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[Interlude Project] L2j Esios

Guest Elfocrash

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I don't add features create by others. The fact the it contains a feature of yours doesn't mean i add random features.

Survey System

Vortex Vote Engine

Auction Npc (Like aion broker)

Menu panel (How many online on it too)

VoicedCommand bypasses (bypass -h voiced_thecommand)


These are stuff me and Mhoska coded.

And we already started coding more unique stuff. I have my PoV on developing and you have yours.


Still consider it  as a frozen like concept, project with loads of custom without any concept (yes, I know - thats assumption of this project) what I exactly mean was the way you do it is similar to frozen.


I don't add features create by others




The fact the it contains a feature of yours


Stop to deny what you say first, and by the way I did not say it because I am angry that someone added my reshared feature, because I am not actively `playing` with L2J for more than one year, just pointed out my conclusion.


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Guest Elfocrash

Committed new feature.

Transferring files at a dedicated server is boring. With this mod you can simply control the html (usually the Server News html) of a npc via webserver.

You upload the html's content at a txt file on your website. Ex. http://l2jesios.org/servnews.txt

Then the npc will read that file and display it. It will be refreshed every 10 minutes.

The html must be in one line.

Also admin can force web html update using //forcehtmlupdate



Link and usage is configurable.

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Guest Elfocrash

Reached rev 45.

Added several features.




  • New character custom title
  • Welcome screen message
  • Entering messages
  • Last visit message
  • Casino Npc
  • Antiheavy Classes
  • Npc Buffer Instance
  • Siege Informer Npc
  • Random Reward Box
  • Pvp Chat
  • Webservered Html Npc
  • Siege Reward
  • Automatic Restard
  • Petition Logger

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