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Everything posted by AbsolutePower

  1. kaneis ena new item kai apla to bazeis sto item type "scroll".... kai gia to tittle twra 8a prepei na kaneis mia bash stin database gia na apo8ykeuhs ta xrwmata kai ena admin command kai mia me8odo px setNpcTitleColor(L2Object target,color) { bla bla setColor blabla } if( target instance of L2NpcInstance) { setNpcTitleColor(target,color); updateNpcColor(target,color); } h apla apo to edit tou admin :) twra dn 3erw an uparxei kapio allo systima gt exw kairo na asxoli8w me to l2 :P
  2. i know... elfo he can read the green words... elfo this is a explanation : if you have 4gb ram then -> java -Xmx>>>>>2048<<<<<<<<<<m -cp ./libs/*; net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer i should add more arrows to understand it?
  3. As i saw the most off you buying a machine with 8 or 16gb ram but why? this shit here -> java -Xmx512m -cp ./libs/*; net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer you must make it : if you have 4gb ram then -> java -Xmx2048m -cp ./libs/*; net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer if you have 8gb ram then -> java -Xmx4096m -cp ./libs/*; net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer if you have 16 gb ram then -> java -Xmx8192m -cp ./libs/*; net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer don't let it 512 you can "play" with it when you have 4 - 8 or 16 gb ram omg at least learn this :).
  4. i won't quote that no. i will be a good boy as always.
  5. read the "Explanation": When an admin press //startae every 1 hour the players that is online over 4 hours will get +1(weapon) he can stop it by pressing //stopae . simple and easy this is how it works. i won't add some booleans to avoid the afkers if you want you can make it. edit: no one forced you to use the code as it is.... you can change it.
  6. the whole code is a example i won't make it better for free.
  7. i made it with this way because its simple but if you want chance then: final int chance = 70; else if(players.OnlineTime() > Hours && Rnd.get(100) < chance) then enchant bla bla :P
  8. Explanation: When an admin press //startae every 1 hour the players that is online over 4 hours will get +1(weapon) he can stop it by pressing //stopae . simple and easy :P Code: http://pastebin.com/ukhfMDQ3 (if you find any bug with enchant just report it and i will fix it.) Credits me(AbsolutePower)
  9. balte kai emena mesa :) java developer me opion kai na paw dn me prz :) arkei na mhn ta kanw ola monos m. interlude
  10. This is wrong here ->https://www.assembla.com/code/l2jesios/subversion/changesets/35 newChar.setTitle(""); if (Config.ALLOW_CHAR_TITLE) newChar.setTitle(Config.CHAR_TITLE); You must Do it like this: if (Config.ALLOW_CHAR_TITLE) newChar.setTitle(Config.CHAR_TITLE); else newChar.setTitle(""); ps:also what are you doing? you follow the frozen? adding custom shits? at least learn how the if -else if -else working because you made a mistake here :)
  11. πάνε εδώ τα έχω όλα http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=245657.0 Contact: msn: nikospampouk@hotmail.com Skype: nikos.nikosnikos1 or Send me message:Here
  12. τα βάζω πάνω στο μαιν τοπικ δοκιμαστε το και πειτε μου γτ το forum ηταν down και τωρα το ειδα και το εκανα στα γρηγορα
  13. InTheEndॐ θελω ενα Java Code για Interlude-L2JFrozen Pack. Που: Να ειναι σαν Event πχ καθε 30 λεπτα να κανει Announce οτι η ταδε Town θα γινεται War Zone και να γινεται αυτοματα War Zone και ανα καθε PvP να περνεις 1 gold bar πχ. Ευχαριστω. Έγινε... Done! :P
  14. reply εδώ για να ξέρουν και να μην μου στέλνετε τα ίδια επειδή θα γίνει μπάχαλο :)
  15. Παιδιά ζητήστε μου ότι java code θέλετε! Τι θέλω? Περιγράψτε μου αναλυτικά αυτό που θέλετε! Ισχύει για 1 μήνα!(Μέχρι 23 οκτωβριου) InTheEndॐ θελω ενα Java Code για Interlude-L2JFrozen Pack. Που: Να ειναι σαν Event πχ καθε 30 λεπτα να κανει Announce οτι η ταδε Town θα γινεται War Zone και να γινεται αυτοματα War Zone και ανα καθε PvP να περνεις 1 gold bar πχ. Ευχαριστω. code:http://pastebin.com/dAw2CMyH edit: 3exasa na kanw to reward apla pane sto void onKillUpdatePvPKarma kai vale if activeChar.isInTownwar bla bla kai bale to reward. episis 3exasa na to kanw false kai otan teleiwnei gt to ekana sta grhgora dokimase to kai pes m. apla bale otan teleiwnei setisIntownwar false
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