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Everything posted by Trance

  1. @Tinker123aa, under which server name was it previously used?
  2. Mhmm… perhaps something better and more stable than anything you have seen before. https://discord.gg/bUFtfpWH45
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  3. You can nowadays.
  4. Open Beta is open since November 16.
  5. Active Anticheat is alright (however it won't block Adrenaline Premium - one window), the rest of so-called protections are even worse. AA offers DNS Slider, it will not protect you by default from anything if you do not do the proper setup on your own.
  6. This topic is old, but since it has been brought back to life, I’ll reply as it may help some people: Your proxies should be in strategic locations. Capital cities typically have private peering points, so always choose a capital over a regular city for better connectivity. OVH’s regular network isn’t optimized for gaming unless you’re using a Game dedicated server. In that case, their network is more optimized, and you may experience lower latency in most scenarios. Using Load Balancers is a far better solution than relying on random proxies. OVH’s Load Balancers use Anycast, which offers better performance compared to any proxy or VPS/Dedi you might set up on your own. I recommend trying a Load Balancer from OVH instead of creating a custom proxy. Of course, there’s more you can do, such as creating custom routings and prioritizing traffic, but that’s a more advanced topic and would take too much time.
  7. Hello everyone, We're shifting our focus away from implementing as much as possible from the Essence gameplay. Instead, the server will now be Interlude, but using the Essence client. This should be good news for everyone. The Beta phase will most likely take place in November, with the grand opening to follow shortly after. Cheers!
  8. Hi everyone, As the title says 306 - Return of Queen Ant. Thank you.
  9. https://maxcheaters.com/forum/42-server-shares-files-l2j/
  10. aCis updates have become as rare and just as satisfying as Apple events.
  11. Topic moved to proper section. (reply for notification)
  12. This commit introduces a Bash script to optimize MariaDB installations on Debian-based systems: Added MariaDB Management Script for Ubuntu:
  13. You do not provide enough information.
  14. You should be able to use any NPC as servitor though.
  15. You should not have an issue unless the L2J project is not optimized or has a memory leak and such.
  16. l2.xml > saveaccounts
  17. Moved to the proper section and left a redirect behind for a while.
  18. As useless as an NFT.
  19. Mobius was kind enough to make it public: https://l2jmobius.org/forum/index.php?topic=2296.0
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