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Configurable Solo Zone System. (High Five, Interlude)

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Hello there, today i have decided that i would like to sell a fully configurable solo zone system. Code is written to L2J High Five, but it is very easy to be adapted in order to work in rest High Five packs (Sunrise, etc...), or even for Interlude packs (Frozen, aCis, etc...). In case you have no idea what a solo zone refers to, it's an auto-flag zone where players may enter without a party and fight other players alone. Code uses an independent .properties(solozone.properties) file for its configs to prevent the mess in your configs. This code gives you the option to have either the solo zone always opened, either in specific hours of the day for specific duration in case you wanna restrict players from being there 24/7.
Making your own solo zone will take you about 5 minutes or less and everyone can do it. Take a look at this:

<!-- Catacomb of dark Omens -->
<zone name="Solo Zone" id="655" type="SoloZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-5694" maxZ="-4194">
  <node X="-23679" Y="12072" />
  <node X="-7704" Y="12732" />
  <node X="-7726" Y="24753" />
  <node X="-23128" Y="24344" />

Voila! Dark omens will be a solo zone now.
Now let's take a look closer to the configs i have added to this code.
Config #1(On enter message):


#Enter Message: There are currently "x" players inside solo zone.
#Default: True
EnterPlayersNumberMessage = True

Config #2(PvP Score):


#If false, kills inside solo zone will not increase player's pvp score.
#Default: True
IncreasePvpScore = True

Config #3(Rewards):


#Random Fame reward for players (min,max) on each kill.
#0,0 will disable fame reward
#Default: 25,50
MinMaxFameReward = 0,5
#Item reward for players (itemId,quantity) on each kill.
#Multiple items example: 57,1000;1422,10000;5589,100
#Leave blank to disable
ItemsQuantityReward = 57,1000

Config #4(Restrict Rewards):


#Restrict reward for players with same IP adress.
#Default: True
RestrictRewardForSameIp = True
#Restrict reward for recently players killed by a player.
#Example: If it is 60, a player wont get reward if kill the same player
#within 60 SECONDS.
#Set 0 to disable.
#Default: 60 (1 Minute)
RestrictRewardForRecentlyKilledPlayer = 60
Result: Players with same IP will not be rewarded. "RestrictRewardForRecentlyKilledPlayer" minutes must pass in order to get reward from the same player kill.
NOTE: HWID protection can be added in less than 5 minutes. I just did not add it because i don't have anti-bot protection in my test server.

Config #5(Spawn Options):


#If true, when players die, they respawn in solo zone.
#Default: True
RespawnInsideSoloZone = True
#Coords of solo zone respawns. (Split with ";").
#Default: 0,0,0;0,0,0
Respawns = -8779,14601,-4902;-8779,14601,-4902
#Location when player is restricted from entering solo zone (split coordinates with (,)).
#Default: 82723, 148601, -3469 (Giran Castle Town)
ExitLocation = 82723, 148601, -3469

Config #6(Schedule):


#If true solo zone will be opened for specific hours.
#If false solo zone is always opened.
#Default: False
EnableScheduled = True
#Open solo zone specific hours of the day.(E.g: 16:00, 17:00)
#Default: ""
OpeningHours = 15:00,16:00,17:00,18:00,14:50
#Solo zone will be opened for duration MINUTES.
#If "OpeningHours" config is blank solo zone is always opened.
#Default: 60
Duration = 60
NOTE: When solo zone closes, all players are teleported to "ExitLocation". If a player tries to enter solo zone while it is closed, he is being teleported to "ExitLocation". Of course this is not taking place for GM Chars.

Config #7(Restrict classes):


#Restricted classes (IDs) that cannot enter solo zone.
#Default: All healers/supporters (15,16,17,29,30,42,43,97,98,105,112,135,136,116)
RestrictedClasses = 15,16,17,29,30,42,43,97,98,105,112,135,136,116

Config #8(Buffs):


#Give nobless to players when they enter or revive inside.
#Default: True
Nobless = True
#Give cleanse to players when they enter or revive inside.
#Default: True
Cleanse = True
#Heal players when they enter or revive inside.
#Default: True
Heal = True

Config #9(General Restricts):


#Restrict Restart inside solo zone.
#Default: True
DisableRestart = True
#Disable Trade in solo zone.
#Default: True
DisableTrades = True
#Disable Chat in solo zone.
#Default: True
DisableChat = True

Config #10(Anonymity):


#Hide names in solo zone.
#If false, every player has their visible name.
#Default: True
HideNames = True
#All players inside solo zone will have this visible name.
#If it is blank, names will be random (E.g: 453g498ygdfi23)
#Default: ""
HiddenName =
#Hide clan/ally crests.
#Default: True
HideClans = True
#Hide hero aura.
#Default: True
HideHeroAura = True
#Hide hair accessories, cloaks, agathions,face,hair and augmented weapons.
#Default: True
HideAccessory = True
#Players have random gender in solo zone.
#Default: True
HideGender = False
Preview random name: mjEeFqA.png
NOTE: All system messages are being adjust to player names. For example "You have been resisted rewDF23Fsdf12's magic." in order to keep fully anonymity between player names. The real name is revealed when the player kills someone, in reward message.

That's all. In case you want to add something, you can just let me know. In case you have problems installing the code, i am here to provide you support (via Skype).
Paypal Price: 10€
Paysafe Price: 10€
Customers untill now: L2SPLINTER, AnotherPerson , L2Vehiron (Adapted to Gracia Final in less than an hour), Sinister Smile

Servers used this system: L2Aeron, L2Crimson, L2Craze, L2Sonic.


Contact me via (Click the icon):


Available for: High Five, Interlude.

Can Be Adapted To: Everything.

Skype: knip.ex

Edited by Solomun
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Finally a normal price on this section, good job Gianniwth

Thanks mate :)


P.S[GR]: Εχω δηλωσει οτι δεν ειμαι Γιαννιώτης, απλα σπουδάζω εδω...κακή ωρα..

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wraios san litoyrgia stirizi polla :P

alla kantoy ena rework kai bale ta exitzone(loc) kai ta random spawn(loc) sto zone xml na sou einai pio simazemeno :)

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wraios san litoyrgia stirizi polla :P

alla kantoy ena rework kai bale ta exitzone(loc) kai ta random spawn(loc) sto zone xml na sou einai pio simazemeno :)

[GR] Αυτο που λες λειτουργει ηδη απλα ειχα αλλαξει και κατι αλλο παλαιοτερα στο pack που εχω (για tests εννοειται) επομενως δεν γινοταν. Για να ειμαι σιγουρος οτι αυτο που πουλαω δουλευει το εχω ετσι. Ωστοσο ναι εχεις δικιο, εαν βρω χρονο θα κατσω μια μερα να το φιξαρω και να το τεσταρω και αυτο :)

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You should consider making XML with custom zones types with configs attached to each type. Like this admin would be able to create multiple zones with different configs, for example CustomPartyZone where players can group in parties, Clans are not hidden too, second zone would be named CustomSoloZone and have different configs.


Good job anyway, price seems reasonable too.

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You should consider making XML with custom zones types with configs attached to each type. Like this admin would be able to create multiple zones with different configs, for example CustomPartyZone where players can group in parties, Clans are not hidden too, second zone would be named CustomSoloZone and have different configs.


Good job anyway, price seems reasonable too.

Well, that would be called a zone system ,if I am not wrong, right? :P Which means, i would have to rework the 90% of this system. However though, thanks for the idea and maybe one day if i manage to get some free time I am gonna do it .

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Well, that would be called a zone system ,if I am not wrong, right? :P Which means, i would have to rework the 90% of this system. 

Yeah :P It's just a thought.

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