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classic [L2Off] L2Red


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Dear friends!


After today's server restart some people couldn't connect to our server. In case you are one of them, we want to give you a step by step guide: how to connect to the Kain x5.

After you do this, you will enjoy the game without any connection problems.


1. Register account if you don't have it yet- registration

2. Download a game client (it is important to use our clean client and don't use client from other servers) - download by torrent

3. Add lineage 2 folder to exception list of your antivirus - guid how to do this

5. Extract patch to the L2 folder (don't rename system-eu folder)

6. Run l2.exe from system-eu folder


Our new patch contains autoupdater, so you won't need to update the patch again in the future, autoupdater will download the files by himself.


If you still have any problems or questions you can find us on discord chat and we will help you.

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e name=L2Red.net" post="2626438" timestamp="1489680160]is there a reason you post such thing ? i think shops are more than 100 . Well you have plenty of classic servers to join ..

The fact that there is no good classic server doesnt mean people should waste their time at you server.

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On the following list you can see the bugs which have been fixed in period from 4th March (when beta start), till today. After server start we were more concentrated on protection from DDoS, now we are back to fixing the things again.

  • Fix mobs stats in Blasing Swamp and ammount
  • Fix mobs stats in Ancient Battle Ground and ammount
  • Fix mobs stats in Enchanted Valley and ammount
  • Fix mobs stats in Forbiden gataway and ammount
  • Fix location on Ant Queen
  • Give right amount of experience when 2 players attack one mobe depend on Inflicted demage
  • Fix chance of re-overlapping debuffs
  • Fix effect wit on resurrection skill
  • Fix cancel skill
  • Fix attack on clan members on siedge
  • After cast on siedge all crystal restore
  • Fix stats Orfen's Earring
  • Delete cancel skills from mobs on LOA
  • Fix skills sonic move
  • Fix use soulshots when use physical skills
  • Stuns should have chance to been removed if you get hitted - fixed
  • Fixed chance of stun
  • Fixed skill Parasite Burst
  • Mob wake up, if he on sleep and get debuff poison
  • If mobe dark red (much higher in level then you), chance of droping item if you die decreased
  • If you dont have mp, you cant give songs (for sws) and buff icon Is becoming dark
  • Fix corpse burst skill
  • Fix toxic smoke skill
  • Fix tick of poison
  • Fix Orfen skills
  • Fix range of agression skill
  • Cubic had activate only with target MOB, but, Cubic have to activate when I get target and hit MOB with Magic/Range or physical. And pvp, cubic activate If target ppl on PvP/PK or wartag - fixed
  • Cubic in red server when activate makes MOB agroo on master, but its wrong, cuz cubic dont do agroo, its very dungerous, cuz is I target boss, cubic active and boss kill me. - fixed
  • Fix heal from Battle roar skill
  • Increase Fatal Counter damage
  • Fixed time for magic haste potion
  • All mobs minions run for their master
  • Hames orc foot soldier fixed lvl
  • Fix minions of Core
  • AC Escorts shouldn't respawn in 1 minute. -Nurses shouldn't leave egg while you hit egg. -Escorts can't leave boss area. -AQ should using magic attacks/aoe poison-slow not hitting normal hits and reseting when going out of area. -AQ shouldn't go inside egg area. -Royals are not responding to aggression. - fixed
  • Add function - remove buffs for alt+click
  • When dwarf golem kill player drop item - fixed
  • Fix CRP
  • Fix exp on CC
  • On siege clan flags have name of clan
  • Trives Seal of shilen - delete cancel skill from this mob
  • warlord skills damage party members and stun them in coliseum - fixed
  • Dual Weapon Defense skill - fixed
  • Fix buff on scroll "2nd class buff scroll"
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Dex owned by lirusky

Club lirusky

Red lirusky

Red is java from l2jscripts easy

Dreamstage rage off mind of your l2supreme pls keep it quiet based on j either

You dont get ddosed from liru club you get from anther russian and you know better who is that guy

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Dreamstage rage off mind of your l2supreme pls keep it quiet based on j either


L2 Supreme? What has an High Five server to do with this LUL

I do not own a server pathetic. Im just trying all Classic

Edited by DreamStage
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Dex owned by lirusky

Club lirusky

Red lirusky

Red is java from l2jscripts easy

Dreamstage rage off mind of your l2supreme pls keep it quiet based on j either

You dont get ddosed from liru club you get from anther russian and you know better who is that guy


L2 Supreme? What has an High Five server to do with this LUL

I do not own a server pathetic. Im just trying all Classic


You know exactly what i mean warpboy


Behave yourselves....


L2 Warpgate has nothing to do with this... I even tried to help L2Red in first place with their DDoS


About us being Java? Believe me you are out of our knowledge here mate.

Here's some pic for you @Kazze:



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Event Total Recall
Once upon a time a terrible story happened to a brave Prince... Princess? A horrible spell turned her (or him?) into an awful amphibian. 
Many years have passed, and now nobody knows for sure whether it was a pretty young lady or a fearless young man... 
The victim itself cannot recall the circumstances in which it was cursed. The only thing it remembers is its royal lineage. 
For many years the Frog is wandering the world looking for anything that can help it discover its past. 
Can it be that its journey is over, and the one who can break the spell lives here, in Elmoreden?...

Event Duration

Event will take place from April 1 till April 6 2017.
Charmed Frog will appear in all towns.
Event will finish on 6 April 2017.

Event Process

After the maintenance you will meet Charmed Frog in all towns of Aden, including starter villages.
Kiss the pretty Frog, and it will grant you with the positive effect.
Effect is deleted upon death, but you can kiss the Frog as many times as you want! Upon every kiss you will receive the effect.

A good deed is never lost! Help the Frog and be rewarded!


Edited by L2Red.net
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