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I've already noticed that a long time...
And in my previews reply I questioned that same point, and I left an example on how I think it should be  in case of an l2j mysql connection.
Should it look like this ? I couldn't connect either, so answers like your just beeing redundante don't help much, confirmation on the other hand help, like yes, or no, try it this way.
So I'll ask again, should it be like this?

connectionString_lin2world="Data Source=localhost;port=3306;Initial Catalog=SampleDB;User Id=mudassar;password=pass@123"

connectionString_lin2db="Data Source=localhost;port=3306;Initial Catalog=SampleDB;User Id=mudassar;password=pass@123"


because what is left there doesnt have login and password to connect to the database:

"ConnectionString_lin2world": "Data Source=PJASICEK-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=lin2world;Integrated Security=True",
    "ConnectionString_lin2db": "Data Source=PJASICEK-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=lin2db;Integrated Security=True",

from my breef contact with L2Off files I know there is a database lin2world and lin2db, on l2j there isn't one, so I'm a bit confused as to, am I looking at the proper place?


I've never worked on VIsual Studio to launch apps for webserver, so I'm learning, the same way I learned how to work with java, the difference is that on java there is a lot of documentation, or used to be, on asp.net regarding lineage 2 projects there isn't much.


If you could point me in the direction I need to go, I would really appreciate.


Posted (edited)
On 22/04/2018 at 10:17 PM, .Elfocrash said:

You don't need a db connection on l2j mode because it is done on the server side with the L2ACP-api https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2ACP-api

So the connection is made to the port 8000, to the api correct?
I have my website in a differente server than my gameserver.
However I'm not beeing able to get a connection to the api on the gameserver, port 8000 is open, I've even tryed with DMZ on.
Is there anything we need to do on the API ?
and yes, before you question the obvious, I'm not using, im using it with my gameserver ip.  http://gameserver_ip_here:8000/api

Problem solved

Edited by abumini
problem Solved
Posted (edited)

When I run the gameserver with the API in it, and test the port 8000 to see if the application is listening, the report says it doesnt.

dumb question:
Does the website app needs to be on the same machine as the gameserver to be able to run the website application?

Problem solved, wrong number on NAS route. my bad....

Edited by abumini
Posted (edited)
On 28/05/2017 at 9:01 PM, .Elfocrash said:

The ApiKey can just be changed as long as you change it in both the web and the api projects.


The error you are getting is probably illegal key size because you dont jave some needed jre libraries installed.




Download JCE here and unpack in Java/Jre/lib/security

is this inside Eclipse or on the operative system java folder?

This must go inside the cliente that's running the ASP.net
Got it working.

It now seems so simple -.-'

Sorry about beeing a pane in the ass for some.


Edited by abumini
Problem solved
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again lol.
After getting it to work on windows, I embarqued on a new journey, trying to get it to work on linux!
And it hasn't been easy.

Anyone here who has this platform,  the website part, working with linux?

I could use some barinstorming or advices on what to use. 
And before you start posting links, I've already fallowed the one Elfocrash left from Microsoft on running .NET core project on apache



I am looking for an payment collecting service implementation (an endpoint to which paypal redirects after payment and then after security checks grants credits to balance). Unless this service is already implemented :D

My skype: tejada2000

3 hours ago, Mikel Alan said:

guys what wrong here , when i open the link in browser nothing showing



Your having permission errors, see if the user running the program has enought privileges.

1 hour ago, abumini said:

Your having permission errors, see if the user running the program has enought privileges.

Thanks sloved 


now when i open the url the control panel not open what must be the right path ? 


my path %SystemDrive%\www\www.l2acpAr.com


Is there a specific folder that I should be specific to?

  • 4 weeks later...

Can anyone help me with the configuration, I'm confused as to the ip and address of mssql

"ApiEndpoint": "",
 "ApiKey": "elfocrash",
 "CryptoKey": "MnFfhZdXUn3u49c7AaejOL8FN58meFb9",
 "CryptoSalt": "4XPjl3jiEITf",


does it stay or chance her?


"ConnectionString_lin2world": "Server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=Lin2World;User ID=db;Password=123",    "ConnectionString_lin2db": "Server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=Lin2DB;User ID=db;Password=147852@server",

.\\SQLEXPRESS = does it stay or chance here?

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