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Everything posted by AbsolutePower

  1. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=navicat+premium+serial&oq=navicat+premium+serial&aq=f&aqi=g2&aql=&gs_l=youtube.3..0l2.2434.3105.0.3247. 99999999999999999999999999 serials exei an 3ereis na psaxneis dn einai tpt to duskolo i k sto google... gt to diko sou guide kalutero einai e? ema8es na exeis kai apopsi? ma8e prwta na krineis ta dika sou kai meta ton alon. kala ekane to paidi kai to ekane an dn sou aresei esena apla mhn stelneis. (prosexe blaka egw xrysaughths eimai min trela8w kai er8w ekei pou eisai kai se dioksw apo thn ellada blakama.) ax0ax00ax0xa :P
  2. a00xa0ax0ax0ax0ax00ax0ax0ax0ax00ax0ax eklapsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  3. i don't understand where is your problem if he is a selfish or for making money.... let him do anything he want its not your business... the "500" or less players will judge this not you. your opinions is not for dialog its only flame flame flame... learn how to make dialog to help him not to flame him. in this post from the 50 words the 51 are flames.
  4. re file se rwtaw apanthse mou gamw ebales kana custom code?
  5. honest answer: i said that is good? i just make it for fun and nothing else :S
  6. oox 8ee mou min akouw tetia omg... tespa file an den mou apanthseis dn 8a pareis help....
  7. dn einai kati duskolo dn einai kinezika apla agglika einai... diabase leei Null pointer exception... pane ekei pou leei to error sto line 71 kai des ekei to problem :)
  8. peira3es tpt sto pack i etsi opos to phres ton shkwses ton server? ebales kana custom code?
  9. ax00xa0ax0ax00ax :P edit: easy easy guys i just make it for fun i got 0 knowledge in photoshop :P
  10. nah ok... i don't care too much because i don't know nothing about photoshop :P
  11. this its the first image: http://datapose.us/images/488559575_3654197645772_1.jpg this is my signature:
  12. xxaaxxa :P... i got it but i have change it... anyway i will send you pm with the link
  13. don't spam for nothing guys just help me :P what about v3? :P
  14. i got no idea about photoshop... this is my first sigs with out any help... :S give me some ideas xD
  15. the text got only outer glow. anyway what about v2?
  16. its my second sig... i wanna hear your opinion :P Edit: what about v2? what about v3? what about v4? what about v5?
  17. gia pio logo to 8es to back up??? afou exeis to pack apla kane instal ta sql pou exei mesa kai eisai ok... an pali to 8es gia ta npc armors kai tetia tote 3ana balta apo tin arxh... xD
  18. its simple when you press it you got some chance to enchant +1 your weapon :)
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