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Everything posted by AbsolutePower

  1. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=245657.0
  2. i report someone and what?? they warn me... AbSoLuTePoWeR, You have received a warning for insulting other users and/or staff members. Please cease these activities and abide by the forum rules otherwise we will take further action. Regards, The MaxCheaters.com Team. ax00ax0ax0ax0ax0ax
  3. [gr]po panta toso prixteis eisai? pane bges kamia bolta. ty mpogo omg den milaw ston anarcy ston xontro ton elfo milaw... o An4rchy petaxtyke san.... sta @@ m kai nai eimai migiagkixtos gt xalane ta 2 bastardia doulia. ante mhn gamhsw kamia manoula ela pes 3ana ma8e na sebese kai malakies. a kai kanto lock mhn 3exaseis paparia m aresei p se lene justice
  4. po to i3era oti 8a to ekanan lock.... You lock it? 0xa0a0x0ax omg fail... again: with out to say anything. thats not good justice. be justice :) wtf? you will warn me because i reporting? and because i open it second time? lets see
  5. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=257895.15 with out to say nothing to him.
  6. how old are you? where the hell are the mods now? on yea i know.... mods won't 'touch' mods or golds etc.
  7. 2) What if someone codes the normal batch file? Still loads without the shitty pass.? just change the imports from pack and add a protection for decompile. anyway go to play with your vortex and let me alne. you became mod and you have " prikseis our balls" ax00ax rofl
  8. you trying what? to show us that you know how to do it? bravo... next time that you will make something i will come to your post and i will make it. you will like it? nop and as always you will delete the post.
  9. the performance its 10% faster just look how fast it loading and how fast i connect to the server. :P and the usage of ram is lower :P
  10. Q:what is this? A: something like the gameserver.bat... but this is faster...in java style(running in java like a process) with password protection :) vb based. just look the video: price: 30 euro. :)
  11. now you showing your talent pro. ps:what?? ooo yes i know that was not for you. you can understand it. master.... a0ax0
  12. Subject:MultiLock Explanation Mod1: Every 'x' months or days,hours,minutes, etc... my system autogenerate a new pin for the pack.... and this pin can be used to "unlock" the pack. Mod2: same like 1 but you can add the pin by your self in the source... (a stable pin) Mod3:Ip System. This system working with a stable ip. the buyer will give you a ip and you will add it in the source. and it will work only with this ip. price: 30E read here how the trade can be done: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=245657.0
  13. prwth fora to akouw auto.... bale to config true kane save meta kane ena rr ton server kai an 3ana kanei to idio pes m.
  14. an kai uparxoun tetia para polla. nai ekanes... voicedcommandhandlers ebales kai meta to gyrises se implements IUserCommandHandler.... prepei na einai IVoiced oxi Iuser..... tespa psa3tw sto l2j frozen i esios i opou allou 8es uparxei idi.
  15. net.sf.l2j.gameserver.taskmanager.PvpFlagTaskManager.java ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new PvpFlagScheduler(), 0, 1000); l2jacis. l2j sto l2pcinstance nomizw an milame gia interlude.
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