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About UgliBiBagli

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Community Answers

  1. They don't differentiate actual GOD on screen indicators from beautified version of whats already available on interlude ;)
  2. It actually could display up to 80 (h5) macros on the list that would be fully functional. More than that could cause bugs (more severe than displaying incorrect amounts like 66/48) It's just a minor modification to make it work as intended tho...
  3. just call the OnRaceSelect event handler with your desired race id (RT_HUMAN in your case, or 0)
  4. nwindow.dll, it must've been still hardcoded back then
  5. skill.mo.4 for interlude
  6. So its resolved server side and doesn't address the question you raised. Who would've thought...
  7. wait... you understood the rest? no way
  8. No you wont (if we speak client side only) because its not like you are allowed to grab anything you want from the server, its right there in your links. What client does is literally asking the server "what are the stats of my character?" in this case only changing the way server responds to this question is a viable solution. Buuuut just for shit'n'giggles... theoretically what you could do is calculate the critical damage rate basing on the damage dealt, but then again this would require dealing the damage multiple times, it would have to be same skills/items/target etc etc - not worth it
  9. you cant just ask the server for those stats, unless its implemented on servers side
  10. no, you cant
  11. the real question is... do the ores have names? :v horry shiet, that was like a year ago
  12. yisss.... mining ;3
  13. emmm.... its just port from god, no?
  14. well, you should be easily able to do that by setting unk 107 (eighth value from the top) to 1 - guess i should consider downloading latest schemes for property names ... :x
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