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Everything posted by Sawadee

  1. well i fixed the problem :D but when i try to download the htmls part the link is down files are missing... so we have to make our own htmls?
  2. i have this problem: http://prntscr.com/g1ejfp cant register the usercommandhandler wtf
  3. I had no problem with this interface even my friends had no issues with it, i will test it again and pm you back
  4. Can my - Deque account get unbanned? before asking me if its mine i can prove and give u all the right information u need so we can clarify that deque was my main account.
  5. I dont like it either but i think the background is fine without the logo.
  6. i take the clean compiled files and i just make a new database on navicat with name l2avalive, i set the mysql password on the configs and i try to login with the patch you gave, but it doest login how can i do something wrong when im not doin something different.
  7. Its impossible to login with the given patch... theres something wrong ip is bind to a file and the ini has already the local ip so it must login but it doest because the old server's ip (l2ava) is bound to a file inside the system and it redirects you to that specific loginserver.
  8. i have totally no issue on gameserver and loginserver, i just take the system without change anything i take the compiled files just put password root on the configs cause my msql is configured with password i dont even change the db location name which is l2avalive i install the database but when i try to login it says wrong password when i write id and pass
  9. or the lameguard is the problem? how can i disable or delete it
  10. akaro i still cant login theres no error on db, i just put all the internal and external ips to and edited the INI l2 ava system to but i still cant login to server, it looks like that its tryin to connect on l2ava because it says wrong password.
  11. well i never used h5 files so im not that experienced on h5 project but theres no hexid and theres no way to create one i see only register gameserver on login folder so if i register a gameserver which ip should i add? i just want to try to learn something about h5. Also i compiled the files everything is okay downloaded client and then add the system of l2ava but cant login... i checked the ini its the local ip so theres no problem with ini and the configs are right db's are open but cant login
  12. U business devil, you know how to make clients thats why u are the best around.
  13. 100% Reliable and skilled person, i reccomend Mora business to all.
  14. Dafuk u talk about? Black desert online is epic... just move on and try something new.... also Aura Kingdom of Aeria games rocks too.
  15. i will be glad if somone do this for aCis i try to learn but im on the very first stage yet.
  16. Hello guys i want this feature so bad and if someone could adapt it for acis i will be glad take a look at the code below. package handlers.voice; import javolution.text.TextBuilder; import ru.la2bygaga.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable; import ru.la2bygaga.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler; import ru.la2bygaga.gameserver.handler.VoicedCommandHandler; import ru.la2bygaga.gameserver.instancemanager.GrandBossManager; import ru.la2bygaga.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import ru.la2bygaga.gameserver.model.entity.GrandBossState; import ru.la2bygaga.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; public class GrandBossSpawn implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private static final int[] BOSSES = {29001, 29006, 29014, 29019, 29020, 29022, 29028, 29045}; // QueenAnt, Core, Orfen, Antharas, Baium, Zaken, Valakas, Frintezza private static final String [] VOICED_COMMANDS = {"epic"}; @Override public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target) { if (activeChar == null) { return false; } if (command.startsWith("epic")) { NpcHtmlMessage epic = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); TextBuilder html = new TextBuilder("<html><body><br>"); html.append("<html><title>Grand Boss Info By Dleogr</title><body><br><center>"); html.append("<img src=\"legen.logogo\" width=231 height=76><br><br>"); for (int bossid : BOSSES) { String name = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(bossid).getName(); long delay = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getGrandBossRespawnDate(bossid); GrandBossState.StateEnum state = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getGrandBossSpawnState(bossid); html.append("<font color=\"00C3FF\">" + name + "</font>: <font color=\""); switch (state) { case NOTSPAWN: html.append("FFFFFF\">Sleep/Not spawn</font>" + "<br1>"); //Спит или не заспавнен break; case ALIVE: html.append("9CC300\">Is Alive</font>" + "<br1>"); //Живой break; case DEAD: html.append("FFFFFF\">Is Dead </font>" + "<br1>"); //Вот-вот умер break; case INTERVAL: if (System.currentTimeMillis() < delay) { // Мертв int hours = (int) ((delay - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000 / 60 / 60); if (hours < 10) { int mins = (int) (((delay - (hours * 60 * 60 * 1000)) - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000 / 60); html.append("FFFFFF\">Respawn in:</font><font color=\"32C332\"> " + hours + " ч. " + mins + " мин.</font><br1>"); } else { html.append("FFFFFF\">Is Dead</font><br1>"); //Еще мертв } } else { html.append("9CC300\">Is Now Alive</font><br1>"); // Ожил (delay = currentUnixTime) } // либо delay < currentUnixTime но флаг INTERVAL еще не снят break; // TODO: Проверить, возможно ли такое вообще case SLEEP: html.append("FFFFFF\">Sleep</font>" + "<br1>"); // Точно спит break; case UNKNOWN: html.append("FFFFFF\">Unknown</font>" + "<br1>"); // Хз как так - проверь БД grandboss_intervallist break; } } html.append("<br><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>"); html.append("</center></body></html>"); epic.setHtml(html.toString()); activeChar.sendPacket(epic); return true; } return false; } @Override public String getDescription(String command) { if (command.equals("epic")) { return "Показать статус Эпик Босов"; } return null; } @Override public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { return VOICED_COMMANDS; } public static void main(String[] args) { VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().registerVoicedCommandHandler(new GrandBossSpawn()); } }
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