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Vladimir Putin is set to ban Pokemon GO from Russia after an internal Kremlin investigation revealed the viral augmented reality smartphone game has direct links to the CIA and wider intelligence community and is being used to secretly gather data on a colossal scale.

Young people are being tricked into giving up their privacy to these intelligence agencies, according to Kremlin sources, and while playing the game they act as unwitting intelligence gatherers for the CIA. The game has an extensive list of intrusive tracking permissions, and it is these ‘fine print clauses’ that raised eyebrows in the Kremlin and sparked the ongoing investigation.
The game’s creator, Niantec, is closely linked to the CIA. Niantec CEO John Hanke created Keyhole in 2001 – which was later bought by Google.
Most of the money used to create Keyhole came from the National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency and the CIA.
Pokemon GO is the pinnacle of Hanke’s intelligence gathering career thus far. He is a New World Order intelligence operative whose career has been creating ingenious ways to spy on unsuspecting citizens and siphon the information back to intelligence agencies.

With the launch of the viral game, the CIA effectively recruited millions of unaware, distracted people to work as intelligence and surveillance operatives, gathering previously time consuming, expensive data for the intelligence agency.
An agency that wants footage of the inside of a home or building can now place desirable Pokemon there, and naive citizens will collect the footage for them.
Putin, who has promised to destroy the New World Order in 2016, believes the augmented reality smartphone game is a case of wolf in sheep’s clothing.
The game hasn’t been released in Russia yet, however some Russian Pokemon fans have gained access and have started playing the game in Moscow, prompting Putin to warn them to stay away from his residence and government buildings over security fears.
The game looks set to have a limited life span in Russia, and other countries are showing signs of following suit in banning the CIA-funded game over security concerns.
China, the world’s biggest gaming and smartphone market, has expressed reservations about the game, believing it could be a Trojan horse for offensive military action by the United States and Japan.
Pokemon GO represents the latest tool to ensnare people. It is a form of hypnotism and could have sinister consequences. The New World Order have corralled these young people and are using them to create caches of hi-res data-rich images of their surroundings – including personal spaces – that get collated and stored by the CIA.
Kremlin sources believe the most objectionable clause in the Pokemon GO contract being signed by young people all over the world is the line: “We may disclose any information about you (or your authorized child) that is in our possession or control to government or law enforcement officials or private parties.”
In other words, everything your smartphone camera captures while you are attempting to capture Pokemon can and will be used against you in a court of law.
source : http://yournewswire.com/putin-to-ban-pokemon-go-from-russia-due-to-links-to-cia/



typical kremlin propaganda showing west as the one to blame and the worst threat, while putin will be the one fighting for better tomorrow of mother russia XD

please die.



Pokemon GO is the pinnacle of Hanke’s intelligence gathering career thus far. He is a New World Order intelligence operative whose career has been...



Was a fine read until this  :y u no?:


But yeah Pokémon Go is an interesting tool, I would be surprised if some weren't trying to take an advantage of it.



Vladimir Putin is set to ban Pokemon GO from Russia after an internal Kremlin investigation revealed the viral augmented reality smartphone game has direct links to the CIA and wider intelligence community and is being used to secretly gather data on a colossal scale.


Young people are being tricked into giving up their privacy to these intelligence agencies, according to Kremlin sources, and while playing the game they act as unwitting intelligence gatherers for the CIA. The game has an extensive list of intrusive tracking permissions, and it is these ‘fine print clauses’ that raised eyebrows in the Kremlin and sparked the ongoing investigation.
The game’s creator, Niantec, is closely linked to the CIA. Niantec CEO John Hanke created Keyhole in 2001 – which was later bought by Google.
Most of the money used to create Keyhole came from the National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency and the CIA.
Pokemon GO is the pinnacle of Hanke’s intelligence gathering career thus far. He is a New World Order intelligence operative whose career has been creating ingenious ways to spy on unsuspecting citizens and siphon the information back to intelligence agencies.


With the launch of the viral game, the CIA effectively recruited millions of unaware, distracted people to work as intelligence and surveillance operatives, gathering previously time consuming, expensive data for the intelligence agency.
An agency that wants footage of the inside of a home or building can now place desirable Pokemon there, and naive citizens will collect the footage for them.
Putin, who has promised to destroy the New World Order in 2016, believes the augmented reality smartphone game is a case of wolf in sheep’s clothing.
The game hasn’t been released in Russia yet, however some Russian Pokemon fans have gained access and have started playing the game in Moscow, prompting Putin to warn them to stay away from his residence and government buildings over security fears.
The game looks set to have a limited life span in Russia, and other countries are showing signs of following suit in banning the CIA-funded game over security concerns.
China, the world’s biggest gaming and smartphone market, has expressed reservations about the game, believing it could be a Trojan horse for offensive military action by the United States and Japan.
Pokemon GO represents the latest tool to ensnare people. It is a form of hypnotism and could have sinister consequences. The New World Order have corralled these young people and are using them to create caches of hi-res data-rich images of their surroundings – including personal spaces – that get collated and stored by the CIA.
Kremlin sources believe the most objectionable clause in the Pokemon GO contract being signed by young people all over the world is the line: “We may disclose any information about you (or your authorized child) that is in our possession or control to government or law enforcement officials or private parties.”
In other words, everything your smartphone camera captures while you are attempting to capture Pokemon can and will be used against you in a court of law.
source : http://yournewswire.com/putin-to-ban-pokemon-go-from-russia-due-to-links-to-cia/


Show me where is said it or gtfo. 


I didnt vote for Putin, but such words if how all world act on every his word.

The real reason why our goverment "thinking" to block Pokemon GO is: it's too dangerouse to meet a lot ppl in one place, becouse terrorist may easy make an act of terrorism in this place.

You guys still believe that ur democracy will save the world. But open ur eyes: how many act of terrorism were in Europe and how many were in Russia (in last year)?

You still thinking we all walking with AK-74, bears are walking on our steets and so on. But atlest we are living safe, and we dont need ur "rules" how the ife should be.

Keep acting like an arrogant monkey and keep talking to all world how they should live, while ISIS killing ur citizens every day and migrants facking ur womans.


P.S think about urselfs first, then talk about the others.


Are you trying to imply that pokemon go can gather more people in one place than lets say market square? There already are lots of public places with tons of people so...

Posted (edited)

Pokemon Go is just a bs ...

If someone wants to play Pokemon,just get an old version (crystal/saph/soul silver max).


About this topic:There is no reason to "ban" a game in any country.U just make it more famous and u give a reason to muricans to be happier since they are rivals to everything.


The idea is brilliant and they will milk millions of people (they will make billions) but the whole thing fits to either braindead people either to someone who wants to make money from it (Mewtwo in ur house = the pleb who gives the highest payment gets it).Playing it for just fun and for a while,it might be an option but its not even "short-term"...



Anyway,thats life nowadays



P.S Pokemon Go will increase the awareness of the people and actually the deaths in murica since every single guy owns a gun (they are famous enough for their IQ) and going through a street without watching at all is like a walking into a rope

Edited by bravetobe
Posted (edited)

Pokemon Go is just a bs ...

If someone wants to play Pokemon,just get an old version (crystal/saph/soul silver max).


About this topic:There is no reason to "ban" a game in any country.U just make it more famous and u give a reason to muricans to be happier since they are rivals to everything.


The idea is brilliant and they will milk millions of people (they will make billions) but the whole thing fits to either braindead people either to someone who wants to make money from it (Mewtwo in ur house = the pleb who gives the highest payment gets it).Playing it for just fun and for a while,it might be an option but its not even "short-term"...



Anyway,thats life nowadays

[GR] aaa bikes pos k etsi.. den mas exis grapsi katholou, kwlopaidi >.> :'( [/GR]

Edited by AccessDenied

[GR] aaa bikes pos k etsi.. den mas exis grapsi katholou, kwlopaidi >.> :'( [/GR]

[GR] oxi na ka8omai na diabazw ta post tou filou s tou hacker (pou den ton patane ban) ... standar blepei mr.robot autos kai tin eide kapws.diabazw pou kai pou alla den eimai on me to acc.[GR]


Are you trying to imply that pokemon go can gather more people in one place than lets say market square? There already are lots of public places with tons of people so...

All market squares and so are controlable by police and private guard forces.

I have nothing against pokemon go,I dont like this mass media reaction about my country.


[GR] oxi na ka8omai na diabazw ta post tou filou s tou hacker (pou den ton patane ban) ... standar blepei mr.robot autos kai tin eide kapws.diabazw pou kai pou alla den eimai on me to acc.[GR]

[gr]kala 10xrone pistepse to egw auto pou 3erw oti einai oti den exeis idea apo tpt kai den aksizei na asxolithw oute lepto mazi s :P


[eng]request to clean all spam replies thanks


[gr]kala 10xrone pistepse to egw auto pou 3erw oti einai oti den exeis idea apo tpt kai den aksizei na asxolithw oute lepto mazi s :P


[eng]request to clean all spam replies thanks

Αντε αυτοκτονα ρε σιχαμα που θες και clean

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