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Little by little, all awakened classes are getting polished more and more. We've been going through the Sigels, Isses, on this changelog, the Wynns mainly and we're now attacking the Othells. Last changelog:


Update 40 [Released 10 June 2015, 23:45]

Issues sorted out with this update:

- Octavis Crystal do not stack, but should.

- The "Auto Loot Stackable Items to my Warehouse" function from the Magic Gem do not work while in a party.

- I'm not seeing the projectiles of my Wynn Feline Queen, Wynn Seraphim, Wyn Soulless and Grim Repear when they use regular attacks.

- Clone Attack is packed of issues and needed a rewrite. It should now behave a lot better and hopefully is bug-free. Report if anything.


I'm unable to use the following skills while pressing CTRL on unflagged targets:

- Crippling Attack

- Mass Crippling Attack

- Shadow Blade

- Mass Shadow Blade

- Chaos Symphony

- Exile

- Mass Exile


- When using Arcane Rage, Elemental Rage and Spectral Rage, Arcane Link, Elemental Link and Spectral Link should increase in level on my summons, up to 5, but currently stuck stay at 1.

- Summon Protection Stone, when giving the Arcane Protection effect, is not reaching party members. Also, the effect isn't leveling, it should increase in levels once every 5 seconds, from Lv. 1 up to Lv. 3.

- Death Gate cannot be targeted, but should be targetable.


Cubics are currently packed of issues:

- Their targets checks are messed up, like, unfriendly skills can be cast on non flagged targets, etc.

- Skills are being cast way, way, way less often than they're supposed to be.

- Cubics having cleanse skills on top of other skills, only casts the cleanse skill.

- ...


The cubics handling has been rewritten for the most part, and should result in the cubics being much less buggy and behaving much better. They may not be bug-free yet, only the code was checked, not their skills data.


- I keep accumulating my summons skills icons under the pets info window every time I spawn different summons.

- When using Servitor Share, my stats do not appear to be shared with my summons. None of their stats changes. It seems to be a visual bug where the pet info window does not refresh till my summons are affected by another effect.

- My pets do not automatically attack the target after casting a skill on them. They come back to me instead.


There's plenty of issues with awakened summons skills:

- Many skills have elemental powers, but should not.

- Bear Claw effect should have a 5 seconds duration but currently lasts 3.

- Feline Pounce , Cougar Pounce, Unicorn's Pounce and Phantom Pounce do not currently make my cat jump to the target.

- Reaper Power is currently a drain with no absorbtion percentage, but should be a simple magical damage skill.

- Reaper Power currently has 900 range but should have 600.

- Feline Power and Unicorn's Power currently hits targets around my cat, but should hit targets around my target.


Other updates getting in:

- All summons now have their retail stats.

- Topaz is being taken out of the game. You can exchange it for another brooch jewel of your choice at Puss the Cat.

- Brooch Jewels Lv. 1 to 4 are now tradable.-

- Missing heroes for the non awakened Ertheias classes have been announced. The source of the issue will be fixed by the next time the heroes are picked up.

- The announcements when players register to the mini games have been improved.

- The chances for a Deathmatch/Battle to occur has been made higher than the ones for Survivals.

- The chances for a Mini Game to use the Full Buffs Rule has been made higher than the other rules.


Update 39 [Released 7 June 2015, 04:00]

Issues sorted out with this update:

- When buffing up with an hide effect while already having one, the invisiblity gets removed.

- Friendly skills affecting party/clan members should not take me out of hide, but currently do.

- P.Def and M.Def can, currently, go under 50% of their base when debuffed. That should not be possible.


Other updates getting in:

- Youska, the World Manager, can now sell you Chaos Essences.

- Lorain is now selling Hair Style Change and Facelifting Potions.

- Astrake is now selling Dark and Bloody Amaranthine/Eternal Stones.

- Awakened characters buffs can no longer be buffed on non awakened characters, and vice versa - except from Beryl.

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A new zone will be soon up for testing on our test server.

Garden of Genesis
Located behind the mountains in Magmeld, the Garden of Genesis is infested by the most bad ass monsters, and dwarfies, in Phoenix. Designed to offer both solo and party play grounds, every class should have its place in the Garden of Genesis.


Things you should know about monsters located under, or around the platforms:
- They're designed to be taken down by single players, at pretty much the same speed for all classes.
- Their strength drastically increase when they work together to take you down. Their damages multiplies by 5 for each monster you've got on your back. If you've got 3 of them, that's a 15x damage increase for all of them.

Things you should know about monsters located on the platforms:
- They're designed to be taken down by parties.
- They hit for a minimum of 90% of their target HP, unless the target is a Sigel, resulting in the maximum damages being 25% of the target HP.

Things you should know about the platforms:
- Your buffs will be taken off when entering them, and recovered when leaving them.
- Three out of the four platforms have a fountain. These fountains, when approched, may spawn their Keeper. Keepers, when taken down, have a 1 hour respawn-time.
- On the highest platform, where no fountain can be found, spawns Apherus, the most rewarding open world Raid Boss on Phoenix.

Fountains Keepers can reward you with the following:
- Various Valuable Goods
- Apherus Gate Key (Min. 1, Max. 1, 25% Chance)
- Bloody Amaranthine Enhancement Stones (Min. 1, Max. 1, 15% Chance)

Apherus can reward you with the following:
- Various Valuable Goods

Random Enhancement Stone (100% Chance)
- Dark Eternal Enhancement Stones (Min. 1, Max. 1, 80% Chance)
- Dark Amaranthine Enhancement Stones (Min. 1, Max. 1, 20% Chance)

Learn more about this here.

Edited by Ghost*
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The update #41, containing our new, top level hunting ground Garden of Genesis is now out! the dwarfies are already testing it!




Learn more about the Server Update #41 on our Changelog @ http://www.lineage2dreams.com/forums/index.php?/topic/12162-changelog/


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We'll start sharing the videos our players gives us. Here's some dwarfie PvP!



Cameraman: YaminoNakani

Starring: Equinox & Illuminati, fighting at the Level 99 in the Garden of Genesis

Edited by Ghost*
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Isn't it annoying to constantly re-equip your gear when switching between classes and levels? it is? that's past stories!


Starting from the Update #42, you will be able to save your equipped gears as preset for your current class / level range. In one click. Your character will then automatically equip these gears whenever you get on that class / level range!


Equip them once. Save. Done!


A few pictures are worth a thousand words:





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We average 400-500 players online during peak hours on the main dimension of Phoenix, depends on the days. We've been focusing on fixing plenty of things since launch, as well as polishing the server itself, we're now going to focus on the advertisement a little in hope we can make that bigger and bigger.


A new Phoenix will be launching into Phoenix in 30 days from now. Learn more on that here.

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Some more updates have been released on Phoenix. The notes:


Update 45 [Releasing 5 August 2015]
Issues sorted out with this update:

- Skills affecting targets front of you are currently picking up targets only if they are facing you.
- Regular Physical Attacks should receive a 20% damage increase from behind, but currently do not.
- All passive skills influencing skill mastery are not working.
- Skills making my character jump from a point to another do not always work - my position gets reverted back to its origin.
- Animations of skills instantly teleporting to town and co are not showing up for surrounding characters.
- Right Sidestep and Left Sidestep should cancel target, but currently do not.
- Certain effects are not shared with my summons even though they should be.
- Distant Kick is missing its Knockback and Knockdown effects.
- I stay locked into the Spatial Trap of Warped Space for a few seconds after it's gone.
- Steel Mind currently increases P.Atk by 10% at Level 1 and 15% at Level 2, but should increase it by 15 and 30%, respectively.
- Steel Mind currently increases resistances to knownback, knowndowns, etc, by 15%, but should increase them by 90%.
- Back Step becomes invisible on its Level 3 and 4.
- Back Step is missing its target cancel effect.
- Back Step should require a target but currently do not.
- Pressure Punch should not require a target, but currently do.
- Pressure Punch is missing the "causing target to tumble toward you" effect.
- Spallation currently do not block skills from characters out of the circle.
- Heavy Hand is currently missing the "blocks them from teleporting" effect.
- Heavy Punch should only trigger when at least 150 damages were dealt. 300, when Steel Mind is active.
- Right Sidestep should decrease resistances against Fists, but currently do not if your fists are R+.
- Reverse Weight damages should increase depending on the amount of targets it hits, but that's not happening.
- Fluid Weave currently gets canceled when blocking a debuff, but should not.
- Fluid Weave currently do not increase evasion towards Physical Skills.
- Lateral Hit should receive a 20% damage bonuses when hitting stunned targets, but currently do not.
- I'm getting debuffed by Spatial Trap when using Warped Space.
The following skills are missing their base crit rates:
- Lateral Hit
- Backspin Blow
- Spinning Kick
- Gravity Hit
- Pressure Punch
- Distant Kick
- Phoenix Arrow do not always reach targets, even when it should.
- My traps do not always activate when they should.
- I'm unable to summon a trap when having a pet.
- I'm unable to summon a decoy when having a pet.
- Decoy Provocation often fails to lock the target of debuffed characters.
- When my character is affected by Decoy Provocation, he should stop attacking when the target switches, but keep going.
I'm unable to cast the following skills on unflagged targets:
- Bullseye
- Mass Bullseye
- Impact Shot
- Slow Shot
- Jump Attack
- Hurricane Rush
- The cast time of Boost is longer than it should be.
- Tyrrs should not have Rush.
- Tyrrs should not have Rush Impact, except Tyrr Doombringers.

Update 44 [Released 2 August 2015, 17:00]
Issues sorted out with this update:
- Daring Song and Daring Dance should increase Casting Speed by 8% but currently increases it by 3%.
- Octavis Gladiators in the Orbis Temple are insane and chase me from miles away.
- I'm unable to use Sookie while flagged, but I can with all other Gatekeepers.
- I'm unable to remodel an armor using a Formal Wear.
- Gremlins and co are hitting me damn hard when I use starter gears without any buff.
- My tattoos do not get properly saved to database on my gears presets.
- When entering the mini games, my Castle/Fortress skills are being removed, but they're not re-added when leaving them.
- Rippers and Stratomancers do not get picked up during the heroes selection of the Olympiads.
Other updates getting in:
- The Dimensional System has been implemented. A new dimension will be launching on the 29 August 2015. 
Learn more on that here.
- Apherus respawn time has been adjusted from 15 hours + 20 hours random to 24 hours + 2 hours random.
- Uruka Strength has been drastically increased. Similarily to the Orbis Raids, it will now require a full party to be taken down. (Missed, coming in the near future...)
- The base land rate of Silence has been lowered from 80% to 20%.
- Active clan skills will now be removed in the mini games.
- Boosted Hunting Grounds interval has been increased to 30 minutes similarily to the mini games.

- Astrake reviewed her prices for the Dark Amaranthine Stones.


Various changes were made to the Raid Bosses between the Lv. 20 to 80:

- You can now teleport to them using your Magic Gem.

- Various notifications related to their spawn, death and state have been added.

Various changes have been made to the Olympiads:
- They will now, always, occur on Friday/Saturday/Sunday rather Friday/Saturday and... sometimes, Sunday.
- The opening hours have been adjusted. Friday stays at 4PM server time, Saturday, 7PM server time, and Sunday, 10PM server time.
- You will now need a minimum of 25 matches to qualify for Hero.
Update 43 [Released 26 July 2015, 20:00]
Updates getting in:
The respawn time of the monsters in the Orbis Temple is back to 10 seconds.
- Open World Raid Bosses between the Lv. 20 to 80 will now drop between one to five Raid Hearts.
- Open World Raid Bosses higher than the Lv. 80 will now drop between five to ten Raid Hearts.
The Orbis and Primeval Raid System has been changed as follow:
- The delay between each raid spawn has been increased from 1 hour to 6 hours.
- The chance to loot a Dark Enhancement Stone was increased from 2% to 25%. There's still 4 times more chance to obtain an Eternal Stone than a Amaranthine one.
- Their strenght has been boosted. They will now require a full party, properly built, to be taken down.
- Bloody stones have been taken out of their drops.
Changes have been performed on the economy to make things easier:
- The amount of Raid Souls dropped by the Mini Raids has been increased from Min. 25 Max. 50 to Min. 100 Max. 200.
- The amount of Raid Feathers dropped by the Mini Raids has been increased from Min. 1 Max. 1 to Min. 3 Max. 6.
- The drop rate of Raid Hearts from the Mini Raid has been increased from 2.5% to 10%.
Update 42 [Released 23 July 2015, 18:00]
Issues sorted out with this update:

- Heavy punch is multiplying critical hit damages, but should not.
- I'm able to bypass the level limits in the Primeval Island by using Clarissa over there to get back on my original level.
- When getting teleported to a mini game, my brooches/talismans are being un-equipped even though I meet the criteria to equip them.
- Sometimes, I'm seeing the subclasses of another of my characters till I swap between classes.

Other updates getting in:
- You can now create Gears Presets for all of your classes on all possible level ranges, through your Magic Gem.
- Jolie can now level you up to 99 for 10 Golden Apigas.
- The drop rate of Elcyum in the mini games was increased from 2.5% to 5%.
- The Territory Wars have been re-added into the game. We will be testing them shortly. They'll be officially in starting next week.
- The HP of Keepers on the Garden of Genesis Platforms has been cut by half.
- Apherus ate a Greater Healing Potion, resulting in his HP being 4 times higher than it was.
- The drop rate for the Apherus Keys, as well as their success rate to open the doors, have been increased from 25% to 33%.

Update 41 [Released 19 July 2015, 20:30]
Issues sorted out with this update:

- Doors in the Forge of the Gods are messed up.
- Lindvior Scales currently do not stack.
- Both Antharas and Valakas became too strong after the level limit has gotten in.
- Bow/Sword vulnerabilities and resistances do not currently affect my ranged and close range summons.
- When using blow skills, I'm seeing that I landed a critical hit! even when I did not.
- When using Shadow Flash, I get the Blind Spot effect... but the Blind Spot effect is incorrect.
- Active clan skills currently resets upon every respawn in the mini games.
- Physical skills damage formula is missing the "The weight of P. Atk. when calculating the damage for all physical skills has been increased. The higher the character's P. Atk. the higher the skill damage that is applied than before." Tauti update.
- Blow chances formula is messed up, not increasing the land rate enough through DEX bonuses.

Other updates getting in:
- Auctions limited to adenas but going over 99kkk will now allow bidding with Dreams Coins. To overbid a 99kkk bid, you must bid a minimum of 10.000 Dreams Coins.
- The magmeld continent has been added, entirely. With that comes a new Top Level Hunting Ground. 
Learn more on the Garden of Genesis here.
- The respawn time of the monsters in the Orbis Temple was increased from 10 seconds to 30.

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Is it worth joining now? don't take that as an insult by the way, just wondering if newbies can have a chance at catching up to the top players?

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Is it worth joining now? don't take that as an insult by the way, just wondering if newbies can have a chance at catching up to the top players?

Hey, yeah, Phoenix is still pretty fresh. You may want to have a look at this thread though. We'll be launching a new dimension on Phoenix in about 3 weeks from now. Edited by Ghost*
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i dont see any king of custom armor or something new. only copy paste from other server like l2 gold l2 pride . max online for this server g.o. 300 online after two weeks 3 clan with 100 ppl online. adios.

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