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Everything posted by Trance

  1. =))))))))))
  2. I hate current theme, so I voted for [Yes].
  3. Doesn't exist any scheme buffer that work for all projects. You have to change few more things. By the way wrong section.
  4. e vara, relax.
  5. I like that Original part hahahhaahahahaa. GL btw.
  6. What's the point? because acis && frozen are best than your project.
  7. L2JValor had about 50 commits, just few customs, these are already deleted. First time tryskell was thinking have many fixes and things added than original one l2j but he was wrong. So it's based on l2j...
  8. Frozen && aCis are best than many other private projects.
  9. http://l2jserver.com/old-forum/thread.php?threadid=29813 Anyway many people will argue that Windows servers have more vulnerabilities than Linux servers. But the reality is that they both have security problems. Security is more important at the hosting service's administration level than it is at the operating system level. If you have good administrators, your server will be more secure - regardless of OS. Windows only gets attacked most because it's such a big target.
  10. Both of them, but is better linux.
  11. da the mission va fii mult mai smeq ;d si anu trecut a fost super. MAI ALES ce vine anu asta :XXXX. bn k ajung rpd de acasa pana acolo :)). am un prieten care a lucrat si anu trecut si mai lucreaza si imi da mai mult de baut cu 1 jeton. --nb.
  12. nu e rau sa fluieri pana acolo dar deja cand ai intrat ar fii ceva sa tile ia la intrare >.<
  13. nu o stiam, da e super :X.
  14. http://www.vibefm.ro/forum/viewforum.php?f=83&sid=d97c1a58c9b4af0b1ecb15745ab378c1 Unele sunt uploadate... alea care sunt incomplete not yet.
  15. da andi a avut in set 3 mil pref de ale mele. a fost smeq rau ;d... da si eu la fel dupa 5-6 min dupa ce a intrat sharam... am iesit afara :)))
  16. Hai ma crystaline k a iesit misto =)) la liberty... dar nu prea mi`a placut de SHARAM >.< dupa 30 de minute toti cam plecau cand a intrat ala =)))))).
  17. poimaine liberty xD. oricum la the mission va fi de 30 de ori mai smeq.
  18. Why don't you check it? by that I'm saying download it.
  20. Haha, for sure he did.
  21. Antartico™ already gave for this share. Karma fixed.
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