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Discussion about good INTERLUDE project mega START

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Hello guys, im new here, long time ago I had few running projects, now I see everything changed.


I decided to run probably hard farm pvp server this summer, something more different concept. So im very intrested in every person thinking with brain - opinion.

My plan is:

Go on Interlude.

Go with l2-scripts.com and buy Platinimum Pack - 2375$ (http://l2-scripts.com/index.php?productID=584)

Advertise for 500-1000$ before start.

How do you think guys, how much online possible to get in start and later how much keep it?


Also im looking for people to develop this project, so if you have what to offer for me, for example you good at advertise, work with server files, read and answer players tickets, maybe you good at something else.

Just write me what do you think, maybe you have ideas and maybe we will find solution.

Im glad to pay x % every month from donate, depends how much work and your time you gonna invest.


Waiting for your opinions, questions.

Not waiting for jealous people comments.

Im not a kid, I run few businesses in real life, so im not talking, im doing - this summer server gonna be started (I hope) :)

Cheers guys!


Its a good chance to be with me and grow.

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Its very expensive to take this risk nowdays...for interlude pack this money is very much..i know that guy its very good guy and helps always but i wouldnt give so much for interlude files...with 500-1000$ prabably you will get 500ppl but later i cant say what will happens

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26 minutes ago, Reborn12 said:

Its very expensive to take this risk nowdays...for interlude pack this money is very much..i know that guy its very good guy and helps always but i wouldnt give so much for interlude files...with 500-1000$ prabably you will get 500ppl but later i cant say what will happens

actually the amount of money isn't so big (if you manage them correctly)... and ofc the 60-70% of them will be only at the 1st opening. Next seasons will be lower and lower because the community will remember the server / name and the advertise will be not so high + the pack will be in his hand already.


@trmmpp  if this server will be your first do not hurrying. Open a test server with random files to get what ppl love to see there, make your team (if you are solo) see reactions, see if you can handle all these responsibilities and then you can move on and spend time/money for something better.

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So much money for nothing, the l2 community nowadays is broken. So my opinion is don't give so much money for projects and etc. Till now the advertise is the most powerful tool. Your server can be a full crap but with good advertise you can get ppl. So be smart!

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1 hour ago, trmmpp said:

Hello guys, im new here, long time ago I had few running projects, now I see everything changed.


I decided to run probably hard farm pvp server this summer, something more different concept. So im very intrested in every person thinking with brain - opinion.

My plan is:

Go on Interlude.

Go with l2-scripts.com and buy Platinimum Pack - 2375$ (http://l2-scripts.com/index.php?productID=584)

Advertise for 500-1000$ before start.

How do you think guys, how much online possible to get in start and later how much keep it?


Also im looking for people to develop this project, so if you have what to offer for me, for example you good at advertise, work with server files, read and answer players tickets, maybe you good at something else.

Just write me what do you think, maybe you have ideas and maybe we will find solution.

Im glad to pay x % every month from donate, depends how much work and your time you gonna invest.


Waiting for your opinions, questions.

Not waiting for jealous people comments.

Im not a kid, I run few businesses in real life, so im not talking, im doing - this summer server gonna be started (I hope) :)

Cheers guys!


Its a good chance to be with me and grow.

haha, 2400$ for package that is allrdy shared, all that they include classic, hf, forum , graphics,geodata,presentation,allot of customs(armors,weapons,effects,npc),html,buffers,updaters,patches,server Protection, all of this is shared . U can pay 200-500$ to someone who can manage all of it in 1 pack, and spend 2000$ on advertise as someone mention here... 


Edited by LightFusionMain
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advertise will bring you ppl but will not secure you stable community. after some days (even hours) when the bugs will appear what's the advertise job? I agree that the advertise must be generous but you need good files too.

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2 hours ago, trmmpp said:

Hello guys, im new here, long time ago I had few running projects, now I see everything changed.


I decided to run probably hard farm pvp server this summer, something more different concept. So im very intrested in every person thinking with brain - opinion.

My plan is:

Go on Interlude.

Go with l2-scripts.com and buy Platinimum Pack - 2375$ (http://l2-scripts.com/index.php?productID=584)

Advertise for 500-1000$ before start.

How do you think guys, how much online possible to get in start and later how much keep it?


Also im looking for people to develop this project, so if you have what to offer for me, for example you good at advertise, work with server files, read and answer players tickets, maybe you good at something else.

Just write me what do you think, maybe you have ideas and maybe we will find solution.

Im glad to pay x % every month from donate, depends how much work and your time you gonna invest.


Waiting for your opinions, questions.

Not waiting for jealous people comments.

Im not a kid, I run few businesses in real life, so im not talking, im doing - this summer server gonna be started (I hope) :)

Cheers guys!


Its a good chance to be with me and grow.

2375$ is too much. go in lucera (120$) or l2jacis. and pay one dev to create your features. 

nowdays if you no advertise you have 100max on. 500-1000 is risk. pay clan leaders & advertisers and maybe you have 500-1k on. (its a risk) if you have money do it.

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