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lord_rex last won the day on February 10 2016

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    Hell, 9th circle, centre

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Community Answers

  1. Amateur? ME?! You are the nab who cannot even create a proper bridge between MMOCore and Olympiad Games. See the code snippet and LEARN from the professionals! public abstract class MMOController<T extends MMOConnection<T, RP, SP>, RP extends ReceivablePacket<T, RP, SP>, SP extends SendablePacket<T, RP, SP>> { // ... lots of code is here @Inject private OlympiadGamesService olympiadGamesService; /** * An easy way to apply any special limitations on incoming connections. At default it contains * a flood protection.<br> * Overriding implementations should call the super method before anything else gets checked.<br> * <br> * NOTE: Uses a special way of logging to avoid console flood. * * @param sc the inbound connection from a possible client * @return true if the connection is valid, and should be allowed, no otherwise */ protected boolean acceptConnectionFrom(SocketChannel sc) { if (olympiadGamesService.isLoser((L2PcInstance) sc)) { _log.warn("Player who lost olympiad games should not be able to connect!"); return false; } final String host = sc.socket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); final Result isFlooding = _accepts.isFlooding(host, true); switch (isFlooding) { case REJECTED: { _log.warn("Rejected connection from " + host); return false; } case WARNED: { _log.warn("Connection over warn limit from " + host); return true; } default: return true; } } /** * An easy way to apply any special limitations on incoming packets. At default it contains a * flood protection.<br> * Overriding implementations should call the super method before anything else gets checked.<br> * <br> * NOTE: Uses a special way of logging to avoid console flood. * * @param client the associated client * @param opcode the opcode of the potential packet (for debugging purposes) * @return true if the client can be allowed to receive a packet, no otherwise */ protected boolean canReceivePacketFrom(T client, int opcode) { if (olympiadGamesService.isLoser(client.getPlayer()) { _log.warn("Player who lost olympiad games should not be able to receive packets from the server!"); return false; } final String key = client.getValidUID(); switch (Result.max(_packets.isFlooding(key, true), _errors.isFlooding(key, false))) { case REJECTED: { _log.warn("Rejected packet (0x" + Integer.toHexString(opcode) + ") from " + client); return false; } case WARNED: { _log.warn("Packet over warn limit (0x" + Integer.toHexString(opcode) + ") from " + client); return true; } default: return true; } } }
  2. Your code is not retail-like you nub.
  3. public final class Server { public static void main(String[] args) { final Server server = new Server(); server.setClassic(true); server.start(); } } You are welcome.
  4. You are doing it wrong guys. First of all you have to create an interface in the MMOCore and implement it's functions in the drop list system. In short: when an NPC happen to have bad drop, the MMOCore should stop the packet communication for all players. Additionally you can include System.exit(-1); to grand boss drops.
  5. Savor... these are all the intellectual properties of NeltiOff. These vulgar sentences aren't your contributions!
  6. First project with UI well.... amateurs. This is how a proper replica looks like: https://imgur.com/v8ni7tT https://imgur.com/6ZAtbvU (... and this is a remote console with encrypted communication so the "UI" itself is running on client side... just FYI)
  7. Thanks - I am flattered, though I think your skills and talents are way more cultivated and sophisticated than mine. However the only thing I could do here is row banning everyone, and I don't think the management would appreciate that kind of choice from my side. :D
  8. I think the real Savormix should be the new moderator. He is a person who would bring a whole new era to MaxCheaters with his professionalism. His abilities exceeds the standards of this community, and I truly believe if he spent some effort teaching people here he could evolve these kids there to a level that would even satisfy a regular employer at any commercial IT company such as IBM & Google. Let's take a look on the other topics where he has contributed. His posts are true quality, and this is the level of skill nowadays talented programmers would expect when they enter a Java programming related site. Savormix could be the real saviour of this forum, as he is able to bring back this forum's lost glory.
  9. OMG. OMG. OMG. Do you even read what I said butthurt kiddo? "Website with MySQL...." I have never said website for L2OFF. Just go back to school and start learning the basics of the language. Thanks.
  10. So he cannot run L2OFF server and mysql for a website from the same machine? I love that reasoning. Original MXC quality. xDDDDD
  11. Sorry to deflower your delusions, but I merely copy-pasted it from google as-is, and only changed Satan to Mobius, and it just didn't worth the time to check. :)
  12. lol Interpid you are still alive
  13. This whole thread is nothing but mere blasphemy... our only lord and saviour is MOBIUS. Our father, who art in Mobius Pack, Hollowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done On earth as it is in Mobius Pack. We take this night our rightful due And trespass not on path of pain. Lead us into temptation and Deliver us from false piety. For thine is the kingdom, Of power and glory forever. We shall praise your unholy name. Mobius shall emerge again!
  14. I know. But I'd rather die the Japanese way.
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