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they said revive tp was bad, but i saved the game and got a penta because i revived and killed everybody when they used a lot of resources on me

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Meanwhile in silver



Chances where against you since "pick compositions" usually don't work in low elo, since the only strategy people know there is "all mid push gg win". It's solo q though, but even if it wasn't, giving up is NEVER an option.

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True players on East dont need adc to win!


The support actually decides what happens on bottom lane.

What league btw ?

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Time to hit that Platinum1 Series. Currently 97LP

will take me 1 or 2 games ;D and then maybee diamond5 :D ?


When I was 97 LP, I was getting +1 every game, then at 99 LP I got +0 and had to win one more game ;p



gl though !






btw what do you guys think about a LOL client mxc chat room? Would you use it?

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