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Thank you for support. I am now going to try. I will come back here with results.

No problem. Let me know.


Okay i have added L2acp.jar into my gameserver.

But there is question about API. Which details do i need to write in ApiEndPoint if my server and ACP locates on same machine? should do the trick


The ApiKey can just be changed as long as you change it in both the web and the api projects.


The error you are getting is probably illegal key size because you dont jave some needed jre libraries installed.




Download JCE here and unpack in Java/Jre/lib/security


Now Everything works like a charm! Thank you very much for your support!


What about Admin Access?

if your account has more than 100 accesslevel then you are admin.

Keep in mind this is account not character.

  • 2 weeks later...

Cool stuff, nice of you to share but whats the reasoning for another server? Why not the server be a proper modern rest client like retrofit and okhttpclient, and push events through websockets (just like push notifications), retrofit comes with okhttpclient 3.6 which include a websocket layer, also the .net part looks fairly limited since the knowledge base of asp related stuff is really small compared to smth like spring framework with a rest consuming front end like anguarjs, 2 birds with 1 stone. ^^


So my reasoning, you have a web app, let the web app be the resource server, while the server be a slave client. This way you limit network overhead and don't need to secure a random port out of the blue, also you have access to SSL/TLS :)


Still tho all this is really progressing the knowledge base of l2j and .net web apps, i find it quite interesting, GL! Hope to see this thing go off big :D


can be used in h5?

Yes. You will need to remove a couple of ID range restrictions and adapt the core but nothing to hard.


Yes. You will need to remove a couple of ID range restrictions and adapt the core but nothing to hard.


i will try, thanks elfo :happyforever:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi elfo, would u like to tell me what is that error about , because i already try to rename it  with the updated name  (like it is in the higher version WorldObject.java ), i've tried to rename all the old .java  name but still getting that error  http://prntscr.com/fr604k  i'm using acis 368, thank you in advance. 


Did you renamed imports too?

Yep i did it like i did with  the rest of them  (L2PcInstance with Player and the rest ... bla bla )  import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Object; with   import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.WorldObject; .L2PcInstance with import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.Player ;  and etc .. 

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