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[POLL] Custom Engine

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lately I have some more free time, I have not been "playing" with L2J for a longer period of time, mainly because I switched to android game development, but since my artist is bit busy - I have spare time before I will publish my apps.


That`s why I came with an idea, custom engine. What do I mean, is a separated project, containing some quality customs, at beginning mainly focusing on:


- extensive Achievements Engine

- event Engine (probably bit more extensive than current engines, allowing server owners to easily create events, creating them as a plugins, by xml file)

- pvp competitions with leader boards (various combinations like 1v1, 3v3, party vs party, clan vs clan and so on)

- few more  new engines, but no point to mention them on this stage.


I know that there were already 2 quality events engine, but in this project, even engine would be just part of longer list of engines. Everything supposed to be manageable from special in game panel available for admin.


By default it would be devoted for latest L2J version. Main idea is to keep it separated from main server code.

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lately I have some more free time, I have not been "playing" with L2J for a longer period of time, mainly because I switched to android game development, but since my artist is bit busy - I have spare time before I will publish my apps.


That`s why I came with an idea, custom engine. What do I mean, is a separated project, containing some quality customs, at beginning mainly focusing on:


- extensive Achievements Engine

- event Engine (probably bit more extensive than current engines, allowing server owners to easily create events, creating them as a plugins, by xml file)

- pvp competitions with leader boards (various combinations like 1v1, 3v3, party vs party, clan vs clan and so on)

- few more  new engines, but no point to mention them on this stage.


I know that there were already 2 quality events engine, but in this project, even engine would be just part of longer list of engines. Everything supposed to be manageable from special in game panel available for admin.


By default it would be devoted for latest L2J version. Main idea is to keep it separated from main server code.


i'd love too see you share again :D

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- extensive Achievements Engine


Complete this and then you decide what will be your next engine ! Since  Achievements Engine was never been 100 % completed !


For sure , this


Main idea is to keep it separated from main server code.


is da best !


But as you mention there is alredy Nexus event engine where is fully confirmable and functionable ! ( it also includes "various combinations like 1v1, 3v3, party vs party, clan vs clan and so on" and "Everything supposed to be manageable from special in game panel available for admin." )



There is no reason to make something similar ... (nexus seems perfect to me) ! So my opinion is to focus on making something new (never created before) ....


I like the idea , but i reject event engine !


PS: by mistake i voted for NO , but i cant remove my vote for some reason's !

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If there would be event engine, as I said I would like to create it with plugin style, which means community would be easily able to create events simply by editing xml file (would be even cool with GUI tool to make it even easier)





<teamId="1" teamName="red" nameColor="red" teamSpawnX="0" teamSpawnY="0" teamSpawnZ="0">


Just little clarification what I meant.

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I am still wondering, for now I just came with an idea, trying to find out if there would be interest among developer to use such extension

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I am still wondering, for now I just came with an idea, trying to find out if there would be interest among developer to use such extension

i would use it in my project for sure!

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