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Why I Am Better Than You


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Something like that.

Bitches everywhere right? =))) lel

This is why we need Trump..., niggaz era ended.

you are a kid ma men stop with that bullshit .. you are a white men who cares about your live at all we will have the same end ''DEAD'' make that in your mind boy of him papi and mami

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So you mean to tell me you own a 60,000$ Patek Nautilus?Seriously?

That only makes you an idiot who is worse than all of us combined, sorry. This troll topic is idiotic at best, what this forum became over the years is nonsense. Atleast if you want to anger some people and watch the reactions do it with style and destroy them with logic.

BTW since you are from romania the average house price per square feet is like half of the price compared to Greece and im talking city center mansion here. :D

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So you mean to tell me you own a 60,000$ Patek Nautilus?Seriously?


That only makes you an idiot who is worse than all of us combined, sorry. This troll topic is idiotic at best, what this forum became over the years is nonsense. Atleast if you want to anger some people and watch the reactions do it with style and destroy them with logic.


BTW since you are from romania the average house price per square feet is like half of the price compared to Greece and im talking city center mansion here. :D


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In Greece, real estate is much more expensive than in US genius, get your facts straight.

average sq ft is 1k-1500


heres my condo





A normal apartment in L.A costs double than a big house (not apartment) in Greece. Anyway, there's no terms of comparison. 

stop answering as me LOL


so cheap watch :(

i know......... i just happened to have this one on and decided to make this thread :(

i hav a 5048 rose gold, 5296 white gold and 5270 too

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average sq ft is 1k-1500


heres my condo


stop answering as me LOL


i know......... i just happened to have this one on and decided to make this thread  :(

i hav a 5048 rose gold, 5296 white gold and 5270 too


Actually even the highest average sq ft price in the us is not above 250$ except some rare places like Colombia district for example.


You start to worry me tho, the 5048 rose gold is a womens watch. Are you transgender maybe? Or just randomly googled expensive watches without checking? :D

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owned lul


Nahh no that was childs play. I got used to much longer and harder things(my mood is devilish for a reason you know). :D

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mucho money and mucho ugly


Patek Nautilus's clone is $600 or less.


I'm still fabolous btw(just for equal measure) :D


Not fluffy?  >:(

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Patek Nautilus's clone is $600 or less.



Not fluffy?  >:(

In the picture its an original one, the clone have the date shown at the bottom but the original have it on the side.


Fluffy only applies to my beard(I started to grow a viking beard) :D

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