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Who do you believe is the best char for olimpiad?   

802 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you believe is the best char for olimpiad?

    • Treasure Hunter
    • Hawkeye
    • Dark Avenger
    • Paladin
    • Gladiator
    • Warlord
    • Sorcerer
    • Necro
    • Warlock
    • Bishop
    • Prophet
    • Plainswalker
    • Silver Ranger
    • Swordsinger
    • Temple Knight
    • Spellsinger
    • Elemental Summoner
    • Elven Elder
    • Abyss Walker
    • Phantom Ranger
    • Bladedancer
    • Shillien Knight
    • Spellhowler
    • Phantom Summoner
    • Shillien Elder
    • Destroyer
    • Tyrant
    • Overlord
    • Warcryer
    • Warsmith
    • Bounty Hunter

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OverLord = OverPower in olympiad... for   paladin/th/gh have root with nice change .. have big def and nice hp drain!! is zabest :)

U mean u use root vs Dagger? They can simply do escape shackle...


I think Gladiator's are the most powerfull on olympiad games...The big dmg they do + Sonic Barrier.


U mean u use root vs Dagger? They can simply do escape shackle...

i see manny noob's in manny server... yestarday 1 player say to mee.. i am pr0 player but when i make party with him ...o.O  he was Archer with buff for mags... and he say is aPr0 ... manny pll dont know so good l2..almost who play hight rate...



if u know play 1 low rate u know  yor character!!!


elemental summoner beats both, dominator and duelist..and easy


just dont beat heallers with erase and mana burn..but overlord also cant beat them


in other hand , duelist dont beat Titan , and loses to all 3 summoners, elemental beats both, warlock and phantom


This poll is meaningless as in Lineage 2 everything is based on gear , enemy and experience. Practically noone can answer correctly in this poll as everyone will choose the class he's the best with and ignore all those other classes that also have high chance of winning versus his prefered class.

This poll is meaningless as in Lineage 2 everything is based on gear , enemy and experience. Practically noone can answer correctly in this poll as everyone will choose the class he's the best with and ignore all those other classes that also have high chance of winning versus his prefered class.


but...gear cannot be enchanted to +25 on normal servers with gameplay based on retail, that you said applies only to noob servers x5000 donators


the max you should go on decent servers is +6 for armor , and boss jewerly not everyone has access


a tier list should be done considering who defeats who and considering all classes, elemental summoner defeats the biggest number than Duelist and Dominator


the tier should look like:


***S tier***

Elemental Master, Spectral Master


***A tier***

Dominator,Duelist, Titan, Arcana Lord, Soul Taker, Hierophant, Phoenix Knight


***B tier***

Doomcryer, Grand Kawhatari, Storm Screamer, Doombringer, Moonlight Sentinel, Mystic Muse


***C tier***

Maestro, Archmage, Trickster, Ghost Hunter, Adventurer, Saggitarius, Shillien Knight,

Hell Knight, Evas Saint, Ghost Sentinel


***D tier***

Wind Rider, Soul Hound, Cardinal, Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer


***E tier***

Fortune Seeker, Dreadnought, Shillien Saint,  Evas Templar



S tier, Elemental Master and Spectral Master pretty much defeats everyone, if they cant kill heallers they fight for a tie..Spectral has Death Spike so its the reason its up there..smart cubic makes them invincible to all debuffs, and "wind shackle" is a way more useful skill than Arcana Lord "arcane disruption"


A tier, they have a chance against the S tiers, but they usually loses, in the case of Arcana Lord has the worst cubics and worst summon, also the worst stats of the summoners, MP makes consumption makes Dominator vulnerable so its the reason its not S...Titan depends on timing to use skills, same for Duelist, where the first seconds of the match is crucial to determine the victory or not, Hierophant fights are long and boring, but a good hierophant ends winning by most of mages and melee classes..losing to long range fighters, the awesome set of resistance buffs helps them...Phoenix Knight is hard to kill because of its ammount of hp, defense and ability to recover..Soul Taker has the summon and banes, plus the ability to leech life (dark vortex and vampiric claw) , what put it above all the other casters


B tiers, they can defeat C, D and E and win against each other, having some small chances against A..Doomcryer lacks many of the Dominator skills and has also trouble with mp, but the critical resistance helps them... StormScreamer can leech life with dark vortex and has many skills to use, Mystic Muse cannot life leech but has cancellation and faster casting and many skills to use..Moonlight sentinel has some good self skills others dont have, plus more moving speed and atk speed to kite against melee classes, making it better than other archers, Grand Kawhatari has trouble with timing, otherwise would be in tier A


C tiers

they can win against each other and defeat D and E, having small chances against B, minimal against A and none against S...Archmage lacks many skills, making it the worst mage, and cancellation at this slow c.speed isnt helpful, but its KO if lands...Maestro has the summon and now very good buffs that combine with fatal strike, the summon helps because distracts the enemy, Trickster has moving speed, attack speed, critical rate, big mdef but lacks attack power and range...Shillien Knight is strong if the cubics lands, also attacking at distance helps a lot comparing to other tanks, Hell Knight has the panther and some useful skills, its same case as Maestro..human and d.elf archers and daggers have strong and weak points, they can kill a good ammount of ppl but also get killed a lot too..


D class can kill each other and win E, with small chances against C, none vs B, A and S, with the exception of Cardinal wich can go for a tie lol


E class sucks against everyone and sucks against each other







but...gear cannot be enchanted to +25 on normal servers with gameplay based on retail, that you said applies only to noob servers x5000 donators


the max you should go on decent servers is +6 for armor , and boss jewerly not everyone has access


a tier list should be done considering who defeats who and considering all classes, elemental summoner defeats the biggest number than Duelist and Dominator


the tier should look like:


***S tier***

Elemental Master, Spectral Master


***A tier***

Dominator,Duelist, Titan, Arcana Lord, Soul Taker, Hierophant, Phoenix Knight


***B tier***

Doomcryer, Grand Kawhatari, Storm Screamer, Doombringer, Moonlight Sentinel, Mystic Muse


***C tier***

Maestro, Archmage, Trickster, Ghost Hunter, Adventurer, Saggitarius, Shillien Knight,

Hell Knight, Evas Saint, Ghost Sentinel


***D tier***

Wind Rider, Soul Hound, Cardinal, Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer


***E tier***

Fortune Seeker, Dreadnought, Shillien Saint,  Evas Templar



S tier, Elemental Master and Spectral Master pretty much defeats everyone, if they cant kill heallers they fight for a tie..Spectral has Death Spike so its the reason its up there..smart cubic makes them invincible to all debuffs, and "wind shackle" is a way more useful skill than Arcana Lord "arcane disruption"


A tier, they have a chance against the S tiers, but they usually loses, in the case of Arcana Lord has the worst cubics and worst summon, also the worst stats of the summoners, MP makes consumption makes Dominator vulnerable so its the reason its not S...Titan depends on timing to use skills, same for Duelist, where the first seconds of the match is crucial to determine the victory or not, Hierophant fights are long and boring, but a good hierophant ends winning by most of mages and melee classes..losing to long range fighters, the awesome set of resistance buffs helps them...Phoenix Knight is hard to kill because of its ammount of hp, defense and ability to recover..Soul Taker has the summon and banes, plus the ability to leech life (dark vortex and vampiric claw) , what put it above all the other casters


B tiers, they can defeat C, D and E and win against each other, having some small chances against A..Doomcryer lacks many of the Dominator skills and has also trouble with mp, but the critical resistance helps them... StormScreamer can leech life with dark vortex and has many skills to use, Mystic Muse cannot life leech but has cancellation and faster casting and many skills to use..Moonlight sentinel has some good self skills others dont have, plus more moving speed and atk speed to kite against melee classes, making it better than other archers, Grand Kawhatari has trouble with timing, otherwise would be in tier A


C tiers

they can win against each other and defeat D and E, having small chances against B, minimal against A and none against S...Archmage lacks many skills, making it the worst mage, and cancellation at this slow c.speed isnt helpful, but its KO if lands...Maestro has the summon and now very good buffs that combine with fatal strike, the summon helps because distracts the enemy, Trickster has moving speed, attack speed, critical rate, big mdef but lacks attack power and range...Shillien Knight is strong if the cubics lands, also attacking at distance helps a lot comparing to other tanks, Hell Knight has the panther and some useful skills, its same case as Maestro..human and d.elf archers and daggers have strong and weak points, they can kill a good ammount of ppl but also get killed a lot too..


D class can kill each other and win E, with small chances against C, none vs B, A and S, with the exception of Cardinal wich can go for a tie lol


E class sucks against everyone and sucks against each other


Excellent post. Still I think pp should be in S tier. Also eva saint can kill any mage if he get a nuke augment.


yes but...this is without augments ...the nuke augments are very hard and rare to obtain


with augments this changes a lot..


in olympiad prophet isnt S because  loses easy to Duelist, Grand Kawhatari, Titan, and because npc buffer is there for all classes , since classes can get buffs now..b4 this Prophet was #1 in olympiad

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