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Everything posted by karambaa

  1. Hey guys im tryed with alot of version of l2phx but i cant run it on interlude in this server. It dosent show any packets and my characer. How can i make it work for interlude ?
  2. Tell me how you made to wrk l2phx on interlude .... mine dosent work ;/
  3. I dont know if this is the right section but if its not i am really sorry. So i want to ask about l2phx. Its catching packages and for example if i kill a mob and i get 2 adena for example. I got the package named "UpdateInventory" or something like that where it says item id: adena and quantity 2 so it means i recived a packet that shows i actually got in my inventory 2 adena. So if i edit the packet to quantity 200 adena and send it to the server i dont get this amount of the adena. So actualy im telling the server to refresh my inventory and set my adena to 200 but why its not working. Isnt it the same as like i kill the mob and get the adena ? But im not killing it im just telling the server to set this amount of adena... but why its not happening ?
  4. Soo badly i cant see those topics ;[
  5. THat why this protection is made ;]
  6. Soo if i want ot see this topic i will have to pay not for donator membership but for VIP membership ? Anyway if this is working i will pay ;d
  7. I want server where l2phx works.
  8. Wow i didint knewed that but it works !
  9. I was scammed this way before :D
  10. This dosent work ;/
  11. Very nice guide very helpfull thanks ! ;]
  12. Normal pvp others are bullsh*ts
  13. New drivers maybe ;/
  14. Lineage 2 Ofcourse; ]
  15. fifa 10 is awesome on xbox360 but on ps3 and PC it sux soooo badly ;[
  16. T.E.R.A. Online but its comeing soon i think this is going to be my favorite mmo game ;]
  17. I like scary movies and i can recommend you the scaryest movie you will ever see : "Pranormal activity" ! You should watch it 100% !!
  18. Yea im really boored by single player games. I was playing fifa 10 but now i play it with GameRanger cuz its soo borring single player and i started to play only mmo games...
  19. Lineage 2 gracia final check it out !
  20. My first game is Wolfenstein 1 too ;d
  21. Tera online and lineage that would be f*cking awesome
  22. Wow thats pretty awesome ;] but i cant target ...
  23. When does lineage 3 comes out ... or is it going to come out ? I heard that T.E.R.A. online is lineage 3
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