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Everything posted by Jeremy_

  1. ksekina kai pes m gia beta na se voithisw 8a fero kai tin clan na ta testaroume ola
  2. @Dragic 8a pai3oume kanena server xrhstaki ?
  3. first of all you are in wrong section... Here it is .. https://maxcheaters.com/forum/43-request-server-development-help-l2j/
  4. Good luck dude... i will join with my clan i hope we will have good pvp ^_^
  5. anyone test it ? "Posts 1"
  6. agree with you but i think Trance or someone have sell or Share that java files with a lot of fixes....
  7. Some info ? what do you mean icons ? show us pictures or smthing... not only download link
  8. PM ME FOR FREE Interface for L2Damage i found one worked ^_^
  9. 2021 and still no bypass interface L2Damage ?
  10. is not "DISCONNECTED MESSAGE" i got just kick... just close the window of l2 After 0.5 second sometimes it happens after 1-2 seconds... i tried with L2File editor to put this to l2.ini and i save it but after running l2 there is not file l2.log https://pasteboard.co/JOPMYPs.png
  11. Still the same my brother :'/
  12. i change the engine.dll from the clean system for windows 10 (it work if i run L2.EXE) but when i put it inside to the new system still the same https://pasteboard.co/JOPEONT.png that is the only process i run after the kick...
  13. I Dont know why but i got kick when i am try to login to a server ... this happen only for 2-3 servers.... i think is something with Smartguard or with server protections but i dont have any antivirus or any program active.... I also tried clean Install client and still the same... check the video ... https://streamable.com/2e8z42
  14. Waiting until 29/01 (1CP)we will join for sure GL
  15. Is C5 ... He means "CLASSIC" As classic as 2005 servers etc....
  16. It looks good but i think x10-x15 is better
  17. MaxplayersOnline=1 (your friend) .. Make it 100 E. g.
  18. yes. take an "Working Armor-weapon" ID. Copy paste to the last line. change the ID-Name etc.... = Done :)
  19. Hello there. Anyone knows how i can play with my friends at Internet Cafe CS:GO together ? .... as LAN I tried everything as i see from some videos on Youtube but nothing. Please if someone knows something write me here.
  20. Nothing special from the others servers. Good luck....
  21. LOLAWOLF :D is the best GL With your sell.
  22. GL With your server.. i wish not to be like the others servers (1 week 2.000 pppl and after 100 players..) Ofc i will log... but... no Beta test?.. no CLAN event? (i mean Bring your clan here and take reward clan lvl 8 + full skills ...etc) take care with the DONATION ITEMS..... make a GOOD Vote Reward... so ppl must vote every day... E.G.(Like Vote Reward Passive Increase +2.000 Hp) Good Luck ^_^
  23. You say you will pay.. so you must move your post to Marketplace i think.
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