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Everything posted by AbsolutePower

  1. i already fix the problems i am waiting for more reports. just watch our posts.
  2. i am not angry with you. you started. you must fu*ck immediately.
  3. L2jHellas hires every single random to be developer. as i said: yeah from them moment that i didn't say anything about him and never flame him. just loled! but now he is in my "black list". so let the war begins http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=282972.16
  4. its just a integer config with 2-3 lines code. or at least i can make it like this. if someone want it for free pm me or i may share it for free.
  5. yeah from them moment that i didn't say anything about him and never flame him. just loled! but now he is in my "black list". so let the war begins
  6. and why the hell you think that we care about your opinion? we made the project"s for our fun and to help. keep your opinion for you or at least don't speak about l2jhellas because we don't care. simply and nice. yy i know you will say its a forum and we can talk for anything bla bla and some other smart guys will quote my post and answer with smart shits and bla bla. as always. so my final worlds: we are not idiots we know about situation of l2j projects. edit: a mod lock this topic omg they will spam again as always. by the way change your title this is not a share.
  7. https://www.assembla.com/code/l2hellas/subversion/changesets :)
  8. ok guys the code is ready! but i need help with client :D
  9. thats my test password mate for the pack. dont worry :) i already rework the packets from l2j and some other staffs :P i will wait for more reports from olympiad to commit them all together :P to say the truth the only commit i didn't test is the olympiad rework. thats way i made the topic :P
  10. Trusted memeber! i already did 2 trades with him as middle man for 2 codes!
  11. i already did that in c++ or java pm me for more infos
  12. https://www.assembla.com/code/l2hellas/subversion/changesets :)
  13. forum AUTHENTICATION REMINDER didn't send me mail... i send you pm Boorinio but no answer.
  14. make a patch for what? just c/p the class in your eclipse no need patch for a class. I didn't put the getInstance(); i forget it. is not something hard to do it.
  15. we all know the clasic hidde & seek event... 1)Auto select a random player from giran(with protection: sitting ,selling,craft,olympiad,party mode,pvp mode chars are out) 2)The player got 3 minutes to hidde somewhere(Making the player invisible for 3 minutes),after that the player becomes visible and he can't move with a title "Hidden" Now is the good part :) :P 3)A auto checker is checking every time if someone is close enought to the Hidden player so if you will find him you must go verry close to him and you will win.... you don't need to press any command or something like this .... the player that will go first to the hidden player wins! 4)The winner wins 3 gold bars if no one won't find the hidden and the event finish hidden player will take 3 gold bars. Here is the Event: http://pastebin.com/A1J9XReZ if you will find any bug report here and i will fix it! Ps:i forgot it... if someone don't know how to make it work just got to GameServer.java and add: HiddeSeek.getInstance(); add the imports too. Credits Me.
  16. the same conversation in every upcomming project same guys.
  17. stop spam in every upcomming project. gosh. omg :rage:
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