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[Release]Rev DAG _

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Hi All...

I am posting you my development server freya and High Five..

The Timeline SVN and start now, but server already has several fixes.

Some settings have added:


Revision High Five:

Follow the timeline...


Download Rev( HI5 ) 48 - 21/05














Timline Freya:

Revision Freya:
> Adicionado algumas correções no servidor
> Adicionado comandos para AIO e VIP e vencimento por Dias
( exemplo: //setaio nick tempo = //setaio over12 30 , 30 = dias. )
( //setaio e //setvip , //removeaio e //removevip
> Adicionado configurações extras no dagoptions.properties.

> Correction no MMO,
> Adicionado algumas protecoes extras contra Hackers
> Adicionado arquivo config/dag/dagoption.properties ( Configuracoes extra do servidor )
> Adicionado AtivarCustomSpawn ( Escolher onde o novo Char Criado nascerá )
> Adicionado AtivarCustomNascimento ( Se o player nao estiver em nenhuma faccao ele poderá dar Res e voltar para cidade )
> Updtes Core e DP sync L2jserver
> Add Visual Character for NPC ( Fake PC )
> Add Facctions
> Add Hitman Event
> Feito um Commit do L2j Server.
> Fixed  Dungeons das Fortres..
> Areas Epilogues
> Correction Quests
> Fixed  Evento de Natal
> testings in Classes..
> Fixed Olimpiadas..



We're open to suggestions and new ideas if you want to make their contribution is the will.



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Actually I forgot to add a second language in the forum, and thank your support. Development will not end because I'm always playing with it in my spare time.

2 weeks max project

Development will not end because it will not even start xD

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i suggest first of all make your forum more english

And i wish you good luck with your project you will need

stay alive your project ! =)



Good luck and from me ...!

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  • 1 month later...

Updt Servers...


Added developing High Five. In Timeline and Svn.


Corrections so far in High Five:

- Skills 81

- Areas

- and Itens

- More commits L2j Server.


Thanks to all who are helping the project.

blackjack_02 , caveirao002, bartL,and others..

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