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L2Mid SkyLord GM exposed


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PLR1 = Player 1 is a friend of mine and had a dispute going on in PayPal against L2Mid's GM SkyLord. My friend left L2Mid server and I (PLR2 = Player 2) logged in his 2 accounts to check if there was any items worth I could ask him for.

Moments later I logged off and logged in on my own accounts (3 boxes) and started playing. Then I got moved to jail with one of my characters and GM SkyLord started the conversation shown in screenshot below.




After the discussion was over, he moved my other 2 characters to jail, disconnected me (to prevent me from taking screenshots, but luckily I took it while we were chatting) and left my characters in jail until now.


He says he has proof of us both having the same IP (which he doesn't, because I live in Brazil and my friend lives in United Kingdom), but you can notice by yourself many contradictions in his words:

1. He's pming me asking for my friend, so he KNOWS we are not the same player.

2. After telling I just logged in his accounts but we don't share the same IP, he says he's sorry but that I need to contact him (my friend) and tell him to close dispute.

3. "All accounts will be blocked", "Sorry I need to protect myself" and "I can't help you sorry" is another proof that he knows we are not the same, but he has to do something to hurt my friend (PLR1 = Player 1).

4. Finally SkyLord admits that if HE (my friend) doesn't close PayPal dispute I will be banned.


Ps. I just censored our nicknames for privacy but I don't mind revealing it if anybody wants to see, because we did nothing wrong after all. I also have all the original unedited screenshots in case someone doubts it.



Because of a PayPal dispute with my friend regarding donations, GM SkyLord from L2Mid decided to BAN ME to somehow hurt my friend. I've never donated to L2Mid and had NOTHING to do with their PayPal dispute.

So think twice before playing there, kids. It could happen to you. I personally will never be setting foot in L2Mid ever again.



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I know right.. yet tards gotta be exposed. Now SkyLord replied to my thread in L2Mid's forum and made it invisible to me so he has the final words lmao.

He will probably lie or find an excuse and I can't argue with him.


L2Mid = bad server plus corrupt GMs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Liuss
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We do not give free coins.

Nice try btw.

Что это блять за хуйня ?! Какого, сука, хуя ?!Я тебе бесплатные монеты дал? Дал. Какого хуя ты пытаешься выставить эту хрень на всеобщее обозрение? Не позорься!

Edited by SkyLord
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Free coins? I've never donated to your server.

My friend did and I have NOTHING to do with your dispute, get real!


He left server and this is the only way you think you can hurt him that's pathetic. He didn't even give me his items, just dropped in Giran for anybody.

You failed to punish him and decided to punish a legit player, thanks for showing me that your administration is corrupt before I invested more time in it. GL with your server small minded asshole.

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1 hour ago, AchYlek said:

skylord is trusted member since 2k13 . 

Pure fallacy, mate. It doesn't mean anything, this GM still banned me for no reason at all, plain and simple.

I'm a MXC donator member since 2008 and never had any beefs with anyone in here or in L2 community in general. But guess what? It doesn't mean anything either.


The fact is he retaliated on me because he lost a dispute with a friend of mine. Cheap 12 years old revenge, I expected a bit more from L2Mid administration.

Also I'm not crying or begging him to unban me or something, I already uninstalled this server. Just exposing the facts to make people aware.

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12 hours ago, SkyLord said:

Что это блять за хуйня ?! Какого, сука, хуя ?!Я тебе бесплатные монеты дал? Дал. Какого хуя ты пытаешься выставить эту хрень на всеобщее обозрение? Не позорься!

A words of professional, long-lasting Lineage2 server administrator.


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People must be incredibly stupid to play on this server from now on.





It's not possible to play on such server when people know since 2013 that he was corrupted as 'fock'. Now there's a 2017 proof telling that a corrupt piece of 'shift' will never change, once corrupted, always corrupted.

Edited by Blackhive
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1 hour ago, Blackhive said:

People must be incredibly stupid to play on this server from now on.





It's not possible to play on such server when people know since 2013 that he was corrupted as 'fock'. Now there's a 2017 proof telling that a corrupt piece of 'shift' will never change, once corrupted, always corrupted.

nice photoshop  

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15 minutes ago, SkyLord said:

Treshak is banned with Valakas,AQ, Core epics and now they are trying to do something bad to l2mid. 

Let me tell you something. 


The only person making something bad to L2Mid is you CorruptionLord. Today I will log-in bot and broadcast this topic link to all the few players left on your dead servidor.

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