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[L2J] Lineage 2 Destruction


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So much drama for nothing.
''My server is better than yours''
''I am better and more skilled developer than you''
''Primes fault for my server being totally a crap but lets not face it and blame others''

Like..come on..If any of the server you talk about was good,they would still be online like L2Pride was for so many fucking years.
You cant and you wont do what Dav did.
You never will.
Grow up,create a server from scratch and try to attract different communities,not pride ones.
As Tectonic said above in a post,Pride's community grew up,dont ''build'' ur server on us.

Going on forums sayin Primes ruined your server and closed it.Tell me how Primes ruined your server?
I'll tell you what you cant seem to understand.
Primes are bastards,we all know that.
They will find ways to bot,to outplay everyone,to outfarm everyone and in the end no1 will be able to fight them.
So its not Primes fault.Its yours (Admins)fault cuz Primes are just outsmart  you and thats a living proof of it.
And thats what almost all the community does but Primes are in a ''pack'' so its more obvious.

You dont want us in your server?We dont give a crap tbh
I wanna see who you gonna blame after your server close again or it will have 100 ppl online..

Edited by Wiper10
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In my point of view let's examine what we have.


5 tier's weapons/armors (or 4)

3 tier's accesories

and a bunch of other things.


In order to keep your player's is to make then not get bored farming/pvping. You have to give a meaning on those things as L2 Pride did. What you see nowadays is everyone releasing the last pack of the server and not going on babysteps, as on L2Pride. 


Now what I mean, since you have so many custom items release 1-2 tier's 1st make it a little bit hard to get them also enchanting is a major factor don't do the shop getting item's +14 with chance to hit +19 or who knows what. Give the low tier's value. Then as you pop up on tier's and releasing more, when you think is the time to move on another one gradually make the lower tier's easier to be obtained and enchanted.


The reason?

Is to give the newcoming players the headstart to come closer to good geared players. I still remember farming in party for that dynasty tier 2 and killing raids with clan to obtain some Icarus back then and they were having value. Now every other day someone with the pack makes a server. That doesn't go for this one as he wanted to make his own farm zone and economy system, but unfortunately it failed. 

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In my point of view let's examine what we have.


5 tier's weapons/armors (or 4)

3 tier's accesories

and a bunch of other things.


In order to keep your player's is to make then not get bored farming/pvping. You have to give a meaning on those things as L2 Pride did. What you see nowadays is everyone releasing the last pack of the server and not going on babysteps, as on L2Pride. 


Now what I mean, since you have so many custom items release 1-2 tier's 1st make it a little bit hard to get them also enchanting is a major factor don't do the shop getting item's +14 with chance to hit +19 or who knows what. Give the low tier's value. Then as you pop up on tier's and releasing more, when you think is the time to move on another one gradually make the lower tier's easier to be obtained and enchanted.


The reason?

Is to give the newcoming players the headstart to come closer to good geared players. I still remember farming in party for that dynasty tier 2 and killing raids with clan to obtain some Icarus back then and they were having value. Now every other day someone with the pack makes a server. That doesn't go for this one as he wanted to make his own farm zone and economy system, but unfortunately it failed.


this happens bcoz people now have no ideas or new features and things to import in a serber.thats why they just find shared pack and make an open,and thats a reason for peoe to get boring,me personally totally agree with you,this way can make all serious pride like servers have some potential and find a way to make players stay.

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this happens bcoz people now have no ideas or new features and things to import in a serber.thats why they just find shared pack and make an open,and thats a reason for peoe to get boring,me personally totally agree with you,this way can make all serious pride like servers have some potential and find a way to make players stay.

Let's hope one day someone will open a server like this again


Edit: I almost forgot, I'm looking forward for aepvp. Maybe he will make something good :P

Edited by krank
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Let's hope one day someone will open a server like this again


Edit: I almost forgot, I'm looking forward for aepvp. Maybe he will make something good :P

we may able to join forces,make cp together since i will try it to,but yet needs more time to fully develop and open.they can make something good once again and we can have some fun

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i am not gonna even speak about this hate-drama, i  dont rly care every1 got an opinion, i respect that.


The thing with custom servers is that everything is a pride copy either you like it or not,why prophet got fists? why lux gold gives fighter stats and lux silver mage? even in the "not a pride copy" servers they have this,isnt it a copy? i mean come on, you can add so many stats so many accs and yet you have exactly the same (or you just change 1 thing +1/-1).


Accs were just an example,there are many other things that you still copy and then you say its not a copy of pride...anyway food for though

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At start gear wasnt so easy to get but ppl complained that farm is hard and left

He made farm easier and still more ppl left

Ppl these days dont know what to ask for

I enjoyed this server more than any other server even w/o ppl

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What we did, was actually releasing things in steps, we made it so new comers didn't have to enchant gear to be able to compete with the top players.

Yes our farm system was hard because we wanted players to fool around and do more than just farming.

The issue with lineage 2 now, is its indeed and old game and not many wants to spend their 2-3 hour a day farming for better gear.


So we are doing a huge makeover on how to get items and how to enchant items.

What we want was a server where you could log in and not worry about being left outside because you couldn't farm. It worked as intended but it was too hard for players who was using zodiac to see players in dragon slayer gear and felt they were "left behind" because of the farm. But truth is they weren't really behind. A fully geared zodiac player could do a huge amount of dmg to any higher tiers. But people don't wanna learn new things from l2, they want to play what they are used to. People wants to be able to solo everything without having to worry about being in a party. The only time they wants parties is when they pvp.


So overall conclusions we are solving 85% of the issues we have on the server. The last 15% can't be solve since its a personal aspect of the game

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your way of thinking is very right and its very important understanding players needs and act so you can keep them active.like you also said,problem is on a big part of community who want to always win and full gear without farm,and others who lose hero olympiad leave also.Thats sad seeong that people only enjoy winning and not enjoy teamwork,pvp,working for gear and others that game offer.as long as they remain the same they will always look for another serber every monday and so on..

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Private servers feeds off the drama and all the crying. Because everyone knows it's a private server and there's tons of them. So they know if they aren't satisfied they will move to the next.


What I've notice is like games such LoL/Dota/Smite and other games who has a "short" game time. They live off the drama and that's why players come back, it's a quick game with drama, they can enjoy their 1 hour pvp and then leave if they want to.

Sadly I think L2 private servers work the same way now


There's 2 types of players in l2.

Player 1. Farms, enjoys the game, gets geared and then wait to pvp. 10% of a server.


Player 2. Joins, farms for 2 seconds, gets bored, gets owned by player 1. Cries about the farm is too hard, the classes are unbalance, claiming they're the God of Pvp, l2 and know everything about l2. Those guys quit. But they are 90% of a server

Edited by xoiten
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What we did, was actually releasing things in steps, we made it so new comers didn't have to enchant gear to be able to compete with the top players.

Yes our farm system was hard because we wanted players to fool around and do more than just farming.

The issue with lineage 2 now, is its indeed and old game and not many wants to spend their 2-3 hour a day farming for better gear.

So we are doing a huge makeover on how to get items and how to enchant items.

What we want was a server where you could log in and not worry about being left outside because you couldn't farm. It worked as intended but it was too hard for players who was using zodiac to see players in dragon slayer gear and felt they were "left behind" because of the farm. But truth is they weren't really behind. A fully geared zodiac player could do a huge amount of dmg to any higher tiers. But people don't wanna learn new things from l2, they want to play what they are used to. People wants to be able to solo everything without having to worry about being in a party. The only time they wants parties is when they pvp.

So overall conclusions we are solving 85% of the issues we have on the server. The last 15% can't be solve since its a personal aspect of the game

It took me more than 4 grand openings and 4 live servers to understand the player's behaviour to this game it took my years to understand how is the best way of treating your community and it is not an easy story.


You gotta have years of experience to make something succeed and last a few months and not 10 days as your server. It's years of experience man.


With just 1 failure and 2 months of work you cannot do anything. And that's the reason you can't have a success that's the reason for whatever you change people will quit very very soon.


Besides, these 15% & 85% numbers are all wrong. Can you explain me scientifically how you concluded this ? Or it's a personal opinion ? If so it's bullshit.

Edited by Dev
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Dev, im talking about now, not 4-5 years ago.

My first server, was released about a half year after Pride opened. Called L2DestGaming, we had roughly 500 players on. Nothing big that time, but we had it going for about 5-6 month before I got really sick and couldnt continue, most of the guys went back to Pride, after I closed.

My second server was called L2Ruthless, some might know it, but i was the 2nd half of L2Ruthless before we went our seperate ways.

My 3rd server L2Destruction, yes true, it failed because i still had the mindset of the old style lineage 2.

My L2 experience goes back to prelude/close beta. My GAMING experience, goes back to UO 1997 and played about nearly every mmorpg that came out till last year.

So overall, i got a good experience in what attract players and what not.

My percentage is wrong, but i just had to give a number and its my personal opionon.
What ive notice, and what i keep noticing is all those new servers opening up, "5k online, 2k online, 1k online, 500 online" whatever online they have, all disappears after a certain time. Why is this happening?
Why do people leave a server? What did they do wrong, what do people want? Why play a private server, when the real one is free? Why still play L2, when theres a thousand other games out there that is free to play.

My conclussion is, its because Lineage 2 is a fun game to play for a short time now, private servers are for players who loved how pvp was, not how farming was. I myself, would never play a server that had a lot of grind before i could pvp. Because pvp for me is the funniest part of the game.

If you can find the key of success in private server, which one one still cant. You can make those RU classic servers, people still leave, you can make those ultra customized servers, people still leave. So what makes players stay? DRAMA. The e-peen lust. The feeling that "oh, here i am and people hates me thats why i keep playing"
Playing on a server, with 1000 players, and if all 1000 players are friends, there wouldnt be any drama aka. server will die.

Trolls, even when i hate them the most, criers, whiners, all the "worst of worst" are the one that keep playing? Why as long they are sadisfied, they will keep playing and they will keep causing drama.
As long you can minimize the criers cry. You make sure, they can get easy items, you make sure they dont feel like they are underpowered and cant beat someone. You make sure theres a good balance in pvp.

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It took me more than 4 grand openings and 4 live servers to understand the player's behaviour to this game it took my years to understand how is the best way of treating your community and it is not an easy story.


You gotta have years of experience to make something succeed and last a few months and not 10 days as your server. It's years of experience man.


With just 1 failure and 2 months of work you cannot do anything. And that's the reason you can't have a success that's the reason for whatever you change people will quit very very soon.


Besides, these 15% & 85% numbers are all wrong. Can you explain me scientifically how you concluded this ? Or it's a personal opinion ? If so it's bullshit.

your servers failed more so you cant talk about failure when you are first one with fails

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