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Chronicle 4 Project L2JLisvus

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  • 3 weeks later...

Revision 384.


Command Channel implementation and few fixes.


Just read C4 notes ^^.


If a clan leader of a clan above level 5 invites a party with the /channelinvite command or by clicking on the Channel Invitation button in the party action section of the action window (Alt+C) the command channel will be created and chat window activated.

A maximum number of 50 parties can join one channel.

The channel will automatically disband when the channel creator disbands his party.

The command channel window shows information about the channel.

If the channel creator terminates the game unexpectedly or transfers party leader privileges to another individual, channel creator privileges are transferred to the new leader. The recipient of these privileges does not have to be a clan leader of a level 5 clan. In other words, the prerequisite of a channel creator is a clan leader of a level 5 clan and a party leader, but merely a party leader is sufficient for subsequent channel maintenance.

Other parties can be invited with the /channelinvite command or by clicking on the Channel Invitation button in the party action section of the action window (Alt+C). If channel invitations have been extended to members of other parties, the invitation message will ask for the invited party leader’s approval.

After the channel has been activated, the channel creator can deliver notices and messages to all characters in the channel by clicking on the All Command icon. Each party leader can chat by clicking on commander chat icon.

The following commands are used in the multiparty command window.

/channeldelete: Disbands the channel
/channelinvite [name]: Invites parties to channel.
/channelkick [leader name]: Expels a party from channel.
/channelleave: Withdraws from channel.
/channelinfo: Shows information about the channel.


The command channel is activated only if at least five parties participate in.

I have made the number of parties configurable in altSettings (how the hell could sb gather 5 parties in high rate?).

Everything should be retail like, though the code can be furtherly improved.


Have fun

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, i see you guys are active, good for you!

If you need any kind of support, feel free and pm me!


It' s all thanks to project' s forum users.

Weren' t it for their help, the project wouldn' t have gone this far.

Thanks a lot for your offer. I will keep that in mind. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Added new compiled version to 1st post.

Also, you can seek for compiled versions, all of which are done by cyberghoser1, in forum.

Project activity shuts down due to holidays.


I hope you all enjoy the rest of summer.


Special thanks to all my precious supporters! :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

good job, i love c4, old chronicles, oldschool :))

is there too many bugs left to be fixed?

C4 hasn't so many issues, nor missing features. At least, compared to IL...


The biggest flaw is security and deprecated code style.


The good thing is the retail data is easy to get.


@Elfo : the project is still active, rev 424 (one month ago). The project's owner probably is on holidays, that's all. You should better give him support rather than trying to take the lead back.

@v1hack : my project isn't closed source. But I would prefer you continue to think it is.

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Guest Elfocrash

@Elfo : the project is still active, rev 424 (one month ago). The project's owner probably is on holidays, that's all. You should better give him support rather than trying to take the lead back.

I have no intention of taking the lead. I am trying to help and that's what im doing in the forum too. I know the owner is on holidays. I said in case he stops.

You should probably read carefully.

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I said in case he stops.

You should probably read carefully.


No you didn't.


I hope you return from the break fast. If you won't I will take care of the project myself


You should express yourself in more clear way. In here, fast is the keyword and changes your meaning. From my pov. ;)

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