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L2E-Global, My Thoughts

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1. (possible corruption behind curtains)


So after I logged into the game I was getting familiar with server.

Suddenly, I could notice bullshit in streets of DE Village







Clicking on more details button will bring you to:


where retards are bragging about what they wish they will get with their few euros.


For this I'm giving this server first negative points.

Reason: obvious space for fraud and corruption.



While writing this my friend is talking to me on skype and he is leveling in catacomb of heretic.

In 20 minutes 2 players passed near him. 13k players. Seems legit. Maybe just bad luck or good luck because if there were 100 people he would be pked probably, but I digress.



There is a bug on website that forced me to create new account and lose my nick because if you create account with username 12 character long (excluding prefix which will add 3 more so it's 15 in total) when attempting to log in into website you will get an error saying that you tried to login with username that have less than 6 or more than 16 characters which is my two test cases false.





I won't show headers because my identity is secret of course but I assure you it's 12+3 characters in username


Even with these negative points I'll give server chance to impress me these days.

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Yeah that Lucky Wheel is just... I'm out of words. I don't know what's worse - the fact that some weaker people are going to spend unthinkable money on not even getting anything in particular, or that some lucky people can stuff themselves with market-breaking endgame items on the first day.


However about that online - it's obviously not 13k, but it should be around 4-5k which is too much itself on Interlude server anyway.

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They say the 13k counter on the website has "stucked" :dat:




They will make some money and then by the end of the summer they will either wipe or close and open with another name to make some more money as usual.

Also if you notice their logo symbol thing is similar to those of tales and cartel, raze etc, that explains a lot. They say they get help from lineage.ru wich has same website design as cartel website... :poker face:


Conclusion, either its another stalone server or an associate.


I dont mind them being popular etc. but all these copy paste servers from the same people, embed hurtfull gameplay and behavioral "trends" to the community.

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They say the 13k counter on the website has "stucked" :dat:




They will make some money and then by the end of the summer they will either wipe or close and open with another name to make some more money as usual.

Also if you notice their logo symbol thing is similar to those of tales and cartel, raze etc, that explains a lot. They say they get help from lineage.ru wich has same website design as cartel website... :poker face:


Conclusion, either its another stalone server or an associate.


I dont mind them being popular etc. but all these copy paste servers from the same people, embed hurtfull gameplay and behavioral "trends" to the community.


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They say the 13k counter on the website has "stucked" :dat:




They will make some money and then by the end of the summer they will either wipe or close and open with another name to make some more money as usual.

Also if you notice their logo symbol thing is similar to those of tales and cartel, raze etc, that explains a lot. They say they get help from lineage.ru wich has same website design as cartel website... :poker face:


Conclusion, either its another stalone server or an associate.


I dont mind them being popular etc. but all these copy paste servers from the same people, embed hurtfull gameplay and behavioral "trends" to the community.


You know, usually, I refrain from writing anything, but I just couldn't resist replying to this .. You are associating those servers just because the logo is a "little" bit simillar to Tales etc. (even though it's not really simillar, let's pretend it is) ? And are you seriously saying that, because Lineage.ru and Cartel websites are simillar (simillar, but VERY different - if you think they are almost identical, something's wrong with your eyes), they have some kind of association/are the same .. ? Seriously? Didn't know that if people buy websites from the same designer (or different designers with the same/simillar style) they have to be the same people/have to be associated ..  :huh: 


P.s. I don't know if they are the same or associated or anything, but to write this kind of stuff with that kind of examples (website, logo etc.) ? Damn ..

Edited by Lelouch
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By same i wanted to tell similar (my bad) but that doesnt negate the fact that with so many servers controlled by the same people one becomes very suspicious of the simplest things.

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what are you talking about? liru was ddosing cartel, how can they be the same?

nowdays community is fucked up even dont boder yourself to take them serious

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In most TOP-Rates EU servers in one week donations currency will change to drachmas.

Cool isnt it?.


GR everywhere!



























































kidding ofc.

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