChar.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(57, 0) < 50000)
				activeChar.sendMessage("No enough Adena!");
				return false;
			else if (activeChar.getKarma() > 0)
				activeChar.sendMessage("Go away. You are not welcome here !");
				return false;
			else if (!activeChar.isNoble())
				activeChar.sendMessage("Only Noblesse players can teleport.");
				return false;
			else if (activeChar.getLevel() < 80)
				activeChar.sendMessage("You can only use the command after level 80");
				return false;
				if (command.startsWith("easy"))
					if (!activeChar.isNoble())
						activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true);
					if (!(activeChar.getLevel() < 80))
						activeChar.sendMessage("You have been teleported to easy zone ");
						activeChar.teleToLocation(89006, 27373, -15691);
					_reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay);
				else if (command.startsWith("mid"))
					if (!activeChar.isNoble())
						activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true);
					if (!(activeChar.getLevel() < 80))
						activeChar.sendMessage("You have been teleported to mid zone ");
						activeChar.teleToLocation(89006, 27373, -15691);
					_reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay);
				else if (command.startsWith("hard"))
					if (!activeChar.isNoble())
						activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true);
					if (!(activeChar.getLevel() < 80))
						activeChar.sendMessage("You have been teleported to hard zone ");
						activeChar.teleToLocation(89006, 27373, -15691);
					_reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay);
				else if (command.startsWith("dungeon"))
					if (!activeChar.isNoble())
						activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("consume", 57, 50000, activeChar, true);
					if (!(activeChar.getLevel() < 80))
						activeChar.sendMessage("You have been teleported to dungeon zone ");
						activeChar.teleToLocation(89006, 27373, -15691);
					_reuse.put(activeChar.getObjectId(), System.currentTimeMillis() + delay);
			return true;
	public String[] getVoicedCommandList()


  • 0
Posted (edited)
public boolean hasGradeEquipped(CrystalType type)
	return getInventory().getItems().stream().filter(i -> i.isEquipped() && i.getItem().getCrystalType() == type).findAny().isPresent();

if (activeChar.hasGradeEquipped(CrystalType.S))
   activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot use this command.");
   return false;

Go ahead say "Thank you everyone except Kara`". Go ahead i dare you :)

Edited by Kara`
  • 0
Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, InFocus said:

Hh, what's this? :)) and yea, thank you Kara` for reply



I gave you the code, is time for you to understand how things work by simple observation. If you can't understand that hasGradeEquiped must be in Player.java then you can ask Mr. Professional Moderator Melroni. I gave you the code. Do what you have to do.


And next time u call me trash consider that trash like me provide u help and codes since 2012. 

Edited by Kara`
  • 0
Posted (edited)

put that method

public boolean hasGradeEquipped(CrystalType type)
	return getInventory().getItems().stream().filter(i -> i.isEquipped() && i.getItem().getCrystalType() == type).findAny().isPresent();


in Player.class (or what you have.. L2PcInstance?)

then you wont have problems..


regarding to Super Duper Kara. the code is working BUT. If we are talking about java and your object may had 5000 'equiped items' you could have big troubles with your way... findFirst() will do the right way (by checking null) and not findAny since we need to know if there is atleast 1 item that is the type we need and not get all those items.. its like you are using for( bla bla) without returning true when you find it

Edited by melron
  • 0
Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, melron said:

put that method

public boolean hasGradeEquipped(CrystalType type)
	return getInventory().getItems().stream().filter(i -> i.isEquipped() && i.getItem().getCrystalType() == type).findAny().isPresent();


in Player.class (or what you have.. L2PcInstance?)

then you wont have problems..


regarding to Super Duper Kara. the code is working BUT. If we are talking about java and your object may had 5000 'equiped items' you could have big troubles with your way... findFirst() will do the right way (by checking null) and not findAny since we need to know if there is atleast 1 item that is the type we need and not get all those items.. its like you are using for( bla bla) without returning true when you find it


Im proud that after all you learned basics of java but Mr. PRO Melroni i would like to advice you that the findAny() and findFirst() has 0 difference in terms of performance since it won't go though 5000 object you said. Simply because the filter will return max 10 or i dont remember how many equippable object you can have. So the performance here is so little that even a cpu of 1995 wouldn't consider it difference.


in 100 000 objects the difference of Any and First is 6 millisecond in i7



So even if we do in 100 object the difference is 0. We need move into nanoseconds which again difference is tiny.


Edited by Kara`
  • 0
Posted (edited)

Well , melron i always will respect you! You are greate developer in java and everywhere in Lineage 2. 

and i want to understand this 

public boolean hasGradeEquipped(CrystalType type)
	return getInventory().getItems().stream().filter(i -> i.isEquipped() && i.getItem().getCrystalType() == type).findAny().isPresent();

i give you the code, i put this in l2pcinstance and this part of code

if (activeChar.hasGradeEquipped(CrystalType.S))
   activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot use this command.");
   return false;

in .command?

P.S.-And yes. this package no have player.class, so i must move in L2PcInstance

Edited by InFocus
  • 0
Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Kara` said:


Im proud that after all you learned basics of java but Mr. PRO Melroni i would like to advice you that the findAny() and findFirst() has 0 difference in terms of performance since it won't go though 5000 object you said. Simply because the filter will return max 10 or i dont remember how many equippable object you can have. So the performance here is so little that even a cpu of 1995 wouldn't consider it difference.


in 100 000 objects the difference of Any and First is 6 millisecond in i7



So even if we do in 100 object the difference is 0. We need move into nanoseconds which again difference is tiny.


What about a small refactored code?





use this


return Arrays.asList(getInventory().getItems()).stream().filter(i -> i.isEquipped() && i.getItem().getCrystalType() == type).findAny().isPresent();


Edited by melron
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