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Everything posted by Trance

  1. It's, This happened due to infection. I know about injections.. are in the ass, is a treatment.. 500 euro's for 2-3 weeks and then you're like your dream... one friend do that.
  2. Pm me with your msn.
  3. www.tutorialecstrike.com
  4. :)) eu ascult f rar comerciale.
  5. True. And also I think so microsoft will have some ideas for the future with .NET
  6. What da fuck? Of course L2J, do you really think can you do that on L2OFF?
  7. spam amre.
  8. spam amre.
  9. spam amre.
  10. spam amre.
  11. TheBoss, ImPro, ThePro (like that) - most stupid names.
  12. There's no problem I guess.
  13. Last chronicle favored by me was Interlude, my current one is Gracia Final. But between Freya & H5 currently Freya because H5 isn't done. Who knows ;D H5 there are great possibilities in the future to be better.
  14. I think so already exist this poll several times. Primeval Island, mass pvp.
  15. You can't say that because e.g: I can me too or somebody else to take a look into Inventory.java and we can see these linies and then make this config. If other had the same idea before us that doesn't mean isn't our work (I can't call it "work" but whatever).
  16. You took it from L2JFrozen I guess. ^.^
  17. >.< ConfigClassMaster = 1;[];[];2;[];[];3;[];[]
  18. Bullshits.
  19. Nu-i asa? ;d. si pe acolo te prostituezi?
  20. Traiti degeaba.
  21. Gura acolo.
  22. "Your license is expired. Please update a new version on KiwiGuard website www.kiwiguard.com" But website doesn't exist anymore :). But is working after this error. Looks interesting I don't have any idae if is working.
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