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interlude [L2J] L2Eola - Valzeroth

Lineage 2 Eola

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Lineage 2 Eola Official Trailer 17th March the Beginning of a New Journey


General Information of Valzeroth
Basic Information
Experience Rates: x500
SP Rates: x500
Adena: x 50
Party Exp: x 1.5
Party SP: X 1.5
Enchant Rates
Safe +4 for armor
Safe +4 for weapons
Normal Enchant Scrolls 75%
Blessed Max Enchant +12 for Armor (Blessed Scrolls Rate 80%)
Blessed Max Enchant +14 for Weapons (Blessed Scrolls Rate 80%)
Eola's Blessing +18 for Armor(50% but item won't go to 0 after fail, it will go only 1 enchant less instead)
Eola's Blessing +18 for Weapons(50% but item won't go to 0 after fail, it will go only 1 enchant less instead)
Augmentation Rates
Normal life stone lvl 76 - 2%
Mid Life stone lvl 76 - 4%
High grade life stone lvl 76 8%
Top grade life stone lvl 76 15%
General Information
Auto loot
Buff slots 28+4
Subclass & Class Change Free
New H5 olympiad System
Solo and Party Dungeons
New Territory Wars system from H5
Sieges & Manors working l2off like
Skills & classes based on retail l2off balance
Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes
Max subclasses 3
Augments 1+1
Economy System
Weekend zone with boosted drops
2 Custom Eola Bosses (Chaotic & non-Chaotic)
Party Zone changes every day to a new zone
Party Zone split to 2 parts - Normal & Chaotic
Olympiad Games Retail like (with some custom restrictions)
PvP Zone with restrictions for unlimited PvP with rewards. Changes every 1 hour.
Epic Boss zones are Chaotic
Unique Gameplay
Many more features!

Custom Features & Information
Eola Dungeons
To make the game easier and more enjoyable for both the solo and clan players
we have created Instanced Dungeons in Lineage 2 Eola which you can enter 12 hours.
Dungeon: Story mode(Solo)
In this Dungeon you can only enter alone. There are 4 rooms with monsters that need to be killed. After each room is cleaned up,
you proceed to the next stage. These monsters have good drops and are fairly easy to be killed.
After the 4 first stages have been completed, you have 2 final stages to finish the dungeon!
In the last 2 stages, you have to slay the Sons of Valzeroth!
If you fail to complete the dungeon you cannot re-enter it for the next 12 hours.
Dungeon: Party mode(Hard)
You can only enter this Dungeon with a full party.
There are 5 rooms of monsters that need to be cleaned up.
The mobs are x10 times stronger than the story mode.
Like the story mode, after you finish cleaning up the rooms of monsters, you have to slay the Sons of Valzeroth!
This is only the beginning though, since after you complete these 2 stages, you proceed to the final stage.....
You have to slay Valzeroth the Forbidden himself!
If you fail to complete the dungeon you cannot re-enter it for the next 12 hours.
Rewards & Prizes
Dungeon: Story Mode
You get to choose 1 epic jewel which will last for the next 6 hours, along with many other misc
rewards which include lifestones, book of giants, crystal scrolls and more!
Dungeon: Party Mode
Various rewards which include lifestones, book of giants, blessed scrolls and many more!
You also get the drops of the boss Valzeroth the Forbidden!
Custom Party zone
The party zone is split in 2 parts: Normal & Chaotic zone. You can choose the spot you want to teleport at the gatekeeper.
The Normal part of the party zone has decreased drops than the Chaotic.
In the Chaotic part, there is a Mini-Boss which spawns every 3 hours and has good drops.
You can only enter the party zone with a party.
The party zone changes every day to a new zone.
Territory War System & Wards
The first time this feature will be applied to an Interlude server, prepare for massive battles!
Territory Wards
How it works:
Territory wards is a system that exists in higher chronicles.
It brings much more PvP and competitive action in Lineage II.
Every castle has its own Ward, which is basically a small artifact that can be captured by clans.
Territory wars are pretty similar to castle sieges.
Each territory is basically a Castle of a Town. There are 9 territories:
Twtag_gludio.jpg Gludio,Twtag_dion.jpg Dion,Twtag_giran.jpg Giran,Twtag_oren.jpg Oren,Twtag_aden.jpgAden,Twtag_innadril.jpg Innadril,Twtag_goddard.jpg Goddard,Twtag_rune.jpg Rune,Twtag_schut.jpg Schuttgart 
Attackers' goal - rush into the castle , steal the artifact(ward) , "seal" it by using Capture Ward and port it back to their castle.
Defenders' goal - don't let the attackers break into your castle and steal your flag.
Each clan that owns a castle must both defend their captured Wards (which are located in the clan's castle) and attack other castles to capture more Wards during the Territory Wars period.
Participating rules and TW period:
1) Territory Wars occur every day at 24:00 (GMT+2), after the sieges end.
2) The Territory Wars are open for all the players and clans, which means multiple clans with random players can attack a castle, but only clans that own a castle may capture the Ward.
3) Ressurection rules are same as for the sieges.
Combat,penalties and more:
1) The castles are Chaotic zones during the Territory Wars.
2) If you die you may teleport to headquarters, to village or to your clan's castle or clan hall if it owns one.
The leaders of clans that own a castle may set up an Outpost/Headquarter outside of any castle during the Territory Wars. The Outpost is indestructible and clan members can request to revive in it when they die during the Territory War. Only 1 Outpost may be spawned at each time, which means if you spawn a new one the old one will be deleted.
1) The Wards benefit their owners with stat bonuses:
Gludio Territory Ward - STR +1 / INT +1
Dion Territory Ward - DEX +1 / WIT +1
Giran Territory Ward - STR +1 / MEN +1
Oren Territory Ward - CON +1 / MEN +1
Aden Territory Ward - DEX +1 / MEN +1
Innadril Territory Ward - CON +1 / INT +1
Goddard Territory Ward - DEX +1 / INT +1
Rune Territory Ward - STR +1 / WIT +1
Schuttgart Territory Ward - CON +1 / WIT +1
These bonuses appear in your skills as passives. In order to get the bonuses from the captured Wards, your clan must have its original castle Ward. So for example if a Clan owns Gludio castle and captures the Ward of Innadril, if the Ward of Gludio is missing from the castle you will not get the bonuses from Innadril until you capture it back.
When you get kills during the Territory Wars, you gain Territory War Points (they appear in a small box under your mini-map). You can then trade these Territory War Points for various goods, including boss jewels, lifestones, scrolls and many more. Therefore, even solo players that fight on Territory Wars benefit from that.
Please keep in mind that the Territory Wars system implemented on L2Eola differs from the official system in many parts, in order to fit a PvP server.
Video of PvP action during the Territory Wars on a H5 server:
Eola's Custom Bosses
1 - Eola's Spirit - Chaotic (Hard)
Eola's Spirit - Chaotic is located in a Chaotic zone and it spawns 2 times a day: 18:00, 24:00 (GMT+2)
It drops 5 Random Boss Jewel boxes (a box that when you open it, it gives you a random epic boss jewel),
along with various other goods.
The drops go to the party or player that dealt the most damage.
2 - Eola's Spirit - Normal (Medium)
Eola's Spirit - Normal spawns 4 times a day: 06:00, 12:00, 18:00, 24:00 (GMT+2)
It drops 5 Random Boss Jewel boxes (a box that when you open it, it gives you a random epic boss jewel),
along with various other goods.
The 5 boxes are given to 5 random players that participated in killing the boss, which means it does NOT matter if you did more damage, you have to be lucky.
The other drops go to the party or player that dealt the most damage.
Custom Bosses for raid tokens & special drops.
3 Bosses in Ketra (HekatonTayr, Brakki)
3 Bosses in Varka (Shadith, Horus, Mos)
1 Bosses in FoG Lower (Ember)
1 Bosses in Hot Springs (Hestia)
Lineage 2 Eola Custom Olympiad System
Lineage II Eola introduces for the first time the H5 Olympiad system in Interlude.
What is changed:
- 4 new stadiums in which the games will take place (each game is instanced, therefore as many as 20 games may run at the same time).
- Buffer to choose up to 5 buffs before the gates open and the match begins!
- After every fight, a panel with information about the match and the participants is displayed to both the winner and the loser:
- Class-based games are disabled to avoid feeding.
- The rankings update every 5 minutes when the Olympiad runs (the manager announces it every time they update).
- The games are announced by the manager before they begin.
- Maximum enchant in the Olympiad is +6, which means if your items are higher that +6 they will be modified to +6 for the match and when its over the modifications will be reverted.
- The class balance in olympiad is untouched to ensure retail battles.
The Olympiad begins every day at 18:00 and ends at 24:00 (GMT+2).
Custom Siege System
The Sieges in Lineage II Eola run daily:
Monday - Gludio 22:00
Tuesday - Giran 22:00
Wednesday - Dion 22:00
Thursday - Indadrill 22:00
Friday - Goddard 22:00
Saturday - Oren 16:00 / Rune 22:00
Sunday - Shtutgart 16:00 / Aden 22:00
Clan Wars Special System
In Lineage II Eola, the clan wars progress is recorded.
You can view at the Clan Live Status Manager or by pressing .livestatus the current kills between clans that are in war.
Every 12 hours, the top 3 winner clans will be rewarded:
- Top 1 clan: 5000 clan reputation
- Top 2 clan: 3500 clan reputation
- Top 3 clan: 2000 clan reputation
Weekend zone
There is a custom zone that will only be accessible during the weekends
that has monsters with boosted drops and book of giants!
Grand Bosses
Valakas respawn time 48 (+/- 1) hours (2 days)
Antharas respawn time 48 (+/- 1)  (2 days)
Baium respawn time 24 (+/- 1)  (1 day) 
Frintezza respawn time 24 (+/- 1)  (1 day)
Ant Queen respawn time 10 (+/- 1) 
Core respawn time 10 hours +1 (+/- 1) 
Orfen respawn time 10 hours +1 (+/- 1) 
Custom Noblesse System
The party that will last hit the boss Barakiel (5 hours respawn time) will
automatically gain noblesse status.
You can also trade 5.000 Farm Tokens in our Noblesse/Subclass Manager which is located in Giran to gain noblesse status.
Custom Automate Events
The events in L2Eola are automatic and run every 2 hours:
- Deathmatch event (diguised event)
- TvT event
- Capture the Flag event
Killing Spree System
Every 10 kills in a row, the killer is announced in a red colour in global chat.
At 50 kills in a row, the killer receives the Mark of Dominator, an item that lasts for 5 hours and boosts the drop rate of the owner by 20%.
The PvP Zone
Anyone can enter the PvP zone except Bishops, Elven Elders, Shilen Elders, Dominators and Prophets.
You're not allowed to make party with more than 1 person in the PvP zone.
You can kill anyone in PvP zone also clan mates, and use any skill in them no restrictions.
The PvP Zone will be automatically changed every 1 hour in a different zone.
5 Different Zones
The End of the zone, all players who are inside will be rewarded with a Chest Box which  will contain various goods (no jewel's)
The top 1 PvP Player of the zone will be rewarded with 2 Boxes
At the end of the PvP zone, the winner will be announced.
PvP Zone has more extra special on-kill rewards!
WEB: www.L2Eola.com
FORUM: www.L2Eola.com/forum


Edited by Lineage 2 Eola
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what is the point of reopening already failed server?

You seem don't like that Eola is back, creating an account of bad advertise good luck pimp


bring it

Oh Yeah its coming! 10 times stronger than before!


Gl man.

Thank you!

We welcome you to take part in our community daily!

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what is the point of reopening already failed server?

The opinion of a random, good luck with that.


L2Eola had a great success in the eyes of most of its players, despite the fact that there were some issues which eventually got fixed.


However, L2Eola Valzeroth x500 comes to revive the project this time with double (or even triple) the effort and time put into the development of the server, fixing and improving all things that were reported in Genesis x1000.

More than 3 months of development have been put into this new project (excluding the time put for the previous one, which was significant too), and with all the support we had from the first server, Valzeroth will not fail any player who joins it and will provide a unique, balanced and bugless experience to the players.

It is also worth to mention that targetting a world-wide audience we expect triple the online players amount of the first server, specially with the advertising that is being done and will continue being done for the server.

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i dont know if you deserve players this time but you scammed my friend 165 Euros Mr.Koza

Edited by Celestine
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i dont know if you deserve players this time but you scammed my friend 165 Euros Mr.Koza

That's a fake information, as far I been discussing with the rest of the people who been merged on that alliance for the server, there was not any payment to be made in the clan you think.

I'll not give out any name, but please make a research before posting bad advertise, thank you a lot.

and we welcome you in our brand new server.

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Register your clan now in the current clan event don't miss your chance!

Valzeroth x500 Stronger than everyone.


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Lineage 2 Eola

It's hosting more than 5 Events right now!

Participate now in our current live events and win amazing prices!

More information in our facebook page



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    • Server Rates: » Xp 500x. » Sp 500x. » Aden 500x. » Drop 1x. » PartyXp 2x. » PartySp 2x. » Starting character level -61. Enchant rates: » Safe enchant +4. » Blessed and simple scrolls max enchant (+16). » Crystal scrolls max enchant (+20). » Simple enchant scrolls chance – 65%. » Blessed enchant scrolls chance – 100%. » Crystal enchant scrolls chance – 50% Augmentations: » Mid life stone skill chance – 5%. » High life stone skill chance – 10%. » Top life stone skill chance – 20%. » Augments 1+1 Unique features: » Main town – Giran » Automatic-Manual Potions. » Working 2 castle sieges. (Giran-Aden) » SPS cancel lasts 10 seconds and than buffs come back. » Stackable scrolls, lifestones, book of giants. » Unique pvp zone » More then 11 active raid bosses. » Wedding system. » Unique farming areas. » Npc skill enchanter. » Full npc buffer with auto buff. » Max count of buffs – 55. » Max subclasses – 4. » Free and no quest class change. » Free and no quest sub class. » Raid boss drop nobless item. » No weight limit. » Unique protection anti-hwy armor for archers/daggers etc. » Ingame password change. » Top pvp/pk/online ranks NPC. » Unique monsters & NPC. » Interlude retail skills. » Server up-time [24/7] [99]%. » Perfect class balance (all class can kill all class depending on players skill and setup knowledge,gear,augmentations). » Announcements on double kills triple kills etc. » Announcements on Grand Boss death , with the name of the killer as well as clan name of the player. » Information Npc in game with all servers infromations. Custom server gear : 1). Titanium Armor Lv.1 2). Epic Armor Lv.2 3). Epic Weapons-Kamikaze-Black S grade (Same Stats) 4). Demonic-Angelic Wings-Baium Hair-Custom Accessories (SameStats) 5). Custom Fighter/Mage tattoo Lv1-Lv2-Lv3 6). Shirt (STR,CON,INT +1) 7). Custom Shields Server Commands: .tvtjoin .tvtleave – Join or leave tvt event. .ctfjoin .ctfleave – Join or leave ctf event. .dmjoin .dmleave – Join of leave dm event. .online – current online players count. .repair – repairs stuck character in world. .menu – opens online menu panel. .exit – PVP zone exit in case you are bullied. .changepassword - Opens online menu then u can change ur password in game. .farm - Enable/disable autofarm Event system: » TVT event » CTF event » DM event » Tournament Event » Party Zone » Unique event shop. Olympiad game: » Retail olympiad game. » Competition period [1] week. » Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00] GMT+2. » New Heroes every Sunday.
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