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L2JSunrise Customized L2JServer Server Files 

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I have leaved L2J since February, don't mix them up with this please. My stay was quick in the end and I did leave for a reason, and you might have partially explained why already.


I personally don't like seller of any kinds. I don't like donation server. I don't like what money do to effort in general.


I never earned nor spent a single bucks on Lineage and never will.


I respect the people buying, while it hurts the community.


But I can't let rip off do their business. You're basically buying a pack full of shared stuff, a compilation of what's available to add things L2J is missing today.


How can we support people barely trying, taking something here and there, and selling that to people without them knowing ?


I wouldn't say anything if their advertisement (http://www.l2jsunrise.com/features.html) wasn't full of lies.

I agree with most of what you're saying. Don't get me wrong, I don't compare L2J Sunrise with L2J Server, I'm well aware of the differences.


Maxcheaters is full of people who wants to take credit for the work of other people, earn a quick buck and move on to scam by other means. However, I don't think that people behind Sunrise are like that.


Before buying I did a simple math. I wanted a server and L2J Server files, although in their 'core' are super solid, they lack features and dedicated support. I spent hours upon hours learning and adopting codes while being dependent on the willingness of the staff to help - fair play to them as obviously they can't dedicate 100% of their time to run support section, simple as that and totally understandable.


I had two options, either go with free and spend a lot of time figuring things by myself or buy premium and take advantage of the dedicated support - which in Sunrise is really good - scouts honor :) . Plus I learn from them as I have an access to their source and their willingness to assist with custom stuff. Perhaps other premium packs are equally good (equally built on many sources), I don't know, I went with Sunrise and I don't regret it, not a bit.


You have a great attitude towards L2J in general, I can clearly see that. And as much as I agree with some of your points, I equally strongly disagree with others :)

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I'm not claiming to be right unfortunately, I'm just pissed off I have to work private (to actually work with the people I like developing) because of all this money situation; scattering dev power, ressources and all.


Anyway, I can understand you point, still the advertisement nor the services claimed to be provided is right. If they were a support team to provide, on top of L2J or whatever, features, fixes and support, I wouldn't say anything. Claiming they did the work is different, and claiming it's 99% retail or 100% working is yet another.


I'm ending the off topic with this :)

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More and more users are joining every week our community.
We still updating our files everyday, fixing existing bugs and adding new features.

This week we will commit ingame LogsViewer.

What it is?
You have a new button in admin panel called "Log Viewer" ->http://prntscr.com/7wu7yr
When you click on it you select which file you want to spectate. ->http://prntscr.com/7z4r1q
Then board will automatically open with the last 30 lines of console's logs. -> http://prntscr.com/7z4qqc

You have option to use "Start Capture" which will start parsing all new logs from console to the board, and ofc "Stop Capture" for stopping it.
Also there an option for "Capture Once".

Our head dev reworked completely connections engine which means 
a)  No more areal lags (exists since c4) 
b ) No more player stucks when spam skills etc

Also Database or Drop Calculator is almost ready for use.
http://www.l2jsunrise.com/ Join oor community now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Drop calculator aka Database is finished!

Will be available from tommorow on extra features for all the users of l2jsunrise.

Preview soon!


Also this is the new index of our cb -> http://prntscr.com/82lqna

Will be able to handle announcements from admin panel. There will be pagination ofc!

What i mean? You will not need to edit html to update the announcements, you will be able in real time to update them ingame.


We are still growing , we are still updating, we are still the BEST!


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Looks good ;)

Good to know that our cb liked to our competitors  :troll:

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You mean copy/pasters  :happyforever:

Hahahah, pure copy/paste from shared L2Tales source..


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make it work from the "shared" source's you say on l2jserver and then come back to post.

oh and i thing you misunderstood the post of  kyosume .  read again his post and use your brain ;)



3 new users joined today :)

new features are coming soon!

we fixed every reported shit and we keep updating everyday.


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I am sorry dear friend cakooo21 but you knew before you become compiled user that you will not have updates and bug fixes.

Everything you reported the next day was fixed for the gold users.


You cant have lifetime dev support aka bug fixies for 30 euro you donated for the silver plan.

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Moved npc's and drops from SQL to XML.
1. Now all drops are more retail like with group chances etc
2. Fixed some wrong npcs stats like p attack hp mp etc
3. Fixed Npcs drops to be more retail like plus also added some missing ones
4. Fixed npcs stats calculations
5. Fixed npcs skills, added missing ones
And many more
Tho its up to the customer if he will use XML or SQL.
We have 2 seperated SVN folders. This means that old users can keep updating on their current SVN or start useing the new one with XML.
New users can choose which way they wanna work.
We will keep update both versions to latest revs.
Finally i finished my summer job and from monday i will have more free time which means i will code new features etc.
More is comming.

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Our Database aka Drop calculator from now on support, sort by Name , Level and Chance





Also you can see spoil drops and normal ones ofc. With one click on the icon of the item ( drop ) drop calculator will search automatically for it.

It is available for both XML and SQL versios of l2jsunrise.


It have more features than you can imagine.

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