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[L2J] Leagacy Of Gran Kain

L2 Dev

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I don't know what to expect yet, i recived a lot of messanges from random players, saying that they will come and will bring friends with them, server does not started yet, so i don't know what to say, is a medium rate pvp server without crafting and with an intresting gameplay, custom quests added for make game more intresting and proffessional, not like all pvp servers out there(farming like a robot and pvp with archers and mages), in this server all classes gonna be playable, and farm style make you feel more comfortable, i tested myself and is a pleasure to farm and questing for obtain top items. I would like to see on server start a minimum 200-300 players active, this is what i want to see.

I hope this server gonna have a large community of players, because i want keep it active in the future.

This is my passion and i enjoy everything i do for this Lineage2 World.


With respect, L2 Dev

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Please use edit button next time. DO NOT double/triple post. You can't bump like that.

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What About Olympiad Games they will be with Custom Armors ?

Olympiad Games will have no restrictions

"Custom Armor,weapons,jewels" does not mean unbalance of overpower, you will see in BETA session how server is


about patch MB how many will be.. or u will create a updater..? 

Patch will have arround 300 MB, yea is sad... but thats it


I made something that will help people who want to help me with advertise

Here it is:



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