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Everything posted by Trance

  1. http://www.time4popcorn.eu/
  2. Selfrequest.
  3. If S1 knows more than S2, it doesn't mean S2's services shouldn't exist. :happyforever:
  4. Anything made ​​by man can be cracked by another man. This doesn't mean it wouldn't be a solution for most of them.
  5. I said above "It will be tricky for some people.". Most of players barely can install the patch. You're talking about some facts like "there's nothing 100%", oh yeah, mr obvious, we all know that.
  6. Do you even know what 'ip spoofing' means?
  7. He doesn't have a java problem. -,-"
  8. E gol, nu e implementat.
  9. They have some problems to the website, but you can take them from their svn: Core: http://svn.l2jserver.com/branches/unstable/ Datapack: http://svn.l2jdp.com/branches/unstable/ If you don't know how to compile, I invite you to check out this topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/57276-l2jserver-compiled-revisions-high-five-beta-stable/
  10. Sooner or later you'll be screwing around with those packs. Not because it is based on a bad platform, but those are designed to trick buyers; adding any custom only to fool people who don't have knowledge. Inside the development is a disaster, it's foolish to choose a pack for its customs. If you want a long term project, you should look for stability and cleanliness. L2JServer is the only pack that deserves to be used. L2JServer was behind in development, but this has changed, now it's stronger than ever.
  11. Custom ones are boring.
  12. Implement html5 features and we talk about it. :happyforever:
  13. #1 idea. Add the ip inside the dsetup.dll, instead of l2.ni, and use ip spoofing. #2 idea. Same as #1 with dsetup.dll. Using random ports for login and game. Login port must be also edited inside the system. It will be tricky for some people.
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Since minute one, I've made bots to sell Mana Drugs.
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/183479-eclipse-problem/?p=2416201
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/183479-eclipse-problem/?p=2416201 Locked.
  17. Remove this part from build.xml <target name="getDateAndVersion" description="Get Date and Version."> <tstamp> <format property="build.tstamp" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm" /> </tstamp> <exec dir="${basedir}" executable="svnversion" outputproperty="l2j.version"> <arg value="-c" /> <redirector> <outputfilterchain> <tokenfilter> <replaceregex pattern="[0-9]+\:" replace="" /> </tokenfilter> </outputfilterchain> </redirector> </exec> </target> - <target name="init" depends="checkRequirements,getDateAndVersion" description="Create the output directories."> + <target name="init" depends="checkRequirements" description="Create the output directories.">
  18. As about Newbie-Guide's buffs. Does it work retail like / will we be able to buff ourselves no matter what level we got?
  19. Te bagi pe dex C4-x50 diseara?
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