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Everything posted by AbsolutePower

  1. whaat?? else if else if else if else if else if else if ? wtf? sorry mate but its shity coded also the checks are wrong....The row is incorrect :) first checks then logic code.no hard feelings i just want to help :)
  2. yeap. but wtf? we got forum just to know. :Syou can post your problems there.
  3. come on dont say that. he may not know good java but he is trying too much. and he is good in datapack part. we all start from 0.
  4. thanks mate :) xaxa i just saw it... thanks guys :)
  5. bump! i am back. i had many work(real life) :P
  6. As the title says what do you think about a faction(of course it will be interlude) project?
  7. my friend the code working in our pack(hellas) with no problems. probably you did somewhere a mistake. dunno,
  8. whats the point to make a auto announce from website? from the moment that there are far better ways.
  9. if(_Zone!=null && _Zone.getCharactersInside() != null) make it like this and try again
  10. i am waiting for the client part i had no response....
  11. thanks for report we will check it.but next time report a bug in our forum and not here. thanks :)
  12. For all guys that have commented in this topic: imagine that if you had a project and someone selling your project without your permission. yes our project is free but not for sale! dat so simple. So a mod should lock his topic right now!
  13. Latest Revision: 364 https://www.assembla.com/code/l2hellas/subversion/changesets a stable revision will be out soon!
  14. Revision: 358 Reworked: L2AttackableAI.java , L2CharacterAI.java , L2Attackable.java . Optimize: EnterWorld.java(loading 20-30 ms faster) Fixed:players can't trade if: enchanting-active warehouse, players can't withdraw if:enchanting-active trade, players can't enchant if: active warehouse-trading, players can't drop items if:trading-enchanting-active warehouse,mobs hate-attack, players can't give-get items to pet if: active warehouse-trading-npe with item and amount can't be 0.
  15. About olympiad: about olympiad and points etc.... Olympiad is working fine. image: http://postimg.org/image/ljpq71par/ here is the points. olympiad "save tasks" working fine just update your sql. also stop crying about bugs and report them.
  16. your problem is here: (RequestBypassToServer.java:148) line 148. give me this line.
  17. you forgot to add this: Fixed: npe with commands,dead chars can't use MoveBackwardToLocation,a error(cannot be cast etc)while attacking mobs,beast shots bug,attack bug. Rework: BeastSoulShot.java,BeastSpice.java,BeastSpiritShot.java
  18. sorry my mistake... i already fix the problems i am waiting for more reports to commit them.
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