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high five Lineage Ii Enyo Hi5 Pvp Server (Opening 26.12.2013)


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The sh1ttest server ever created. Adena = skulls (items u get for pvp) = RB jewels, BEWS, codexes etc.


1. You can buy items for free and sell them for adena at grocery etc. So you get infinite amount of pvp items.

2. You can make dualboxes and kill them, ressurect, kill etc. and you get pvp items (some pvp already have killing sprees of 100 :D)

3. No balance at all, tyrants hit 4-5k everybody, even Doombringer on swordshield.

4. GM/Admin is ret@rded person, doesn't fix anything.

5. There are missing items at GMshop

6. L2Tower works perfectly, people are running around with nicks "BotFarm, Bot, Bot1, Bot2" etc.



See you all tomorrow at l2chaosnetwork....

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