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[L2J] Lineage 2 Retribution


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Nothing to do with DDOS, lameguard was not added, and people quickly caught up and exploited the shit out of the server with an adena bug

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server have 0 protection , l2tower, l2net, phx , and others are working fine

many problems at server start ... around 150 ppl online

another bunch of amators who belive they open a great server

on a scale from 1* to 10* this server can have nice 3* max (very bad)

one advice : wipe ... put lameguard or whatever ... start over , this time be serious !

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hi, can I get to know you? : D

''she'' is probably a dude taking advantage of the gamer inflation() like Averia's owners.  :troll:  :troll:  :troll:

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even if the start was bad this server deserve a chance  , online around 250+ , GM's rly active and opened to suggestions ... server is rly nice 


Its fake online.


There is about 30 real player ( + boxes ) = 100 online.


DV is empty, giran empty ( 3 shop )

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