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[L2J] L2Nexus (Changed Server-Host)


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Let's hope that the server wont be targeted, altough most private servers are eventually.

So imo u should consider buying the best protection u can afford.


Densekserw i dont know you or ur clan.

I hope that u're strong.


To all of the fellow gamers who read  this topic and are waiting for this server , plz bring all of ur friends so we can have some good times in L2 Nexus.

no reason to flame u bro Komple here :P if the server will open we will have the same fun i think :P

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no reason to flame u bro Komple here :P if the server will open we will have the same fun i think :P

I hope we will! :)



Time to play on a serious server.


Cya in game leader.



Edited by Primezero
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It's only logical such server would attract serious people. I'm excited myself, haven't seen something like that since Pride :)

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It's only logical such server would attract serious people. I'm excited myself, haven't seen something like that since Pride :)



Just keep in mind, that this is the very beginning of the server. There has been no test phase yet and we have an insane amount of content planned out for the future. The first days/week will be spent on fixing everything we/you find that needs to be fixed, then we'll slowly adjust class balance and THEN add new things. Just need to make sure that we don't construct the server upon a flawed base first. Then when it stands strong, we can continue to add and test out new things. This means that we will heavily rely on feedback from the community, but I'll do my best to keep track of things by playing a lot myself so I know how it feels like from a player's perspective.


Owning all of you guys' asses gonna feel great! ;p

Edited by ranzor
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So, we decided to invest a bit, those are the params of the server it'll run on:



Intel® Core™ i7-4770 
Quadcore Haswell
2 x 240 GB SATA 6 Gb/s SSD in RAID1
1GB/s connection


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Just keep in mind, that this is the very beginning of the server. There has been no test phase yet and we have an insane amount of content planned out for the future. The first days/week will be spent on fixing everything we/you find that needs to be fixed, then we'll slowly adjust class balance and THEN add new things. Just need to make sure that we don't construct the server upon a flawed base first. Then when it stands strong, we can continue to add and test out new things. This means that we will heavily rely on feedback from the community, but I'll do my best to keep track of things by playing a lot myself so I know how it feels like from a player's perspective.


Owning all of you guys' asses gonna feel great! ;p

No worries, i perfectly understand and i'm pretty sure almost everyone else. We are not Interlude players :D


I understand the need to see everything from a player perspective, but don't do the same mistakes as L2Pride.. Admin owning everyone, GMs with their alts as well, corruption fucked up L2Pride even more than its 5 year economy. Seriously. GMs going around with +14-15 epics with Lvl 9 attribute, while players can go max lvl 7 is pretty bad.. also some OP donations, example is Light or whatever his name was. Donated +15 epic and +12 dread armor/weapon, NOBODY else in the server had/has this kind of items. You couldn't even view his inventory at region (community board) back in the day. That's why me and many others quit this server, please try not to do the same, no matter how tempting it might be.


Your plan nevertheless is solid, fixing everything and adjusting balance should be TOP priority instead of adding new stuff, server already has a lot.


That's my 2 cents, i'm really excited about L2Nexus, so are my friends, we want to see something unique and we totally respect the time and energy you've put into this. Minimize the mistakes at start and you'll have more than 1k players.

Edited by Versus
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+1 and looking for a old clan from ... you know what i am talking about hehehe


have we met in another server f0zi?




No worries, i perfectly understand and i'm pretty sure almost everyone else. We are not Interlude players :D


I understand the need to see everything from a player perspective, but don't do the same mistakes as L2Pride.. Admin owning everyone, GMs with their alts as well, corruption fucked up L2Pride even more than its 5 year economy. Seriously. GMs going around with +14-15 epics with Lvl 9 attribute, while players can go max lvl 7 is pretty bad.. also some OP donations, example is Light or whatever his name was. Donated +15 epic and +12 dread armor/weapon, NOBODY else in the server had/has this kind of items. You couldn't even view his inventory at region (community board) back in the day. That's why me and many others quit this server, please try not to do the same, no matter how tempting it might be.


Your plan nevertheless is solid, fixing everything and adjusting balance should be TOP priority instead of adding new stuff, server already has a lot.


That's my 2 cents, i'm really excited about L2Nexus, so are my friends, we want to see something unique and we totally respect the time and energy you've put into this. Minimize the mistakes at start and you'll have more than 1k players.


Totally agree with Versus.
What he said about donates and corruption is absolutely right.
These are the 2 reasons that ruin most of the custom servers.

Make sure to offer a reasonable and not in any way op donate list that will only include "services" or items that are 100% available to the last player of the server.
I do not need to talk about corruption , u've said this urself too , corruption is poison for a server.
I'm pretty sure i'll still be able to smack that ass even if u edit ur char though :P
(But seriously, dont xD)


Just like Versus said


Your plan nevertheless is solid, fixing everything and adjusting balance should be TOP priority instead of adding new stuff, server already has a lot.


That's my 2 cents, i'm really excited about L2Nexus, so are my friends, we want to see something unique and we totally respect the time and energy you've put into this. Minimize the mistakes at start and you'll have more than 1k players.


That my opinion as well.
Keep up the good work , and i believe that u will have great results.

Edited by Primezero
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"owning your asses" might have sounded a bit wrong, but it was never my intention to add items to myself. I enjoy playing on this server, I created countless characters and tried to get as far with them as I could alone. My only advantage will be that I know everything about the server, the classes, the cooldowns, where to farm, what too look for. We've grown out of the "you can't beat someone, boost yourself" phase when we were 13. This will not happen here.

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