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classic [L2Off] Lineagera


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Online at the moment is more than 985 and growing. We successfully repulse DDoS attacks connecting new equipment and modernizing our defenses in real time, what would the players do not feel the delay.
GO GO GO !!  
Edited by Zoltar
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Good server, it's obvious that they worked hard on it, it was pretty flawless from what I experienced in first few hours. Everything working as it should, geodata looks pretty good as well, community grows steadily and with 1k on first day it's quite successful.


Definitely recommend this one.

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online 15, next lol serwer omg

Może reklamowanie serwera było złe albo ludzie nie chcą sie już męczyć na low ratach tylko na l2jotowych midach/pvp się bawią. Szkoda że online taki słaby bo serwer dopracowany, admin aktywny, pliki są naprawde dobre.

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