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Curent L2 Situation

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I dont have time to type a A4 letter, so ill keep it quick.


L2 is dead L2 is P2W. bla bla 


Some people just like me, played alot of other mmos hacknslash etc bla bla.


There is nothing out there that can get even close to PvP content in L2 [We dont count Diablo 2]

Would you as a adult atm, join a official Lineage 2 server openend back to P2P mode?


What my point is, im willing to write an open letter to Ncs0ft to reopen the P2P model.



Your recs?

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Not going to work. People already tried that.


However, do you remember the state of L2 back in HF, just before F2P[your attempt to login has failed, please try again later] was introduced?


Top tier clans all dead, cemeteries of maxed level (85.100) maxed equipment (OE Vesper Noble) characters, with less and less of them (a decrease each month) logging in once in two weeks to use the anakim transform and defend their castle.

Oly: all modes dead with minor activity in 1v1 Class Independent.

Mid tier clans having some tp spot ganking in GC from time to time.


There's no future for L2 with the subscription model. It's just not the time where people would play a game that requires such serious commitment as l2 requires you to. Especially in current model, where you cannot get adena nor drops unless you buy it for real money.


However, if we would at least get Korean in-game setup (shops, events, etc.), that would make this game at least playable and would definitely make it less p2w. Otherwise, it's FULL p2w here, either you pay or you will never achieve anything, not even when running bots in GoG 24/7.



EDIT: also, there are plenty of ingame exploits (like the lotto infinite adena) that make this game that much more one-sided, decreasing its popularity even further.

Even my signature shows the infamous eXEQ"72h bans only"tor (Naia) abusing an exploit to attack someone who is in peace zone while also being in peace zone.

Edited by _dev_
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It's not dead... some retards saying that, because they failed to gain some money from their crappy projects. :lol:



/edit gonna write some more but no time atm, mb tomorrow xD afk...

Edited by Lin2Dev
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It's not dead... some retards saying that, because they failed to gain some money from their crappy projects. :lol:


so true my love that was pain in the ass those hot words you say wowe :D

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you always could attack people on gainak spawn, so what do i miss on that fraps?

System message window.


Also, NO. You can only attack when gainak is PvP zone, and that's when the mobs that are worthwhile killing spawn. Most of the time its peace zone, like when the video was taken.


Git gud pls

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Well I thought also that the P2P model would work better but look at EU Classic, they have already started offers(50 % discount for 3 months subscription) in order to attract new players because their server is dying.

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